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Yaroslav Henyk, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
Tel: +38(032) 260 04 08
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79005, Lviv, O. Kobylyanska St. 1

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+38(032) 260 04 08


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Head of the Department,

Yaroslav Henyk

The Department of Landscape Architecture, Garden and Park Management and Urban Ecology was established in 2004 on the basis of the Department of Ecology and Landscape Architecture of the Ukrainian State Forestry University (now National Forestry University of Ukraine).

The department is located in the building of the former Regional Forest School, established in October 1874. The outstanding scientists G. Strzelecki, V. Tinetsky, S. Sokolovsky, M. Ratsiborsky, V. Shafer and others worked here.

The department trains specialists in two specialties: urban planning (specialization "landscape architecture") and landscape gardening. Here is formed a scientific school of urban ecology and phytomelioration, which are areas of ecology. International conferences are regularly held on these issues and scientific articles are published.

The department has educational and scientific laboratories of soil science and landscape architecture.

The employees of the department take part in the development and implementation of projects of landscape decision of the territories, in the inventory of plantations of general and limited use. The team (headed by Prof. V. Kucheryavy) worked out the projects for the reconstruction of Lviv parks (Stryisky, Ivan Franko, Zalizna Woda, Lychakivsky, Bodnarivka, Lewandivsky, Sknylivsky). In 2004 on the territory of Khmelnytsky National University the Botanical Garden was established according to the project of the department.

From 1992 to 2015, Professor Volodymyr Kucheryavy was the head of the department. Now the Department of Landscape Architecture, Garden and Park Management and Urban Ecology is headed by Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Yaroslav Henyk.

The academic staff of the department organizes research work among the student youth. Students' scientific works have repeatedly won prizes at all-Ukrainian scientific works competitions.

The department constantly maintains close links with higher education institutions of other countries.

1. Volodymyr Kucheryavy, Ph.D., Prof.
2. Andriy Dyda, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
3. Ruslana Danylyk, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
4. Roman Dudyn, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
5. Olesya Kaspruk, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
6. Marta Kurnytska, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
7. Sofiya Marutyak, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
8. Victor Skrobala, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
9. Ihor Shukel, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
10. Oksana Olejnyuk-Pukhnyak, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
11. Taras Levus, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
12. Volodymyr Kucheryavy, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
13. Iryna Dyda, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
14. Khrystyna Bojko, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
15. Lyubomyr Parhuc, Senior Teacher
16. Tetyana Fedyaj, Senior Teacher
17. Oleg Pylat, Senior Teacher
18. Zoryana Sheremeta, Senior Teache
19. Maryana Ladnyuk, Assistant
20. Myhajlo Fitak, Assistant
21. Ivan Hmil, Assistant
22. Victor Voloshenko, Assistant

Bachelor Programs:


206 – Garden and Park Management (complete training form)

      Mandatory courses:

  1. General ecology
  2. Decorative dendrology
  3. Soil science
  4. Landscape architecture
  5. Greening of settlements
  6. Floriculture
  7. History of landscape gardening art
  8. Meadow farming and lawns
  9. Green building agrotechnics
  10. Composition of parks and gardens
  11. Urban ecology
  12. Landscape gardening construction

      Elective courses:

1.     Pictorial literacy

2.     Ornamental plants of the closed ground

3.     Phytodesign of the closed environment

4.     Floristry

5.     Landscape graphics

6.     Computer design

7.     Dendroecology

8.     Phytomelioration

9.      Fundamentals of urban planning

10.    Plants of the closed ground

11.    Engineering equipment of park and garden objects

12.    Reclamation of devastated lands

13.    Introduction and adaptation of ornamental plants

14.     Biotechnology of ornamental plants


206 – Garden and Park Management (short form of training)


      Mandatory courses:

  1. General ecology
  2. Pictorial literacy
  3. Decorative dendrology
  4. Soil science
  5. Greening of settlements
  6. History of landscape gardening art
  7. Landscape architecture
  8. Floriculture
  9. Landscape gardening construction
  10. Forestry and park management


      Elective courses:

1.     Urban ecology

2.     Engineering equipment of garden and park objects

3.     Fundamentals of urban planning

4.     Ornamental plants of the closed ground

5.     Reclamation of devastated lands

  1. Floristry

7.     Introduction and adaptation of ornamental plants

8.     Phytomelioration

191 – Architecture. Educational and professional program: Landscape Architecture


      Mandatory courses:

  1. Descriptive geometry
  2. Ecology
  3. Architectural and landscape graphics
  4. Fundamentals of architectural design
  5. Drawing, painting, sculpture
  6. Composition
  7. Architectural design
  8. History of architecture and urban planning
  9. Soil science
  10. Landscape architecture
  11. Fundamentals of urban planning

Elective courses:

  1. Computer science and computer graphics
  2. Material Science
  3. Construction wares
  4. History of landscape architecture
  5. Engineering equipment of buildings
  6. Urban ecology
  7. Engineering improvement of human settlements
  8. Decorative dendrology
  9. Garden and park composition
  10. Flower beds and lawns
  11. Fundamentals of landscape design
  12. Topiary art
  13. Landscaping interiors
  14. Restoration and reconstruction of architectural objects


Master programs:

206 – Garden and Park Management


      Mandatory courses:

  1. Ornamental plant growing
  2. Conservation, restoration and renovation of garden and park objects
  3. Forestry and park management
  4. Exploitation of garden and park objects
  5. Park science

Elective courses:

  1. Architectonics of plants
  2. Dendroecology
  3. Protected park science
  4. Greenhouse management
  5. Urban soil science
  6. Population ecology
  7. Scientific methods of research in garden and park management
  8. Renewal of landscapes
  9. Ornamental gardening
  10. Modeling of landscape ecosystems
  11. Town planning legislation
  12. Modern technologies of landscaping
  13. Research methods in urban planning
  14. Landscape planning

191 – Urban Planning. Educational and professional program: Landscape Architecture


      Mandatory courses:

  1. Landscaping
  2. The theory of landscape planning
  3. Reconstruction, restoration and conservation of parks

Elective courses:

  1. GIS in landscape architecture
  2. Urban planning
  3. Park phytocoenology
  4. Research methods
  5. Reclamation and phytomelioration
  6. Forestry with the basics of forest science


PhD Programs:

206 – Garden and Park Management

      Mandatory courses:

  1. Park biogeocenology
  2. Bioindication of urban areas
  3. Science methodology in garden and park management

Elective courses:

  1. Phytomelioration
  2. Innovative technologies of formation of garden and park plant groups
  3. Information technology in garden and park management
  4. Analytical methods for the study of urban ecosystems

  1. Floristry
  2. Landscape design

  • Urban ecology
  • Biology and ecology of garden and park plant groups (including ancient parks, courtyards)
  • Anthropogenic transformations of landscapes
  • Anthropogenic transformations of recreational forest management
  • The theory of landscape architecture and garden and park art
  • Urban soil science and reclamation of disturbed lands

  • Ecological and biological basis of phytomelioration of devastated landscapes of Lviv-Volyn coal basin
  • Anthropogenic-natural successions of vegetation cover of man-made landscapes and ways of their optimization
  • Theoretical bases of formation of phytomeliorative coastal-aquatic vegetation of water bodies of devastated landscapes
  • Scientific basis of phytomelioration of devastated landscapes of the Western Forest Steppe

Basic textbooks, tutorials and monographyis
1. Volodymur Kucheryavy. Ecology. Textbook. 2000. (In Ukrainian).
2. Volodymur Kucheryavy. Social Ecology. Textbook. 1999. (In Ukrainian)

3. Volodymur Kucheryavy. Urban Ecology. Textbook. 2001. (In Ukrainian).
4. Volodymur Kucheryavy. Phytomelioration. Textbook. 2003. (In Ukrainian).
5. Volodymur Kucheryavy. Greening of settlements.Textbook. 2004. (In
6. Volodymur Kucheryavy, Roman Dudyn, Oleg Pylat. Trees, Shrubs, Lianes
in landscape architecture. Tutorial. 2004. (In Ukrainian).
7. Volodymur Kucheryavy and others. Ecology. Textbook. 2014. (In
8. Volodymur Kucheryavy. Landscape architecture. Textbook. 2017. (In
9. Volodymur Kucheryavy. History of landscape architecture. Textbook. 2000.
(In Ukrainian).
10. Georgiy Bachynsky. Fundamentals of Socioecology. Tutorial. 1995. (In
11. Yaroslav Henyk, Andriy Dyda. Reclamation and Phytomelioration. Tutorial.
2006. (In Ukrainian).
12. Yaroslav Henyk, Andriy Dyda. Reclamation. Tutorial. 2019. (In Ukrainian).
13. Grygoriy Krynytsky, Mykola Chernyavsky, Yaroslav Henyk. Close to
Nature and Multifunctional Forestry Management in the Carpathian Region
of Ukraine and Slovakia. Tutorial. 2014. (In Ukrainian).
14. Mykola Chernyavsky, Yaroslav Henyk, Ihor Shukel. Helper to the
Carpathian Forester. Tutorial. 2009. (In Ukrainian).
15. Volodymur Kucheryavy. In the Green Orbits of Lviv. Monography. 1972. (In
16. Volodymur Kucheryavy. City Green Zone. Monography. 1981. (In Russian).
17. Volodymur Kucheryavy. Natural Environment of the City. Monography. 1984.
(In Russian).
18. Volodymur Kucheryavy. City Gardens and Parks. Monography. 2008. (In
19. Volodymur Kucheryavy, Roman Dudyn. Structure and Dynamics of Park
Phytocoenoses of Western Ukraine. Monography. 2013. (In Ukrainian).
20. Roman Dudyn. Ancient parks of Lviv region. Monography. 2019. (In
21. Ihor Soloviy, Mykola Chernyavsky, Yaroslav Henyk. Problems of access of
local population to forest resources and illegal logging in Carpathian and
Western Polesie forests. Monography. 2011. (In Ukrainian).
22. Oksana Henyk, Sergiy Kozlovsky, Yaroslav Henyk. Nature Reserve Fund of
Ukraine: modeling and forecasting of economic activity. Monography. 2011.



Mykhailo Fedyna, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.

Tel: +38 (032) 258 42 84

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79057, Lviv, Gen.Chuprynky St. 105, rooms 901-915

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  +38 (032) 258 42 84



Head of the Department,
Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
Mykhailo Fedyna

The Department of Chemistry was established in 1949. The created department was headed by Assoc. Prof. Vinokurov D.M. Since 1963, the department was headed by Assoc. Prof. Khaikina M.B., since 1973 - by Assoc. Prof. Watamanyuk N.M., and since 1984 by 1996 - by Assoc. Prof. Gupalo O.P. In 1975, the research laboratory for the synthesis of organic substances began work, in which the development and improvement of methods for obtaining important organic compounds were carried out. In particular, here the synthesis of an important analytical reagent, bathophenanthroline, was improved, and also started its production, for the first time in the USSR.

Since 1980, the department became part of the Faculty of Technology. Assoc. Prof. Ezikova L.M., Melnik E.V., Fedorova L.K., Teodorovich R.E., ass. Zemlyansky I.I., Kultan B.I., Kurendash E.M., Romanyuk N.V., Semotyuk O.M. worked at the department in different years.

Since 1994, the staff of the department has been working on the creation of new materials and the study of their physical properties (Prof. Olijnyk V.V., Assoc. Prof. Sichevich O.M., Assoc. Prof. Fedyna M.F.). Assoc. Prof. Sichevich O.M. and Demchyna R.O. conduct research on the structures and properties of intermetallic compounds together with scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Germany. Since 2002, the Department worked on the grant - "Synthesis and Construction of New Materials for Ecological Catalysts and Sensors" (supervisor Prof. V. Olijnyk), which was financed from the State budget.

