About the project



Wider objective of the project is the enhancing the role of higher education sector in society by supporting development of Ukrainian recognition system.

Project objectives:

  • Design, development and testing of recognition methodology compatible with the National Qualifications Framework
  • Human resources development for recognition
  • Establishment of Recognition Support Platform

Target groups:

  • Staff of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine responsible for national Higher Education strategy
  • Academic decision makers
  • Academic and administrative staff of HEIs
  • Staff of the National Qualifications Agency
  • Persons interested in recognition of their qualifications (students, life-long learners etc.)
  • Non-academic partners involved into stakeholder dialogue


  • Analyses of existing standards and methodologies
  • Development of recognition methodology
  • Design and implementation of training system
  • Establishment of recognition centres at UA partner universities
  • Quality Management
  • Dissemination and exploitation
  • Project management

Expected results:

  • Recognition manual with policy recommendations
  • Quality Handbook for internal QA
  • Training centres in partner HEIs
  • Trained administrative and academic staff
  • Recognition centres and Recognition Support Platform
Last modified on Середа, 29 січня 2020 08:22

Новини проекту V4 Green Universities

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