Information for visitors to Ukraine

For all visas the following must be submitted:

  1. A national passport, valid for at least three months after the expiration date of the requested visa and having at least 2 blank visa designated pages;
  2. Visa Application form per each passport holder - answered completely and legibly typed or printed in ink in block letters, dated and personally signed by the applicant.
  3. 2 photos - recent, passport-sized, resembling applicant's travel document photo.
  4. Valid international medical insurance
  5. Sufficient financial means for the period of intended stay and return to the country of origin or transit to a third country or guaranty to obtain sufficient financial resources in Ukraine.
  6. Together with all items listed above the following documents, each hereinafter referred to as "the supporting document", related to the purpose of entry, must be submitted for visas.

Ordinary visa processing time is 15 calendar days (or more, up to 1 month – in case of additional requirements according to the decision of Consul)

Express visa is processed within less than 15 calendar days from the day of submission and costs double price – provided the urgent visa processing is possible.

Additional documents for your visa and visa fees find at Ukrainian Embassy/Consulate for your country:

Erasmus+ (incoming mobility opportunities)

Here you can check if you need a visa to enter Ukraine.

However, for confirmation and more detailed information, we would recommend to contact the Ukrainian Consular Section of the Embassy of Ukraine in your country before travelling.


Consular Section of the Embassy of Ukraine in Slovak Republic
Address:      81101, Bratislava, Radvanska St.,35.
Phone:         (00 4212) 5920 2816, (00 4212) 5920 2813
Fax:   (00 4212) 59202837
Email:          Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

Federal Republic of Germany

Consular Section of the Embassy of Ukraine in the FederalRepublic of Germany
Address:      10117 Berlin,Albrechtstrasse 26.
Phone:         (+4930) 288 87 214, (+4930) 288 87 0
Fax:   (+4930) 288 87 7219
Email:          Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

Republic of Estonia

Consular Section of the Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Estonia
Address:      15170 Tallinn, Lahe 6 .
Phone:         (372) 601 58 35, +37258874477
Fax:   (372) 601 58 16
Email:          Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


ConsularSection of the Embassy of Ukraine in Poland
Address:      00580 Warszawa, AlejaSzucha, 7.
Phone:         +48 (22) 621-39-79
Fax:   +48 (22) 629-95-76
Email:          Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

If you need a visa, you must submit the following documents:

  • passport that should meet the following requirements:
    • be valid for at least three months after the stated date of departure from Ukraine;
    • have at least two blank visa designated pages;
    • have validity period of no longer than 10 years;
  • completed and signed Visa Application form (you will need Acrobat Reader to view or print these forms). Visa application forms of minors shall be submitted for each person and signed by a parent or legal guardian. For speeding up application process Visa Application Forms should be submitted online via web site;
  • one coloured photo 35 mm x 45 mm;
  • valid health insurance with coverage of at least 30,000 EUR or equivalent in other currency. When multi-entry visa is requested, availability of health insurance valid for the first intended visit to Ukraine shall be considered. Holders of diplomatic or service passport shall be exempt from this requirement;
  • proof of the sufficient  financial means for the intended period of stay and return to the country of origin, or transit to a third country, or the possibility to legally obtain sufficient financial means on the territory of Ukraine (at the rate of 750 USD per 15 days stay). Holders of diplomatic or service passport shall be exempt from this requirement;
  • payment of consular fee, unless otherwise stipulated by legislation or international treaties of Ukraine.
  • together with all items listed above the following documents related to the purpose of entry must be submitted for visas.

According to the visa types one of the additional documents (e.g. letter of invitation) also shall be submitted 

Last modified on Понеділок, 26 вересня 2022 11:44




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