Since 1998, staff of the department have developed and adopted into the learning process new professionally oriented disciplines ("Organic chemistry and macromolecular compounds", "Wood chemistry", "Analytical chemistry and instrumental methods of analysis", "Physical chemistry", "General chemical technology", “Surface phenomena and dispersed systems”), which deepen the basic course of chemistry.

Since 2006, the Department is headed by Assoc. Prof. Tushnitsky O.P., and since 2015 – by Assoc. Prof. Fedyna M.F.

The staff of the department participated in the opening of new specialties "Chemical processing of wood and plant materials" and "Technologies for environmental protection."

The department has five training laboratories (general, analytical, physical and colloidal, organic chemistry and chemistry of wood and polymers), which are equipped with the necessary laboratory glassware, reagents and devices. In the Department also operates the laboratory of "wood chemistry", which is equipped to study bioprotection and fire protection of wood.

  1. Oksana Myakush, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  2. Roman Demchyna, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  3. Natalia Pandiak, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  4. Gregory Noshchenko, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  5. Natalya Salivon, Ph.D., Senior Lect.

Bachelor Programs:

· Ecology

Mandatory courses:

· Chemistry and Biochemistry Basics

Elective courses:

· Analytical Chemistry

Elective courses:

· Surface phenomena and dispersion systems

· Machinery and equipment for forestry

Mandatory courses:

· Chemistry

· Industrial engineering

Mandatory courses:

· Chemistry

· Machinery and equipment for forestry

Mandatory courses:

· Chemistry

· Engineering, machinery for woodworking industry

Mandatory courses:

· Chemistry

· Technology of wood composite and wood modification

Mandatory courses:

· General and Inorganic Chemistry

· Organic Chemistry and macromolecular compounds

Elective courses:

· Analytical Chemistry

· Colloid Chemistry

· General Chemical Technology

· Wood Chemistry

· Wood and Furniture Technology

         Mandatory courses:

· Chemistry (General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry)

Elective courses:

· Wood Chemistry

· Chemistry of macromolecular compounds

· Computerized design and production technologies

         Mandatory courses:

· Chemistry (General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry)

Elective courses:

· Chemistry of macromolecular compounds

· Innovative startups of woodworking and furniture industries

         Mandatory courses:

· Chemistry (General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry)

· Environmental protection technologies

         Mandatory courses:

· Chemistry (General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry)

Elective courses:

· General Chemical Technology

· Colloid-chemical methods of purification of gases and liquids

· Methods of qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis of the state of the environment

· Biogeochemistry fundamentals

· Forestry

Mandatory courses:

· Chemistry

· Hunting

Mandatory courses:

· Chemistry

· Park and Garden Management

Mandatory courses:

· Chemistry

Master programs:

· Technology of wood composite and wood modification

Mandatory courses:

· Physical Chemistry

· Instrumental methods of wood research

Elective courses:

· Nanotechnology

· Nanomaterials

· Woodworking technology

Elective courses:

· Wood Science

1. Preparation of new composit material basis on intermetalics and investigation of their crystal structure and properties (head of department, Assoc.Prof. Ph.D М.F. Fedyna, Assoc.Prof. Ph.D O.R. Myakush and R.О. Demchyna).

In order to discover new functional materials, such as thermoelectrics, the investigation of peculiarities of crystal structures of ternary gallides, aluminides, germanides, silicides, phoshides, arsenides and antimonides, the relationship of their crystal structures and composinion, and properties is perfomed in cooperation with MPI CPFS (Dresden) and  IFNUL (Lviv).

2. Syntheses and investigation of s- and p-complexes of copper or silver with organic ligandes (Assoc.Prof. Ph.D G.V. Noshchenko and senior lecturer Ph.D N.F. Salivon).

The investigation of the complexes of copper (I) halogenides with alkines, or with organic polysulfides is carried out to study the methods of obtaining and to reveal crystal structure peculiarities. These complexes are interesting as substances which can be used as effective catalysts of biochemical reactions as well as technologies process..

3. Electerochemical investigation of organic peroxides (Assoc.Prof. Ph.D N.L. Pandiak).

Peroxide initiators of polymerization processes are investigated voltammetrically. Alkine peroxides have the potential to be used in high-temperature polymer processing. These peroxides are effective structuring agents of polyolefins, curing agents of polyester resins.

4. Investigation of hydrogen absorption properties of intermetalics compounds (Assoc.Prof.  Ph.D. О.R. Myakush).

This research project is carried out in cooperation with scientists of IFNUL (Lviv) of Lviv and Physico-Mechanical Institute of NAS of Ukraine. The aim of this investigation is to clarify the phase equilibria in ternary systems of Zr and RE metals with the 3d-elements, crystal structures, magnetic and hydrogen sorptions properties of ternary compounds and solid solutions.

5. Methods of impregnation of wood and protection from aggressive media (Assoc.Prof. Ph.D R.О. Demchyna and G.V. Noshtchenko).

Syntheses of the new flame retardants and the investigation of the methods of their applying, the terms and regimes of impregnation of the wood, and the study of their biocidic properties is performed for the amidoboratophosphates of carbamide.

  1. A. Fedorchuk, M. Fedyna, I. Kityk, The nearest coordination environment of atoms in the structures of inorganic compounds: Monography. – Chernivtsi: Rodovid Publishing House, 2013. – 198 p. (in Ukrainian).


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Evgen Lutyj, prof.,
Tel: +38(032) 258 42 54
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79057, Lviv, Gen.Chuprynky St. 105, room 612

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 +38 (032) 258 41 59

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Head of the Department,

Evgen Lutyj

The Department of Applied Mechanics was organized in 1988 on the basis of the Departments of Structural Mechanics and Machine Details and Theory of Machines and Mechanisms.  Both departments were created as one of the first when the Lviv Forestry Institute was established in accordance with the order of rector Garuzov V.I. dated October 22, 1945.  The first head of the Department of Structural Mechanics was appointed associate professor I.F. Shabunho, who headed the department until 1961. From 1961 to 1986 the department was headed by prof. N.M.  Bela.  During the years of her work, the scientific school "Cable timber transporting" was formed at the department.  The scholars of this school, led by prof.  N.M. Bela has defended 2 doctoral and 18 PhD theses.  In 1988-1989  Acting Head of Department prof.  Martyntsiv M.P.

The Departments of Machine Details and Theory of Machines and Mechanisms were led by renowned scientists and educators.  Among them is Honored Worker of Science and Technology, Doctor of Engineering, Professor Tyr K.V., Doctor of Engineering, Professor Tinny A.N., Ph.D., Associate Professor Hoffman О. I. The first head of the Department of Applied Mechanics from 1989 to 1990  was the doctor of technical sciences, professor Tepliy M.J. Since 1991 the department has been headed by a doctor of technical sciences, professor Lutyj E.M.

  1. Oleg Holiyan, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  2. Lyubomyr Tysovskyi, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  3. Oleksandr Udovytskyi, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  4. Vasyl Barylyak, Ph.D., S. Lecturer.

  1. Development of suspended cable systems systems with the purpose of creating environmentally friendly technologies for the development of mountain forests.
  2. Pneumotransport systems of woodworking enterprises.

  1. Development of suspended cable systems systems with the purpose of creating environmentally friendly technologies for the development of mountain forests.


  • recommendations for the choice of design and operational parameters of cable timbertransporting plants in order to reduce the dynamic loads in their drives have been developed;
  • new dynamic models of cable timbertransporting plants drives taking into account technological features of their work were received;
  • the influence of structural and operational parameters on the magnitude and nature of the change of dynamic loads in the elements of the drive systems is established and recommendations on the choice of cable timbertransporting plants drives parameters are made.
  1. Pneumotransport systems of woodworking enterprises.


  • recommendations on the choice of design and operational parameters of the cyclone for woodworking enterprises in order to increase the operation efficiency of the unloading unit of the pneumatic system were developed;
  • new mathematical models of processes of cyclone contamination of the air and design of a new pneumatic system with advanced cyclone and unloading unit are received;
  • influence of pneumatic system hopper leakage on hydraulic resistance of cyclone and efficiency of air purification process is researched.

  1. Martyntsiv M.P., Udovytskyi O.M. Основи будівельної справи Fundamentals of constructions Підручник TEXTBOOK 2007 – 302 р.
  2. Adamovskyy M.H.,  Martyntsiv M.P., Badera J.S. Підвісні канатні лісотранспортні системи Suspended cable timbertransporting plants Навчальний посібник MANUAL 1997 – 156 p.
  3. Martyntsiv M.P., Udovytskyi O.M., Martyntsiv V.M. Основи будівельної справи Fundamentals of constructions Навчальний посібник MANUAL 2000 – 202 р.
  4. Lutyj E.M., Martyntsiv M.P., Udovytskyi O.M. Вантажопідіймальні машини Lifting machines Навчальний посібник MANUAL 2019 – 262 р.
  5. L. Tysovskyi, O. Holiyan Опір матеріалів Resistance of materials Навчальний посібник MANUAL 2018 – 254 р.
  6. Lutyj E.M., Martyntsiv M.P., Tysovskyi L.O. Елементи теорії технічних систем Elements of the theory of technical systems Навчальний посібник MANUAL 2000 – 181 p.
  7. Martyntsiv M.P., Holiyan O.M., Rudko I.M., Sokil B.I. Тестові завдання з основ будівельної справи Tests on the basics of construction Навчальний посібник MANUAL 2002 – 130 р.
  8. Martyntsiv M.P. Розрахунок основних елементів підвісних канатних лісотранспортних установок Calculation of the basic elements of suspended cable timbertransporting plants Монографія MONOGRAPH 1996. – 175 р.
  9. Lutyj E.M., Tysovskyi L.O., Dadak U.R., Liashenyk A.V. Циклони в деревообробній промисловості Cyclones in the woodworking industry Навчальний посібник MANUAL 2009 – 148 p.
  10. Martyntsiv M.P., Soloyub B.V., Matiishyn M.V. Динаміка та надійність підвісних канатних сиситем Dynamics and reliability of suspended cable systems Монографія MONOGRAPH 2010 -145 p.
  11. Lutyj E.M., Nahaev P.P., Badera J.S., Udovytskyi O.M. Транспортувальні машини Transportation machines Навчальний посібник MANUAL 2006 – 154 p.
  12. Matveev E.M., Tysovskyi L.O. Resistance of materials. Tests. Basic formulas Навчальний посібник MANUAL 2007 – 129 p.



Yuriy Ozymok, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
Tel: +38 (032) 238 11 68
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79057, Lviv, Zaliznyaka St. 11 A, room 67

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+38 (032) 238 45 04


Head of the Department,
Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
Yuriy Ozymok

Woodworking Equipment and Tools Department was founded in the structure of mechanical-technological faculty in 1947. The first head of the Department – Ph.D, Associated Professor, S.M. Timonen was leading the staff till 1976. That was the period when the Department was revived, scientific researches were conducted there and young professionals were formed within the post-graduate studies. V.M.Feleschuk, T.A. Nosovksyy, V.D. Leskiv, V.V. Shostak, V.D. Butenko defended their Ph.D. theses at that time.    

From 1976 to 1983 the Department was headed by Ph.D., Associated Professor V.M. Feleschuk. During this period, educational and laboratory basis of the Department were considerably improved, while methodological and scientific and research work was activated. Y.O. Gevryk, S.O. Apostolyuk, M.D. Kiryk defended their Ph.D. theses at that time.

In 1983 Ph.D., Associated Professor M.D.Kiryk was elected Head of the Department. He continued to improved material and technical basis of the Department. Two new laboratories were created, as well as the station for woodcutting and woodworking equipment, computer class was opened and modern stands for educational disciplines were installed.

During the period of 2014-2019 Ph.D., Professor V.V. Shostak, author of over 150 scientific and methodological publications was heading the Department. Since 2014, he served as a deputy head of a special academic council D 35.072.03 in charge of the Ph.D. theses defense at the specialization 05.05.04 – machines for soil, road and forest works.

Since July 2019 the Department is headed by Ph.D., Associated Professor Y.I. Ozymok.   

The following disciplines are being thought at the bachelor and masters level: mechanical woodworking; setup and exploitation of woodcutting tools; constructions and settlements of woodworking machines; woodworking equipment; special plants equipment; installing and technical exploitation of woodworking industry equipment; repair organization and technology of machines and equipment of forestry complex; IT in woodworking industry; mechatronics; scientific research of woodworking machines, etc.  

As of today, all disciplines are ensured with Ukrainian tutorials, manuals and methodological developments.

The Department edited 7 tutorials and 9 manuals classified the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Since 1983, 16 Ph.D. (Y.I. Savchuk, M.I. Pylypchuk, O.O. Voloshynskyy, P.P. Onufryk, V.A. Tatyanenko, I.T. Rebeznyuk, I.I. Glova, V.I. Poloz, Y.I. Ozymok, A.Y. Rud, R.R. Klymash, S.P. Stepanchuk, V.V. Voytovych, Y.R. Kapral, R.V. Pavlyuk, V.I. Taras) and 4 … theses (M.D. Kiryk, V.V. Shostak, I.T. Rebeznyuk, L.F. Dzyuba) were defended. Scientific school for strengthening and setup pf woodcutting instruments, launched by M.D. Kiryk, is functioning at the Department. The Institute is being headed by Associate Professor Y.I. Ozymok.

 The Department’s staff has published over 485 scientific articles, received 64 authors’ certificates for their inventions, license of the Russian Federation, 22 declarative patents of Ukraine.

The Department has established and maintains cooperation with similar universities and enterprises in Europe.

Currently, the Depatment’s staff, including professors V.V. Shostak, I.T. Rebeznyuk, associate professors Y.I. Ozymok, A.S. Grygoriev, M.I. Pylypchuk, senior lecturer R.V. Pavlyuk, M.R. Burdyak, and junior professor Y.R. Kapral, is forming bachelors and masters at the following directions: “Mechanical engineering”, specialization “Applied mechanics”, educational-professional program “Technical service” and specialization “Industrial machine-building” educational-professional program “Engineering, woodworking industry machines”. The Head and the deputy head of a special academic council D 35.072.03 in charge of the Ph.D. theses defense at the specialization 05.05.04 – machines for soil, road and forest works, are working at the Department.

Technical provision of educational process and scientific activities is ensured by the main engineer V.I. Taras and senior laboratory assistant O.I. Zavarynska.

Between 50 and 80 students and 1-2 Ph.D. students are studying at the Department annually, as a fulltime and distance-courses. Since the Department was launched, over 2600 engineers-mechanics, specialists and masters have graduated there. Four Ph.D., professors and 40 associate professors are among the Department’s graduates list. 

  1. Yuriy Ozymok, Assoc.Prof.
  2. Volodymyr Shostak, Sc.D., Prof.
  3. Igor Rebezniuk,  Sc.D., Prof.
  4. Anatoliy Grygoriev, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  5. Mariya Pylypchuk, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  6. Roman Pavlyuk, Ph.D., Sen. Lecturer
  7. Myhayulo Burdiak, Ph.D., Sen. Lecturer
  8. Yuriy Kapral, Ph.D., assistant

131 Applied Mechanics:


  • Mechatronics
  • Fundamentals of Technical Creativity
  • Professional-Trial Practical Training
  • On-the-Job Training
  • Pre-graduation Practical Training
  • Implementation and Defence of Qualification Thesis
  • Tooling of Wood
  • Constructions and Calculations of Woodworking Machine-Tools
  • Preparation and Exploitation of Wood Cutting Tools
  • Woodworking equipment
  • Installation and Technical Maintenance of Woodworking Equipment
  • IT-Technologies in Woodworking
  • Equipment of Production of Arboreal Flags
  • Management of  Repair Techniques for Machinery and Equipment of Forest Sector
  • Equipment of Production of Glued Massive Wood
  • Woodworking Machines Research Investigations


133 Industrial Machinery Engineering:


  • Mechatronics
  • Fundamentals of Technical Creativity     
  • Professional-Trial Practical Training
  • On-the-Job Training
  • Pre-graduation Practical Training
  • Implementation and Defence of  the Diploma Project         
  • Cutting of Wood and Wood Materials         
  • Constructions and Calculations of Woodworking Equipment         
  • Cutting Tools         
  • Organization of Instrumental Economy         
  • Woodworking Machines of General Purpose         
  • Installation and Technical Service of Woodworking Equipment         
  • Computer Technologies in Machining         
  • Plate Production Equipment         
  • Organization and Technology of Repair of Woodworking Equipment         
  • Solid Wood Glued Production Equipment         
  • Scientific Research  


151 Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies:


  • General purpose woodworking machines


187 Woodworking and Furniture Technologies:


  • Equipment industry


Master program:

131 Applied Mechanics:


  • Methodology of Scientific Researches on Sector-specific Processes
  • Technical Service in Forest Sector
  • Theory of Inventive Task Solution
  • Pre-graduation Practical Training
  • Implementation and Defence of Qualification Thesis
  • Automated Lines and Processing Centers
  • Systems of Computer-Aided Design for Woodworking Equipment
  • Design of Wood Cutting Tool

133 Industrial Machinery Engineering:


  • Methodology of Scientific Processes     
  • Theory of Solving an Inventive Problem
  • Pre-graduation Practical Training
  • Implementation and Defence of  the Diploma Project
  • Automated Lines and Processing Centers
  • Computer-integrated Industry Engineering      
  • Design of Woodworking Equipment        
  • Design of Wood Cutting Tools                     


151 Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies:


  •           Automated Lines and Processing Centers


PhD Program:

133 Industrial Machinery Engineering:


  •  Simulation of Woodworking Equipment
  •  Standards for Preparing Scientific Publications

  • Fundamentals drying of the wood

Increase of exploitation characteristics of woodworking machines and tools. (Scientific director – Ph.D, Prof. Shostak V.V.)


  • Increase of exploitation characteristics of woodworking tools. (Scientific director – Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Ozymok Y.I.)
  • Increase of accuracy of wood sawing. (Scientific director – Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Pylypchuk M.I.)
  • Increase of reliability and durability of woodworking machines. (Scientific director – Ph.D, Prof. Shostak V.V.)
  • Improvement of dynamic settings of woodworking machines (Scientific director – Ph.D., Prof. Rebeznyuk I.T.)

To support the educational process, the department issued 7 manuals (all of them with the Ministry of Education) 7 tutorials (all of them with the Ministry of Education), 4 monographs, 8 scripts of lectures, 123 methodological developments.  The library fund has about 615 titles of educational and methodical literature in the disciplines that are read at the department.


  • Shostak V.V., Pyshnyk I.M. Technical exploitation and repair of woodworking equipment. Tutoril., 1990, 232p.Main regulations of typical system of technical maintenance and repair of woodworking equipment are presented, theoretical basis are studied allowing optimize technical management of the equipment. Methods of planning repair departments are exposed, together with fundamental calculations, planning of repair works due to the computer.For the use of forestry universities students and specialists of woodworking enterprises. 
  • Shostak V.V., Grygoriev A.S., Savchuk Y.I., Automatic and half-automatic lines of woodworking enterprises, Manual for vocational schools, Lviv. 1996, 120 p.Classification and main indicators of automated and half-automated lines are presented; lines of log-processing, woodworking and furniture factories are described.For the use of vocational schools students, might be useful also for forestry colleges’ students.
  • Shostak V.V. Installing and technical exploitation of woodworking equipment. Manual. – Lviv, 2000. 284 p.Theoretical basis of technical state management of woodworking equipment is presented, and working machines are considered as reliability objects. Main provisions of installing, technical maintenance, repair organization and technologies of woodworking enterprises are studied.For the use of university students, professors and college students.
  • Shostak V.V., Grygoriev A.S., Savchuk Y.I., Pyshnyk I.M., Voloshynskyy O.O. Woodworking machines of general purpose. Manual for high school. – Lviv, ISBN, 2001, 320 p.Classification, structure of functional knots are presented, indicators of technical level are analyzed, as well as development direction for woodworking machines, principal schemes, technical characteristics, cinematics and setup order for modern machines. Methodology of power estimation, identification of power for cutting and provision, optimal working regimes are studied.For the use of university students with forestry profile. Might be used by specialists of woodworking enterprises, professors and college students. 
  • Rebeznyuk I.T. Preparation of thin block-sawing machines to work. Monograph. – Lviv. Derevoobrobnyk, 2005, 260 p.The monograph analyzed thin band-saw as an instrument for log cutting. Recommendations might be applied by entrepreneurs during the setup of thin log-cutting band-saw to work.For the use of scientific researchers and students of forestry universities. Might be useful for engineering and technical workers and forestry and woodworking industry.
  • Kiryk M.D. Mechanical maintenance of wood and wood materials. Manual for universities, Lviv, ISBN, 2006. 418 p. Main notions and definitions related to mechanical maintenance of wood and wood materials cutting are presented, patterns of simple and complex cutting machines are described.For the use of university students with forestry profile. Might be useful for specialists of woodworking enterprises, teachers and college students.
  • Pylypchuk M.I., Grygoriev A.S., Shostak V.V., Scientific research basis. Manual for universities. Lviv, ISBN, 2006. 214 p.Main facts about science organization in Ukraine are presented, together with methodological basis of scientific learning and creation, analysis of scientific information, methods of theoretical and experimental research, design of research results.For the use of students with mechanical and technological specialties at universities.
  • Shostak V.V., Ozymok Y.I., Theoretical basis and repair technology of machines’ details. Script of lectures. Lviv, 2006. 134 p.The script presents renovation methods of machines’ details by mechanical treatment, plastic deformation, welding, galvanic treatment, with the use of polymer materials and agglutination.For the use of university students of mechanical and technological specialties and engineering workers.
  • Shostak V.V., Savchuk Y.I., Savych M.M., Theory and constructions of woodworking equipment. Script of lectures, Lviv, 2010. 376 p.The script presents theoretical basis and construction of machines of specialized enterprises.For university students, engineering workers and college students.
  • Shostak V.V., Savchuk Y.I., Kovalchuk G.M., Ozymok Y.I., Savych M.M. Basis of calculation and construction of woodworking equipment. Manual. Lviv, ISBN, 2011. 376 p.Theoretical basis and construction of machines of special enterprises are presented, together with pressing equipment, equipment for wood elevation, automatic and half-automatic lines. For university students with forestry profile, specialists of woodworking enterprises.
  • Shostak V.V., Poloz R.R. Reliability forecast of equipment for cuttings plate production. Monograph. Kolomyya: Vik, 2011, 268 p.Works to ensure reliability, organization of technical support and technological equipment repair are analyzed. Results of theoretical and operational research of error-proof process and repair aptitude are presented.For scientific workers, Ph.D. students, engineers, masters and students of technical and technological universities. 
  • Kiryk M.D., Grygoriev A.S., Setup of woodcutting tools to their exploitation. Manual for universities. Lviv, ISBN, 2013.    345 p.Woodcutting tools are studied as the object of setup for activation. A brief description and characteristics of modern equipment and working tools to setup woodworking tools to activation is presented. Technology of main types of woodcutting instruments setup for work is described. Issues of organization of instruments setup to work are studied, as well as work safety rules and environmental means. For university students with forestry and technical profile. Might be used by specialists of woodworking enterprises, professors and college students.
  • Shostak V.V., Pavlyuk R.V. Scientific basis for the optimal management of machines and equipment technical state. Script of lectures. – Lviv, 2016. 110 p.The script presents basic theory of reliability of renewed system as woodworking machines, optimization criteria for inter-repair periods, research methodology of reliability of renewed systems, argumentation methodology for the repair cycle structure.For university students with forestry and technical profile, studying at “Industry machine-building” specialization. 
  • Pylypchuk M.I., Burdyak M.R. Equipment for cuttings plates production. Tutorial, Lviv, Design studio “Papuga”, 2016. 244 p. Historical stages of cuttings plates production and perspective are studied, as well as structural schemes of automated lines for modern construction types production. For the use of forestry universities, engineering workers and college students.
  • Shostak V.V., Pavlyuk R.V. Installing and technical exploitation of woodworking equipment, Script of lectures, Lviv, 2017. 146 p.The script presents main provisions of installing and technical maintenance of woodworking equipment, project methods of fundaments for woodworking machines.For the use of university students at mechanic and technological specializations, engineering workers, professors and college students.
  • Grygoriev A.S., Shostak V.V., Ozymok Y.I., Savych M.M., Pavlyuk R.V. Designing of woodworking equipment. Script of lectures. – Lviv, 2018. 124 p.The script presents main notions and directions in designing and life cycle of machines including environmental requirements. The methodology of technological schemes development is described. The design methodology and calculation of automated lines in woodworking processes are studied. For university students studying at “Industry machine-building” specialization. 
  • Shostak V.V., Puna V.V., Puna V.F. Frozen wood cutting at horizontal band filer machines. Monograph. Lviv, 2018. 199 p.The monograph presents the results of theoretical and experimental research of sawing frozen and melted wood of pine and beech by thin band filer saw. Physical and mechanical characteristics of frozen pine and beech wood are identified.For the use of scientific workers, professionals and workers at woodworking enterprises.



Leonid Kopiy, D. Sc, Prof.
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Head of the Department,
Leonid Kopiy, D. Sc, Prof.

The history of the Department of Ecology begins in 1989, when the Department of Ecology, Landscape Architecture and Gardening was established  on the basis of the Department of Forestry and Landscaping at the Ukrainian State Forestry University.

It became one of the first departments of such profile in Ukraine to begin training environmental specialists.   In 1992 the first student enrollment on specialty “Applied Ecology” was completed.

Due to the successful implementation of the international project “ENARECO” at the National Forestry University of Ukraine and pursuant to the Resolution (No. 565-IV from February 20, 2003) of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the establishment of the National Center for Ecologists-Economists Training the Institute of Ecological Economics was established in 2004. The newly created Department of Ecology after division of the Department of Ecology, Landscape Architecture and Landscape Architecture as an independent structure was included to the Institute, renamed in 2013 as the Institute of Ecological Economics and Management.

The Department trains environmental experts in line with global trends in education, the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005–2014), which emphasizes the urgent need for skilled professionals with knowledge of environmental issues and the balanced use of natural resources.

  1. Leonid Kopiy, D. Sc, Prof.
  2. Ihor Kulchytskyi-Zhyhailo, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
  3. Maria Kopiy, Ph.D, Assistant
  4. Mykhailo Paslavskyi, Leading Engineer.
  5. Mykola Chernyavskyi Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
  6. Nelya Lukyanchuk, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
  7. Oksana Duban, Senior Laboratory Assistant
  8. Oksana Oshurkevych-Pankivska, Ph.D., Lecturer
  9. Svitlana Melnichuk, Lecturer
  10. Ulyana Bashutska, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
  11. Victorija Oliferchuk, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
  12. Yuriy Pankivskyi, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.

Bachelor Programs:

Ecology (Bachelor of Ecology)

Graduates of the study program «Ecology» will attain to competence for the solution complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of ecology, environmental protection and sustainable  use of natural resources, which involves the application of basic theories and methods of environmental sciences

Mandatory courses:

History of Ukraine


Ukrainian Language for professional purposes

History of Ukrainian Culture

Foreign Language

Physical Education

Higher Mathematics


Chemistry with Basic Biochemistry


Informatics and Systemology

Geology with Basic Geomorphology

Meteorology and Climatology


Soil Science

Methods and Tools for Measuring Environmental Parameters

General Ecology

Environmental Monitoring

Environmental Impact Assessment

Landscape Ecology

Human Ecology

Technical Ecology

Basics of Labor Safety

Environmental Inspection

Protected Areas

Ecology of Urban Systems

Rating of Anthropogenic Impact on the Environment

Forest Ecology



Systems of Water Use

Geochemistry of Technogenesis

Biometry and Mathematical Statistics in Ecology


Foreign Language for professional purposes

Economic Theory



Foreign Language for professional purposes

Environmental Legislation and Environmental Law

Personality Culture

Foreign Language for professional purposes


Religious Studies


Analytical Chemistry

Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre


Organization of Management in Environmental Activities

Environmental Economics

Construction Ecology

Municipal Economy



Environmental technologies and Equipment


Environmental Safety


Plant Physiology

Recreational Resources

Bioregulation of Microbial Plant Systems

Ecology of Transport


Plant Protection

Bioregulation of ecosystems

Basics of Land Use Economics

Economy and Ecology of Tourism and Recreation

Ecological and Economic Accounting

Modelling and Prediction of Environment State

Geographic Information Systems

Aerospace Methods in Ecology

Sustainable Development

Master programs:

Ecology (Master of Ecology)

Graduates of the study program «Ecology» will attain to competence for the solution complex problems in the field of ecology, environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources at  professional activity or in the process of learning, which involves carrying out research and / or innovations characterized by complexity and uncertain conditions


Mandatory courses:

Civil Defense

Pedagogy and Psychology

Standardization and Certifying in Ecology

Systematic analysis of environmental quality

Scientific Researches Methodology and Organization

Close to Nature Forestry

Bioenergy Resources and Renewable Energy Sources

Elective courses:

Ecosystem Geophysics

Intellectual Property

Sustainable Development Strategy

Ecological Management and Audit

Integrated Ecological-Economic Accounting

Environmental Accounting and Reporting

Reforestation and Afforestation

Natural Recourses Cadaster

Teaching Methods in Higher School

Business Foreign Language

Surface Phenomena and Dispersion Systems

Ecotoxicology and Ecotrophology

Soil Microbiology

Forestry Ecological Politics

Specialization “Ecology”:

Hydrological Protective Role of Forest

Strategic Environmental Assessment

Waste Management and Treatment

Integrated Solid Waste Management

Forest Melioration of Wasted Territories


Specialization “Nature Conservation”:

Theory and Practice of Nature Conservation

Management of protected areas

Protection and Conservation of Wildlife

Environmental Monitoring in the Objects of the Nature Reserve Fund

Protection and Conservation of Flora

Reservoirs and Drains in the Objects of the Nature Reserve Fund

  • Integrated Solid Waste Management

  • Forest Hydrology;
  • Watershed Management;
  • Landscape Management;
  • Phytomelioration of Devastated Landscapes;
  • Rational Forest Management;
  • Carbon Deposition;
  • Ecological principles of soil restoration using the principles of regenerative land use and restoration of triple symbiosis in soil: fungus-bacterium-plant;
  • Study of the principles of survival of mankind in the conditions of ecological crisis;
  • Urban ecology and phytomelioration;
  • Strategic Environmental Assessment;
  • Environmental Impact Assessment;
  • Environmental Monitoring.

Research projects:

HA 08.07-05-18 “Peculiarities of reproduction of indigenous oak-pine stands in areas affected by amber mining”

2019 Wilderness without Borders: Protecting ohne of Europe’s largest natural landscapes, Polesia ((The Endangered Landscapes Programme, ELP: UK, Deutschland, Belarus, Ukraine)

2019 – Participation in the program Erasmus + "Staff Mobility for Training" at the university for Sustainable Development in Eberswalde (Brandenburg, Germany)

2019 creation of the Сenter for the Сollective Use of Scientific Equipment "Laboratory of Biotechnology and Environmental Monitoring of Soil Ecosystems"

2017 – Short term lecturing at the University of Applied Forest Sciences Rottenburg (Baden-Württemberg, Germany)

2016-2017 Improving the regulatory framework for forest management practices in protected areas of Natural Reserve Fund of Ukraine and relative international experience (international Project, The World Bank, IUCN, WWF)

2014-2015 Preservation of Carpathian virgin forests (Germany, Ukraine)

2014-2015       Virgin forests in the UNESCO World Heritage (international Project).

2012-2013       Support Responsible Forest Management for a Sustanainable Development in the Danube – Carpathian Ecoregion (IKEA phase IV)

2012-1013       Old growth forest end virgin forest and their identification (Ukraine-Romania).

2011-2014       Continuous training foresters to better forest management (Ukraine- Slovac)

2011-2013       The classification of types of habitats in Ukraine (international Project)

2010-2012       International Project “Improving law enforcement and governance in the forest sector in member countries of the European Neighbourhood Policy and Russia” (ENPI-FLEG).

2010 -2011      Biomass in Ukraine (international Project EBRD).

HA 08.07-08-10 Estimation of hydrological functions of forest ecosystems in SE "Velikobychkivske LG" and ways to increase them by creating small hydrotechnical objects

HA 19 To develop differentiated measures for forestry management according to landscape-watershed and forest-typological principles taking into account the functional purpose of forests of the Ukrainian Carpathians

2008-2015       Recasting derivatives spruce forests in structured mixed forests in Carpathians (CBR) (Switzerland – Ukraine).

2007–2010       Virgin forestry in Ukraine and USA.

2006-2010       Closing stationary demonstration test plots and monitoring the cutting overhaul stands in major forest types of the Ukrainian Carpathians under the Swiss-Ukrainian Forest Development Project in Transcarpathia FORZA.

2006-2008 Concept of integrated biomass in the Transcarpathian region (Ukraine- Slovac- Hungary).

2006-2008       The concept of comprehensive use of biomass in our region (Ukraine, Slovakia, Hungary)

2006 – 2008     Swiss-Ukrainian project "Recasting derivatives spruce forests in the mixed structured forests" with CBR, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL).

2005-2009       Ukrainian-Swiss Project „Virgin forest research as basis for the conservation and sustainable utilisation of forest ecosystems of Carpathians» to order the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) in the framework of the SCOPES.

1998-2004       Transformation processes in a river basin Dnister”  (Deutschland, Ucraine under an aegis UNESCO).

  1. Kopiy M., Gonchar V., Kopiy S., Klymenko O., Kopiy L., Krupskiy V. Phytomeliorative role of vegetation in restoration of devastated lands within the limits of sulfur quarries of the Western Forest-Steppe; Monography. - Rivne: NUWEE, 2019. – 290 p. (in Ukrainian)
  2. Melnichuk S.P. Building Physics and Climatology. Educational-methodical handbook for 2nd-year students of specialization “Landscape Architecture”. ‑ Lviv: UNFU, 2018. ‑ 169 p. (in Ukrainian)
  3. Melnichuk S.P. Meteorology and Climatology. Educational-methodical handbook for students of specialty “Landscape Gardening”. ‑ Lviv: UNFU, 2018. ‑ 148 p. (in Ukrainian)
  4. Kopy L.I., Melnichuk S.P. Landscape ecology. Educational-methodical handbook for self-instructional study of discipline by students of specialty "Ecology". ‑ Lviv: UNFU, 2013. ‑ 155 p. (in Ukrainian)
  5. Melnichuk S.P., Melnichuk Ya.V. Landscape Studies. Educational-methodical handbook for self-instructional study of discipline by students-masters of specialty “Architecture: Urban Planning”. ‑ Lviv: UNFU, 2013. ‑ 107 p. (in Ukrainian)
  6. Bashutska U. Succession of vegetation on coal-mine dumps in the Chervonograd industrial-mining region. ‑ Lviv: UNFU, 2006. – 180 p. (in Ukrainian)
  7. Harhalis B.I., Pankivskyi Yu.I. Systems of Water Use. Educational handbook. ‑ Lviv: UNFU, 2013. ‑ 217 p. (in Ukrainian)
  8. Oliferchuk V.P. Human Ecology. Educational handbook. ‑ Lviv: UNFU, 2012. –132 p. (in Ukrainian)
  9. Oliferchuk V.P. Bioindication. . Educational handbook. ‑ Lviv: UNFU, 2015. ‑ 79 p. (in Ukrainian)
  10. Prusak V.F., Lukyanchuk N.G. Ecological design. Educational for the preparation of masters in the specialty “022 Design” (second edition, supplemented). ‑ Lviv: UNFU Press., 2019. ‑ 225 p. (in Ukrainian)
  11. Apostolyuk V.A., Dzhygyrey V.S., Sokolovsky I.A., Somar H.V., Lukyanchuk N.G. Industrial ecology. Educational handbook.‑ K.: Znannya, 2012. ‑ 430 p. (in Ukrainian)
  12. Lukyanchuk N.G. Compendium of lectures of the academic discipline "Geophysics of ecosystems" for training students on specialty “101 Ecology” of Master's educational qualification level. ‑ Lviv: UNFU, 2015. ‑ 212 p. (in Ukrainian)
  13. Kulchytskyi-Zhyhailo I.Ye. Forest hydrology. Tutorial – Lviv: UNFU, 2008. – 283 p. . (in Ukrainian)
  14. Kulchytskyi-Zhyhailo I.Ye., Bogolyubov V.M., Klymenko V.O. et al. Environmental monitoring. Textbook, ed. by V.M. Bogolyubov and T.A. Safranov. – Kherson: Hrin, 2013. – 530 р. (in Ukrainian)
  15. Basic provisions for the management of oaks forests. / Kalinichenko N.P., Kozhevnikov A.M., Murzov A.I., Jerusalemsky E.L., Fedets I.F., Chernyavskyi M.V. / M .: Gosleskhoz, 1987. – 44 p. (in Ukrainian)
  16. Bondarenko V.D., Delegan I.V., Tatarinov K.A., Cherniavskyi M.V., Tatuk S.D., Lysenko V.I., Rudyshyn M.P. Huntingscience. Tutorial. – Kyiv: RNMK VO, 1992. - 197 p. (in Ukrainian)
  17. Bondarenko V.D., Krynitsky G.T., Kramarets V.A., Muzyka M.Ya., Popadinets I.M., Oliyar G.I., Kapelyuk Y.I., Khoietsky P.B., Cherniavskyi M.V. Strategy and tactics of nature conservation activity of the forest reserve (on the example of the Medobory Nature Reserve). - Lviv: Spolom, 2006. - 408 p. (in Ukrainian)
  18. Klimuk Y.V, Miskevich V.D., Yakushenko D.M., Cherney I.I., Budzhak V.V., Niporko S.O., Shpilchak M.B., Cherniavskyi M.V., Tokariuk A.I., Olexiv T.M., Timchuk Ya., Solomakha V.A., Solomakha T.D., Major R.V. Gorgany Nature Reserve. Plant life. - Protected areas of Ukraine. Plant life. No. 6.- Kyiv: Phytosociocenter, 2006. - 400 p. (in Ukrainian)
  19. Close to nature forestry in Ukrainian Carpathians. M. Cherniavskyi, R. Schwitter, R. Kovalyshyn and others.; Ed. by M. Cherniavskyi. - L.: Pyramida, 2006. - 88 p. (in Ukrainian)
  20. Cherniavsʹkyi M.V., Shpilʹchak M.B. Nature Reserve «Gorhany». – Ivano-Frankivsʹk: Foliant, 2007. – 32 p. (in Ukrainian)
  21. Cherniavskyi M.V., Shpilchak M.B. Nature Reserve «Gorhany». – Ivano-Frankivsk: Foliant, 2009. – 64 p. (in Ukrainian)
  22. Delegan I.V., Cherniavskyi M.V., Fennych V.S. Prospects for hunting development in Transcarpathia (Practical recommendations for the development of hunting in the introduction of multifunctional and close to nature forestry). - Ivano-Frankivsk: Foliant, 2007. - 158 p. (in Ukrainian)
  23. Bedya O.I., Grishchenko V.S., Kazakov A.M., Rodina V.I., Cherniavskyi M.V., Chopak V.Yu. The concept of integrated use of biomass in Transcarpathia. - Uzhgorod, 2008.- 204 p. (in Ukrainian)
  24. Kiyko Orest, Yakuba Myroslava, Voytovych Ivan, Chaskovskyy Oleg, Maksymiv Volodymyr, Myklush Stepan, Schulte Andreas, Kies Uwe, Klein Dajana, Hilmar Foellmi, Loyko Lesia, Shchoka Iryna, Ustych Radmila, Derbal Yuriy, Chernyavskyy Mykola, Kulyk Nataliya, Voloshyna Nataliya. Cluster analysis of the forest and wood based industries of the Carpathian region of Ukraine and recommendations for cluster management. ‑ Lviv, 2008. ‑ 32 p. (in Ukrainian)
  25. Prots B., Kagalo O., Mocharska L., Danylyk I., Zyura N., Resler I., Cherniavskyi M. Bern Convention and the Settlement Concept of Biodiversity Conservation: The Future for Ukraine. - Lviv ZUCC, 2011. - 28 p. (in Ukrainian)
  26. Advisor to the Carpathian Forester./ ed. by M.V. Cherniavskyi. ‑ Ivano-Frankivsk: Foliant, 2008. ‑ 368 p. (in Ukrainian)
  27. Transformation processes in the Western Ukraine. Concept for a sustainable land use. /ed. M.Roth. Weissensee: Oekologie, 2008. ‑ 370 p.
  28. Environmental, economic and social problems caused by inefficient and unsustainable forestry and illegal logging in Ukraine. / ed. by M.V. Cherniavskyi. ‑ Lviv: Green Cross Society, League Press. - 2011. - 396 p. (in Ukrainian)
  29. Problems of access of local population to forest resources and illegal logging in the forests of the Carpathians and Western Polesie. /Ed. M.V. Cherniavskyi, I.P. Solovij, Ya.V. Genyk. ‑ Lviv: Green Cross, League Press. - 2011. - 256 p. (in Ukrainian)
  30. Los Svitlana A., Dutka Mykhajl M., Polakova Ludmila V., Chernyavskyy Mykola V., Sapiton Oleksiy A. The state of forest genetic resources in Ukraine (the materials prepared at request of FAO for drawing up The Report on the State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources). ‑ Kharkiv, 2012. – 95 p. (in Ukrainian)
  31. A guide to identifying and managing particularly valuable forests for conservation and management in the trans-boundary region of Marmaroshchyna (Romania-Ukraine). Vlad R., Prots B., Bukur K., Bondaruk G., Kagalo O., Boroika I., Hiss T., Moisha K., Bashta A.-T., Yamelinets T., Bogdan K., Shparik Y. , Cherniavskyi M., Longin I., Beresh J., Beresh M., Rizun V., Kish R.] / - Baia Mare, Romania, 2014.- 65 p. (in Ukrainian)
  32. Forestry complex: ecological aspects. Ozarkiv I.M., Adamovsky M.G., Maksymiv V.M., Sokolovsky I.A., Kuninets E.P., Kopiy L.I., Cherniavskyi M.V., Tunytsia T.Y., Derekh O.I., Terela I.P. - Lviv: ZUKTS, 2014. - 264 p. (in Ukrainian)
  33. Close to nature and multifunctional forestry management in the Carpathian region of Ukraine and Slovakia: scientific edition / G.T. Krynitsky [et al.]; Edited by: G.T. Krynitsky, M.V. Cherniavskyi. - Uzhgorod: PP "Kolo", 2014. - 280 p. (in Ukrainian)
  34. Criteria and methodology for the identification of old growth forests and primeval forests / Y.Sparik, M.Cherniavskyi, O.Kagalo, G.Bondaruk, M.Ponepolyak, Y.Forgil, Y.Zelenchuk, R.Volosianchuk, B.Prots - Lviv: Liga Press, 2015. - 32 p. (in Ukrainian)
  35. Methodological recommendations on the regime of conservation of forest ecosystems in the territories of the nature reserve fund of Ukraine of different categories // Regional program "ENPI East FLEG II" (Enforcement and management in the forest sector of the countries of the eastern region of the European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument) ./ О. Kagalo, M. Cherniavskyi, L. Protsenko, O. Andreeva// - Lviv, 2016 - 133 p. (in Ukrainian)
  36. Criteria and methodology for the identification of primeval forests and old growth forests (quasi-primeval forests). Second edition, supplemented. Yu.Shparik, M.Cherniavskyi, O.Kagalo, G.Bondaruk, V.Savchin, M.Ponepolyak, Y.Forgil, Y.Zelenchuk, R.Volosyanchuk, B.Prots. - Lviv: Liga-Press, 2017 - 36 p. (in Ukrainian)
  37.   Lviv region: natural conditions and resources: monograph / ed. Dr. Geogr. of sciences, prof. M.M. Nazaruk. - Lviv: The Old Lev Publishing House, 2018. - 592 p. (in Ukrainian)


Natalia Protsakh, Sc.D., Assoc.Prof.
Tel: +38(032) 258 42 40, +38(032) 258 42 58
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Head of the Department,
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, prof.

Natalia Protsakh

The Department of Mathematics and Physics was organized on January 2, 2019 as the merger of the Departments of Higher Mathematics and Physics, and was involved into the structure of the SRI IMAKIT of the NLTU of Ukraine. Associate professors  Ph.D. Volodymyr Salapak  and, since July 2019,   Sc.D. Natalia Protsakh were appointed to the head of the Department.

The Department of Higher Mathematics was founded in 1945. In different years it was headed by: M.O. Zaretsky, G.L. Buymola, V.D. Bilyj, K.I. Chumak (1959–1972), V.M. Gnatykiv (1972–1988), T.R. Yaskevych (1988–1995), M.M.Stadnyk (1995–2018).

The teaching process was provided by: V.M. Hnatykiv, O.P. Khomiakevych, S.V. Grytsay, E.I. Trush, V.A. Skorodynskyy, B.I. Galashevskyy, M.K. Artamonov, B.V. Lysyk, S.G. Senyk, I.S. Tkach, M.K. Rudenko, I.I. Osipova, O.F. Girnyak, T.R. Yaskevych, B.M. Hnidets, I.F. Soltys, L.F. Boyko, O.Yu. Yushkevych, I.O. Goy, G.V. Gurnyak, V.M. Onyshkevych, I. Gorbachevskyy, O.Ye.  Korkuna,  I. Didukh, O.Yu. Turchyn, N.P. Protsakh.

The Department of Physics was one of the first departments founded in the structure of the Faculty of Forestry of the Lviv Forestry Institute in 1945. D.P. Dyatlov (1945–1958) was its organizer and the first head. Formation of educational and laboratory base was continued by the heads of the department  K.F. Guba (1958–1960), M.Ya. Brown (1960–1962), D.I. Tretyak (1962–1964), A.Ya. Kubetskyi, T.I. Gorbatyy, B.P. Yarema (1964–1967); Vajdanych (1967–1983, 1993–2004), Z.P. Chorniy (1983-1993, 2004–2015), V.M. Salapak (2015-2019).

In different years assoc. prof. N.D. Dovha, S.K. Zherebetskyy , H. K. Maksymovych, G. M. Pentsak, M.I. Batih, N. P. Belyaninova, A. I. Krysa, L. O. Tkachenko, Yu. M. Kyzylov .G.O. Shchur, M.S. Kobrynovych  I.B. Pirko. B.M .Yatsyk, Yu.M. Oryshchyn, M.S. Kobrynovych, O.R. Onufriv, V.M. Salapak, M.V. Dyachuk were doing their scientific and teaching activities.

  1. Natalia Protsakh, Sc.D., Assoc.Prof. (head of department)
  2. Volodymyr Salapak, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof. (deputy head of department)
  3. Ihor Horbachevskyy, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  4. Ivan Didukh, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  5. Mykhajlo Kobrynovych, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  6. Volodymyr Onyshkevych, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  7. Oleh Onufriv, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  8. Ivan Soltys, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  9. Olha Turchyn, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  10. Mykola Dyachuk, Senior teacher

Mandatory courses:

  • Higher Mathematics.
  • Algebra and Geometry
  • Mathematical Analysis
  • Differential Equations
  • Theory of Probability and Random Processes
  • Theory of Information and Coding
  • Higher and Applied Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Theoretical mechanics

Elective courses:

  • Theory of Probability and Random Processes
  • Theory of Probability

  • boundary value problems for nonlinear evolutionary equations;
  • mathematical modeling of contact interaction of friction pairs;
  • tense state in elastic bodies with foreign inclusions;
  • determination of durability and durability of elastic and elastic-plastic bodies subjected to static and cyclic loading;
  • investigation of color centers in crystals of divalent metal halides.

1. Protsakh N.P., Ptashnyk B.Y. Nonlinear ultraparabolic equations and variational
inequalities. [Monograph] – K.: «Naukova dumka», 2017. – 278 p. (in Ukrainian)
2. Protsakh N.P. Higher mathematics (3) Compex variable functions and integral
transformations. Methodical instructions and tasks for homework of students of specialty
6.050202 "Automation and computer integrated technologies" – Lviv, UNFU. – 2016.– 75 pp. (in
3. Buhrii O.M., Protsakh N.P. Fundamentals of differential equations: theory, examples and
problems: [textbook]. —Lviv: Publisher I. Chizhykov, 2011. - 348 pp. (in Ukrainian)
4. Adamovsky A., Onyshkevych V. Linear programming: Practicum for bachelour students of
specialties: “Economics”, “Accounting and Taxation” and “Management”. – Lviv: UNFU.
2018. – 59 pp. (in Ukrainian)

5. Adamovsky A., Onyshkevych V. Theory of probability and mathematical statistics:
Practicum for bachelour students of specialties: “Management”, “Economics” and
“Accounting and Taxation”. – Lviv: UNFU. 2018. – 86 pp. (in Ukrainian)
6. Turchyn O., Onyshkevych V., Soltys I. Workshop in Higher Mathematics for bachelour
students of distance education of all specialties . Part 1. – Lviv: UNFU. 2016. – 53 p. (in
7. Osarkiv I.M., Sokolovskyi I.A., Dadak R.M., Somar H.V., Dereh O.I., Kobrynovych M.S.
Fundamentals of technology: theory and practice of thermal processes of forest complex
production. Monography. Lviv: 2013. 112 p.
8. Protsakh N.P. Problem of determining of minor coefficient and right-hand side function in
semilinear ultraparabolic equation // Mat. Stud. – 2018. – V. 50, No 1. – P. 60 – 74.
9. Protsakh N. Determining of right-hand side of higher order ultraparabolic equation // Open
Mathematics. – 2017. – V. 15(1). – P. 1048–1062.
10. Protsakh N. Problem for a weakly nonlinear ultraparabolic equation with three unknown
functions of different arguments on the right-hand side // J. Math. Sci. – 2016. – V. 217, No 4. –
11. Protsakh N. Inverse problem for semilinear ultraparabolic equation of higher order //
Mathematica Bohemica. – 2015. – V. 140, № 4. – P. 395–404.
12. Protsakh N. P. Inverse problem for a semilinear ultraparabolic equation with unknown
right-hand side// Ukrainian mathematical Journal. –- 2014. –- V. 66, № 3. –- P. 371–390.
13. Protsakh N.P. Inverse problem of the determination of minor coefficient of semilinear
ultraparabolic equation // Visnyk LNU.– 2017, issue. 83.– P.164-178. (in Ukrainian)
14. Protsakh N.P. Initial-boundary value problem for special type nonlinear ultraparabolic
equation // Non-classical boundary value problems of the theory of differential equations
(dedicated to the 80th anniversary of prof. B.Y..Ptashnyk), 2017. -P.199-206. (in Ukrainian)
15. Lavrenyuk S.P., Protsakh N.P. Solvability of the boundary value problems for nonlinear
ultraparabolic equations// Preprint NAS of Ukraine, I.Ya. Pidstryhach IAPMM ;№ 1-08,
2008.–79 pp. (in Ukrainian)
16. Lavrenyuk S., Protsakh N. Boundary value problem for nonlinear ultraparabolic equation
in unbounded with respect to time variable domain, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ., volume 38, 2007,
17. Protsakh N.P. Problem for third order nonlinear hyperbolic equation in unbounded owith
respect to spatial variable domain // Nauk. Visnyk ChNU: Mathematics. ChNU. – 2006. – issue
314-315. – P. 143 – 149. (in Ukrainian)
18. Lavrenyuk S.P. Protsakh N. P. Variational ultraparabolic inequalities, Ukrainian
Mathematical Journal, volume 56(12), 2004, 1915–1931.
19. Protsakh N. P., A mixed problem for a nonlinear evolution equation with a second-order
time derivative in generalized Lebesgue spaces, Mat. Stud., volume 16(2), 2001, 157–168.
20. Stadnyk M.M., Horbachevskyy I.Ya. A Limit Equilibrium of Quasi brittle Materials with
Thin Inclusions. Delegate Manual. 10th International Conference of Fracture (Hawaii, USA, 2-6
December, 2001). - Honolulu: ElsevierScience. - P. 395.
21. Volchok I.P., Stadnyk M.M., Slyn'ko G.I., Horbachevskyy I.Y. On the Estimation of a Tensile
Strength for Cast-irons with Phosphide Eutectic Inclusions. - Proc. 14-th Bienniel
ConferenceonFracture - ECF14 (Cracow, Poland, 8-13 September, 2002) - EMAS-publishing. Vol.
III. - P. 519-526.
22. Hasiy O., Horbachevsky I. Determination of stresses in materials with evaporated coatings
// Scientific Journal of the Ternopil National Technical University, 2018, № 4 (92), pp. 24-33

23. Timar I., Szulim G., Scukin V., Turchyn O. Qusistatic thermal elastic task for
layer–halfspace system with local pulsed heating // GÉP, 2007. V.58, No 12. – P. 39-42.
24. Turchyn I., Turchyn O. Transient plane waves in multilayered half-space. Acta mechanica et
automatica. – 2013, Vol 7. No 1 (23). P. 5357.
25. Marchenko G.P., Soltys I.F. About surface fracture of rail by action of residual stresses.
Proceeding of International Scientific Conference “Modern problems of thermomechanics”.
Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics. Lviv , 22-24.09.2016. –
2 p.
26. O.M. Udovytskyi, I.F. Soltys. The study of dynamic processes the transportation by chain
conveyor. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU. 2017, 27 (4), p. 144-147.
27. Volodymyr Onyshkevych. Mathematical modelling of wear in a plane problem about
contact of punch and elastic half-plane. Mathematical problems of mechanics of
nonhomogeneous structures: Collection of scientific papers. Lviv: Pidstryhach Institute for applied
problems of mechanics and mathematics. 2019.– Fifth issue.– p. 187-188 (in Ukrainian)
28. Volodymyr Onyshkevych. Modelling of wear in the plane contact of rectangular punch and
elastic half-plane. 14-th International Symposium of Ukrainian Mechanical Engineers in Lviv, 23-
24.05.2019. Proceedings.– Lviv: KINPATRI LTD. 2019. – p. 38-40 (in Ukrainian)
29. Onyshkevych V.M., Sulym G.T. Consideration of wear in plane contact of rectangular
punch and elastic half-plane. V International Scientific Conference “Modern Problems of
Mechanics”, 28-30.08.2019, Kyiv, Ukraine. Proceedings.– p. 67 (in Ukrainian)
30. Georgiy Sulym, Volodymyr Onyshkevych. Plane contact of rectangular punch and elastic
half-plane with due account of wear. 6-th International Scientific-Technical Conference “Theory
and Practice Of Rational Projecting, Producing and Exploitation Of Machine-Building
Constructions, 25-26.10.2018, Lviv, Ukraine. Proceedings.– Lviv: KINPATRI LTD. 2018. – p. 74-
75 (in Ukrainian)
31. Volodymyr Onyshkevych. Plane contact problem for rectangular punch and elastic half-
plane with due account of wear. Modern Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics: Collection of
scientific papers. Lviv: Pidstryhach Institute for applied problems of mechanics and mathematics.
2018.– Vol. 2.– p. 74-75 (in Ukrainian) [Electronic resours] www.iapmm.lviv.ua/mpmm2018
32. Onyshkevych V.M., Sulym G.T. The problem about thermoelastic contact of half-plane and
rectangular punch with heat generation account of friction. IV International Scientific
Conference “Modern Problems of Mechanics”, 28-30.08.2017, Kyiv, Ukraine. Proceedings.– p. 72
(in Ukrainian)
33. Onyshkevych V.M., Sulym G.T. The problem about thermoelastic contact of half-plane and
rectangular punch with heat generation account of friction. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko
National University of Kyiv. Series: Physics & Mathematics. – 2017. – Vol.3 – p. 165-168 (in
34. Onyshkevych V.M., Gapalyak Kh.O. Taking into account stochastic in the imitative
modelling of ecologic-economic processes. Materials of IV International Scientific-Practical
Conference “Scientific Design, Leading Technologies, Innovations”, 6-8.05.2017, Praha-Brno-
Kyiv. – NDISR– p. 197-203 (in Ukrainian)
35. Volodymyr Onyshkevych, Georgiy Sulym. Thermoelastic contact of half-plane with
rectangular punch with heat generation account of friction. Modern Problems of
Thermomechanics: Collection of scientific papers. Lviv: Pidstryhach Institute for applied problems
of mechanics and mathematics. 2016.– p. 202-203 (in Ukrainian) [Electronic resours]
36. Sulym G.T., Onyshkevych V.M. The thermoelastic contact of a half-plane with the
rectangular rigid punch in the case of heat providing on its external surface. III International

Scientific Conference “Modern Problems of Mechanics”, 27-29.08.2015, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Proceedings.– p. 80 (in Ukrainian)
37. Sulym G.T., Onyshkevych V.M. The thermoelastic contact of a half-plane with the
rectangular rigid punch in the case of heat providing on its external surface.. Bulletin of Taras
Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Series: Physics & Mathematics. – 2015. – Special issue –
p. 255-260 (in Ukrainian)
38. Krochuk A.S., Onufriv O.R., Chornyi Z.P. Characteristic Properties of Radiation
ColoringMechanism in MeFX Compounds (Me = Sr, Ba; X = Cl, Br) // Phys.Stat.Sol. (B). -
1989- v.154,No.1. - P. K9 - K12.
39. Stadnik V.I., Andrievsky B.V., Onufriv O.R., Karplyuk L.T. Band structure and refraction of
LiRbSO4 crystals. // Optics and Spectroscopy. -2016.- Vol.121, №2 - p.306-311
40. M.Ya.Rudysh, M.G.Brik, O.R.Onufriv, M.Piasecki, V.Yo.Stadnyk, P.A.Shchepanskyi. Ab
initio study of crystal structure and physical properties of chalcopyrite Cu Ga (S2) x (Se2) 1-x
solid solution. In Ukrainian-Polish-Lithuanian Meeting on Physics of Ferroelectrics. 18-20
September 2018. Uzhhorod, Ukraine.
41. V.Yo.Stadnyk, P.A.Shchepanskyi, R.S.Brezvin, M.Ya.Rudysh, Z.A.Kohut, O.R.Onufriv,
Ya.P.Kost. On Isotropic Points and Potassium Ammonium Sulfate Crystals. Crystallography
Reports. -2019.-Vol.64, №5 –pp. 765-770.
42. Kachan, S.I., Salapak, V.M., Nahurskiy, O.A., Pirko, I.B. Control of radiation sensitivity of
the oxygen-containing fluorite crystals. Acta Physica Polonica A, 2018, V.133(4): p.824-828.
43. Chornij, Z.P., Pirko, I.B., Salapak, V.M., Panasyuk, M.R. FD-centers in fluorite crystals
doped with alkali metals. Journal of Physical Studies, 2012, 16(1): 1602 1-8.
44. Chornyi, Z.P., Pirko, I.B., Salapak, V.M. Study on radiation sensitivity of SrCI2-K crystals.
Functional Materials, 2011, 18(2): 206-210.
45. Chornyi, Z.P., Pirko, I.B., Salapak, V.M., Kachan, S.I., Kushnir T.M. Relaxation properties of
defect complexes in SrCl2-Tl+. Functional Materials, 2004, 11: 696-701.
46. Chornyi, Z.P., Kravchuk, I.M., Kachan, S.I., Shchur, G.O., Salapak, V.M. Reorientation of
M+A-centres in CaF2: Me+crystals Physica Status Solidi (B), 2001, 223: 757-765.
47. Z.Chorniy, W.Vaidanitc, M. Kobrynovytch, I.Pirko. X-rayind Luminescence and the
colour centres in crystals BaX (X = Cl, Br, I). Book of Abstracts 6 European Conference
of Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of ionising Radiation LUMDETR 2006, lviv, p.
48. Stadnyk M. M., Riznychuk R. V., Didukh I. V. Life estimation for fatique crack nucleation
and growth at the notch root // Advances in fracture resistance in materials / Edited by V. V.
Panasyuk, P. Rama Rao and others. – New Delhi: Tata McGraw – Hill Publishing Соmpany
Limited, 1996. – V. 1. – P. 121–127.
49. Stadnyk M., Didukh I. Estimation of the durability of pipe elements at the stage of fatigue
growth of surface halfeliptic crack // Visnyk Lviv, Univ. -Mech.- mat. series. 2010.-No. 73. -
P.23-29. (in Ukrainian)
50. Z.Chorniy, N.Diyachuk, I.Pirko, V.Salapak. Luminescence of autolokalized exitons in
crystals BaCl 2 . Electronics and information technology, 2016, issue 6, p. 45-53. (in Ukrainian)
51. Z.Chorniy, I.Pirko, N.Diyachuk, N. Kobrynovitch, M. Panasiuk, V.Salapak. Self-trapped hole
in the crystals BaCl 2 . Electronics and information technology, 2015, issue 5, p. 61-72. (in
52. Z.Chornij, I.Pirko, V.Salapak, N.Dyachuk,. Radiation process in crystals with poind defects
in dipole type. One dimentional model. Electronics and information technology, 2013, issue 3, p.
70-78. (in Ukrainian)

53. Z.Chornij, M. Panasiuk, N.Diyachuk, I.Pirko, V.Salapak. Generation (Tl 0 -Tl 2+ ) –
complementary pairs in Alkali-Halide crystals. Electronics and information technology, 2014,
issue 4, p. 81-87. (in Ukrainian)
54. Osarkiv I.M., Basalyha Y.V., Kuleshnyk Y.F., Sokolovskyi I.A., Kobrynovych M.S. Diagnosis
of wood properties in technological processes of woodworking. Scientific edition. Lviv:
Panorama Publishing House, 2003. 228 p.
55. Chorniy Z.P., Shchur G.O., Kobrynovych M.S. Panasiuk M.R. Investigation of the efficiency
of electron capture by impurity-vacancy dipoles in SrCl 2 crystals. – Kyiv: Physical Electronic,
1985, 108-111 pp.
56. Chorniy Z.P., Zherebetskyi S.K., Kobrynovych M.S., Salapak V.M. Atomic centers of color in
SrCl 2 – Tl crystals. Collection of scientific works "100 years of Engineer-Economical Faculty of
Lviv Polytechnic", Lviv, 1996.
57. Krynytskyi G.T., Vaidanych V.I., Zaika V.K., Kobrynovych M.S. Influence of chronic ionized
irradiation on the Pinus Sylvestris L. functioning. Physical Collection of SciTechSch, vol. 4,
2001, 401-407 pp.
58.Osarkiv I.M., Kobrynovych M.S. Thermodynamic characteristics of wood in drying
processes. Scientific Bulletin. Lviv, UkrDLTU (UNFU), 2003, issue. 13.1, 106-112 pp.
59.Chorniy Z., Vaidanitc W., Kobrynovytch M., Pirko I. X-raying Luminescence and the colour
centres in crystals BaX (X = Cl, Br, I). Book of Abstracts 6 European Conference of
Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of ionizing Radiation LUMDETR 2006, Lviv, p. 194.
60.Chorniy Z.P., Pirko I.B., Solonok V.M., Kobrynovych M.S., Diachuk M.V. Activation centers
of color in BaCl 2 –Pb crystals. Scientific Bulletin of NLTU of Ukraine: collection of scientific and
technical works. - 2014 - issue. 24.3, 321326 pp.
61.Chorniy Z.P., Vaidanych. V.I, Maksymovych H.K., Shchur G.O., Kobrynovych M.S.
Investigation of F A -F transformations in BaCl 2 Me + crystals. Proceedings of All-Union
conference in radiation physics and chemistry of ionic cr. Riga: Salaspils, 1983. p. 306.
62.Chorniy Z.P., Vaidanych. V.I, Maksymovych H.K., Kobrynovych M.S. Thallium glow centers
in crystals of divalent metal halides. Proceedings of All-Union meeting on luminescence non
organic crystals / Rivne, 1984, p. 119.
63.Dubelt S.P., Tsal N.O., Chorniy Z.P., Kobrynovych M.S. Luminescence and color centers in
crystals with a fluorite structure doped with manganese. Proceedings of All-Union Feofilov
Symposium on Crystal Electroscopy. Sverdlovsk, 1985, p. 87.
64.Chornyi Z.P., Govor M.V., Krochuk A.S., Salapak V.M., Kobrinovytch M.S.
Thermostimulated rekombination cyelikon mechanirm SrCl 2 - Me + crystals Simposium
“EXCOM-94”. Darvin, Astralia, 1994. (in English)
65.Krynytskyi G.T., Vaidanych V.I., Zaika V.K., Kobrynovych M.S. Influence of chronic
incorporated radiation on the functioning of common pine. Proceedings of the II International
Scientific Symposium. Ternopil, 2000, p. 253-255.
66.Vaidanych. V.I, Dovha N.D., Pentsak G.M. Kobrynovych M.S. Features of teaching of physics
by specialists of technical specialties in the conditions of realization of modern integration
processes. Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Methodological Conference. Kryvyi
Rih, 2004, vol. 2, no.4, 7276 pp.
67.М. М. Stadnyk, I. V.Didukh. An estimation of life time of the thick-wall tubs and the
tubular welding joints at the stage of fatigue surface semielliptical crack propagation //
Scientific Bulletin of UNFU. – 2017. – Vol. 27. – No.9. –P.74-78.
68.. М. М. Stadnyk, I. V.Didukh. The mathematical model growth of surface semielliptical
crack in elastoplastic body under cyclic loading// Scientific Bulletin of UNFU. – 2007. –
Vol.17. – No.5. –P.220-226.

69. М. М. Stadnyk, I. V.Didukh. The calculation model of assessing the residual life time
of tubular elements under cyclic loading// Modern Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics:
In 3 volume. - Lviv, 2008. - V. 2. - P.295-297.
70. М. М. Stadnyk, I. V.Didukh. An estimation of the life time of tubular structural elements
at the stage of fatigue surface semielliptical crack propagation // Visnyk of the Lviv University.
Series Mechanics and Mathematics. 2010. Issue 73.- P.23-29.

erasmusНаціональний лісотехнічний університет України і Університет Вальядоліду (University of Valladolid, Іспанія) оголошують конкурс на здобуття стипендій для навчання та стажування в Університеті Вальядоліду за програмою Євросоюзу Еразмус+ (напрям КА1, extra Call for Applications)

Конкурс оголошується на здобуття 2 стипендій для навчання студентів та 1 стипендії для стажування викладачів та адміністративних працівників для українських університетів-партнерів  (НЛТУ України, Національний медичний університет ім. Богомольця, Івано-Франківський національний медичний університет).

Навчання та стажування фінансується за рахунок програми Євросоюзу Еразмус+ у такому розмірі:

  • грант для студентів: 850 євро / місяць (5 місяців). Всього: 4250 євро
  • витрати на подорож: квиток з НЛТУ України до Університету Вальядоліду та зворотній квиток;
  • грант для викладачів та адміністративного персоналу: 160 євро / день (5 днів) + 2 дні на подорож (160 євро / день). Всього: 1120 євро.

Програми навчання, відкриті для студентів НЛТУ України, в Університеті Вальядоліду:

  • Міжнародний семестр для студентів-бакалаврів у галузі лісового господарства в Університеті Вальядоліду.

До участі в конкурсі допускаються студенти 2-4-іх курсів денної форми, які навчаються за такими спеціальностями: “Екологія”, “Лісове господарство” (в т.ч. освітніх програм “Мисливське господарство” i “Лісова інженерія”), “Садово-паркове господарство”.

Ознайомитись з програмою навчання в Університеті Вальядоліду можна за посиланням: «International Semester in Forestry»

  • Міжнародний семестр для студентів-магістрів у галузі лісового господарства в Університеті Вальядоліду

До участі в конкурсі допускаються студенти 5 курсу денної форми, які навчаються за такими спеціальностями: “Екологія”, “Лісове господарство” (в т.ч. освітніх програм “Мисливське господарство” i “Лісова інженерія”), “Садово-паркове господарство”.

Ознайомитись з програмою навчання в Університеті Вальядоліду можна за посиланням: Forest Management based on Data Science

Період навчання: 01 лютого – 30 червня 2020 р. Мова навчання ‒ англійська.

Варіанти, доступні для викладачів та адміністративних працівників для проходження стажування, можна переглянути за посиланням: https://uvamobplus.uva.es/publico/courses, обравши тип мобільності Academic Staff STT або Academic Staff STA/STT або Administrative staff  та здійснивши пошук. Період реалізації мобільності – до 31 липня 2020 р. Мова стажування – англійська або іспанська.

Вимоги щодо допуску до участі в конкурсному відборі:      

  • Для бакалаврів:бути офіційно зарахованим студентом в НЛТУ України в 2019-2020 н.р., завершити як мінімум один рік навчання, обрана програма навчання в Університеті Вальядоліду має бути доречною до програми навчання в НЛТУ України, статус студента НЛТУ України повинен зберігатися на протязі всього терміну навчання в Університеті Вальядоліду.
  • Для магістрів:бути офіційно зарахованим студентом в НЛТУ України в 2019-2020 н.р., обрана програма навчання в Університеті Вальядоліду має бути доречною до програми навчання в НЛТУ України, статус студента НЛТУ України повинен зберігатися на протязі всього терміну навчання в Університеті Вальядоліду
  • Для викладачів і адміністративного персоналу: повинні бути працівниками НЛТУ України як на момент подання заявки,  так і на період реалізації мобільності.

Заявка подається через сайт Університету Вальядоліду https://www5.uva.es/uvamobplus/ в режимі он-лайн. Всі документи подаються англійською або  іспанською мовами. Керівництво до подання заявки у додатку.

Процес створення заявки починається з реєстрації:


Для подачі заявки необхідно підготувати та завантажити наступні документи:

  • Фото
  • Копія паспорту
  • СV – біографічна довідка у форматі EUROPASS


  • Рекомендаційний лист (на бланку університету)
  • Академічна довідка про успішність навчання (Додаток 14 «Положення про академічну мобільність учасників освітнього процесу в Державному вищому навчальному закладі “Національний лісотехнічний університет України”»)
  • Довідка з місця навчання (Додаток 13 «Положення про академічну мобільність учасників освітнього процесу в Державному вищому навчальному закладі “Національний лісотехнічний університет України”» ) або довідка, яка підтверджує зайнятість в НЛТУ України (для викладачів та адміністративних працівників – у додатку шаблон).
  • Довідка про знання іноземних мов (сертифікат незалежного оцінювання рівня володіння іноземною мовою або сертифікат, виданий кафедрою іноземних мов НЛТУ України не раніше 1 року до дедлайну подання документів).

Отримати довідку про знання іноземних мов (Language Assessment Sheet, див. додаток 15 Положення) можна, склавши іспит на кафедрі іноземних мов університету. Для складання іспиту потрібно зареєструватися до 25 листопада 2019 року на кафедрі іноземних мов (інформацію про реєстрацію необхідно надіслати на електронну адресу Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. із зазначенням ПІБ та мови).

Іспит відбудеться 26 листопада 2019 року (вівторок) об 11.00 год. на кафедрі іноземних мов. На іспит слід приходити із роздрукованим бланком довідки встановленого зразка. Довідка буде заповнена комісією відповідно до результатів складання іспиту та підписана завідувачем кафедри.

  • Підписана пропозиція щодо мобільності. Форма документу завантажується через он-лайн систему Університету Вальядоліду. Студентам для заповнення потрібно вказати заплановану відповідність перезарахування дисциплін з програми навчання Університету Вальядоліду в НЛТУ України за обраний семестр мобільності. При заповненні пропозиції щодо мобільності консультуватись з координаторами академічної мобільності у навчально-наукових інститутах. Для викладачів/адміністративних працівників у пропозиції щодо мобільності вказати обраний відділ/кафедру для проходження стажування та заплановану діяльність під час мобільності.
  • Мотиваційний лист
  • Лист запрошення (для викладачів та адміністративних працівників)
  • Документ, що підтверджує несприятливі фінансові або соціальні умови (для осіб з несприятливими фінансовими або соціальними умовами)
  • Документ, що підтверджує інвалідність (для осіб з інвалідністю)
  • Декларація про дотримання податкових та національних страхових зобов'язань щодо грантів (повинна бути підписана заявником).

Після надання всієї інформації та завантаження документів буде сформована розписка, яка повинна бути підписана та завантажена на онлайн-платформу UVAMOBPLUS для завершення процесу подання заявки.

Оцінювання претендентів відбуватиметься НЛТУ України та Університетом Вальядоліду за критеріями:

Для студентів:

  • Академічна успішність (вага критерію 60%)
  • Мотивація (вага критерію 20%)
  • Доречність пропозиції щодо мобільності (вага критерію 20%)

Для викладачів та адміністративних працівників:

  • Професійний досвід (вага критерію 60%)
  • Мотивація (вага критерію 20%)
  • Доречність пропозиції щодо мобільності (вага критерію 20%)

Останній термін подання документів на участь в конкурсі ‒ 30 листопада 2019 р., 12:00 год. за іспанським часом (Spanish time).

З питаннями щодо участі в конкурсі звертатися до відділу міжнародних зв’язків НЛТУ України за адресою: адміністративний корпус НЛТУ України, кім.10. Контактна особа – Іванна Шевченко, тел. +38 097 321 4145, Е-mail: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


  1. Положення про академічну мобільність учасників освітнього процесу в Державному вищому навчальному закладі “Національний лісотехнічний університет України”.
  2. Англомовне оголошення.
  3. Шаблон довідки, яка підтверджує зайнятість в НЛТУ України
  4. Керівництво як заповнювати заявку в онлайн-системі.

Створення та діяльність наукової школи регламентується Положенням про наукову школу, затвердженним Вченою радою університету 26.12.2013 р., протокол № 12.

Науковий керівник школи – академік НАН України, д.е.н., професор, заслужений діяч науки  і техніки України Туниця Ю.Ю.

Наукова школа започаткована ним у 70-х роках ХХ століття.  Кадровий склад наукової школи на початок державної атестації представлений   докторами  наук: Туниця Ю.Ю., Дейнека А.М., Лебедевич С.І., Соловій І.П., Якімцов В.В. і 15 кандидатами наук.

Школа має перспективи оновлення кадрового складу за рахунок таких  дослідників:

– доцентів, кандидатів наук: Адамовського О.М., Дубовіча І.А., Загвойської Л.Д., Максимець О.В., які працюють над докторськими дисертаційними роботами;

– наукового співробітника Мельникович М.П., яка захистила кандидатську дисертацію;

– аспірантів: Винярської М.Г., Соловія В.І., Кафлик М., Фомічевої Т.П., Дудюка С. В., Дубневича П.Б., Дуди О.О., Ференц О.О., яким заплановані захисти дисертаційних робіт докторів філософії впродовж 2020-2024 рр.

Школою на прикладі принципів еколого-економічного оцінювання лісових  ресурсів, сформульовано  сутність еколого-економічного вчення, яке на противагу традиційній ринковій чи командно-адміністративній економіці, має на меті розроблення ефективних методів врахування екологічних факторів в економічних системах як їх органічних складових, а також  теоретично обгрунтовано засади національної лісової політики.

Науковцями школи опрацьовано також:

– ідею і концепцію Екологічної Конституції Землі, виголошені від імені України в ООН (1997, 2008, 2009, 2011) та на Світовому саміті «Ріо+20» (2012);

         – теоретико-методологічні засади екологізації освіти як чинника формування людського капіталу для сталого розвитку, які знайшли відображення в рішенні Колегії МОН України від 27 листопада 2015 р., протокол №10/5-4 "Про екологізацію вищої освіти України з метою підготовки фахівців для сталого розвитку".

Днями, 10-12 жовтня в університеті відбулася I Всеукраїнська науково-практична конференція студентів, аспірантів та молодих вчених "Комп'ютерне моделювання та інформаційні технології". Проведена на підставі плану проведення студентських науково-практичних конференції та семінарів молодих учених і студентів Міністерства освіти і науки України у 2019 р. затвердженого за №22/1/10-4453 від 29.10.2018р.

Організаторами заходу виступила кафедра Інформаційних технологій НЛТУ України.

Робота конференйції проводилася за тематичними секціями:

  • Математичне моделювання складних систем.
  • Інтелектуальні інформаційні системи.
  • Математичне і програмне забезпечення.
  • Хмарні технології, веб-технології, та веб-дизайн.
  • Інформаційні технології проектування.
  • Інформаційні технологій в економіці.
  • Комп'ютерно-інтегровані технології.

У роботі конференції взяли участь 105 учасників, до учасників з НЛТУ України долучилися 24 автори – з інших навчальних закладів:

  • Національний технічний університет України КПІ ім. І. Сікорського (м. Київ);
  • Дніпровський державний технічний університет (м. Дніпро);
  • Національний авіаційний університет (м. Київ);
  • Криворізький національний університет (м. Кривий Ріг);
  • Державний університет «Житомирська політехніка» (м. Житомир).

За матеріалами конференції видано електронний збірник матеріалів конференції на 120 сторінок.

За словами проректора з наукової роботи професора Лавного В.В., у майбутньому варто практикувати запрошення представників ІТ-компаній для участі в роботі конференції з метою відбору обдарованих студентів на майбутні місця праці. Розширити практику виконання комплексних студентських наукових робіт.

С.Яцишин, В. Яркун


Посада – асистент кафедри історії України, економічної теорії та права


вул. Ген. Чупринки, 105, к.410,

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Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


  • Основи підприємництва
  • Політекономія
  • Економічна теорія
  • Макроекономіка
  • Мікроекономіка


  • Закінчила Львівський лісотехнічний інститут в 1995 році за спеціальністю: «Економіка і управління в галузях хіміко-лісового комплексу»
  • Здобувач економічного факультету Львівського лісотехнічного інституту (2000-2005)

Досвід роботи:

  • Секретар деканату економічного факультету Львівського лісотехнічного інституту, інженер кафедри економіки і менеджменту деревообробних підприємств, асистент кафедри економічної теорії Національного лісотехнічного університету України (2002 і до теперішнього часу).

   Наукові інтереси

  • Дослідження проблем підприємництва в Україні і за її межами
  • Дослідження проблем туристичного бізнесу в Україні.

 Основні публікації

  1. Екологічний туризм як один із способів диверсифікації діяльності підприємства. Підготовка фахівців для сталого розвитку: досвід, проблеми і перспективи: матеріали Міжнародної наукової конференції.ь- Львів: РВВ НЛТУ України. – 2014. – С. 115-116.
  2. Інституційні засади трактування економічних систем в умовах посилення їх екологізації та глобалізації. Науковий вісник НЛТУ України: серія економічна. – Вип. 26.6. – Львів: РВВ НЛТУ України, 2016. – С.7-13.
  3. Організація виробництва екологічно чистої продукції та послуг як складова використання експертного потенціалу підприємства. Актуальні проблеми та перспективи розвитку зовнішньоекономічної діяльності в умовах глобалізації. Мат.міжн.наук.-практ.конф. 27-28 жовтня 2016 р. – Львів, 2016. – С.42-44.
  4. Екологізація економічних систем як пріоритет їх трансформації у ХХІ столітті. Науковий вісник НЛТУ України. Серія економічна. – Львів, 2018,т.28, №4. – 132с.
  5. Аналіз передумов та перспектив створення міжнародного консорціуму у сфері міжнародного туристичного бізнесу. Вісник Львівського інституту економіки і туризму : зб. наук. ст. / М-во освіти і науки України. Львів. інст-т економіки і туризму ; [редкол. : І.О. Бочан та ін.]. – Львів : ЛІЕТ, 2018. - № 13. – С . 80-88




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