Department of Forest Machines

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Oleg Styranivsky, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
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Head of the Department,
Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
Oleg Styranivsky,

Department of Forest Machines (FM) comes from Department of Land and Water Timber Transport and Traction Machines, which was created at the same time as Lviv Forestry Institute in 1945. First head of that department was Assoc. Prof. V. I. Garuzov, director of the Institute. In 1955 Assoc. Prof. B.G. Gastev became the head of FM Department. Under his leadership, the scientific direction of the timber transport machines dynamics was formed, which gained wide recognition in the scientific world. 

From 1969 to 1985 the department was headed by the Prof. Gastev’s learner – Assoc. Prof. M. A. Gaidar, who published the first Ukrainian-language textbook on timber transport.

In 1988 FM Department was merged with Department of Forestry Mechanization. After its restoration in 1994, it was headed by Prof. N. I. Byblyuk, which successfully develops scientific direction, started by Prof. Gastev. On the basis of the perennial theoretical and experimental researches, the methodology of the imitation modeling and calculation processes timber vehicles movement with taking into account the tree trunks package three-dimensional oscillation was developed in 1970-80 at the department.

Under Prof. Byblyuk guidance the exploratory research on the timber truck environmental problems were launched, which has led to formation of the new scientific direction – environmental forestry technologies.

Beginning in 1995, under Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine license, the FM Department provides practical training for students to provide the working profession vehicles driver categories "B" and "C".

At the end of 2015, Department of Forest Machines was headed by Prof. Byblyuk’s learner – Assoc. Prof. O. A. Styranivsky, which continued the earlier scientific directions.

Since 2008, Industrial Scientific Research Laboratory of Forest Roads and Forest Vehicles has been operating on FM Department basis. One of the initiators of its creation was the current head of the department – Assoc. Prof. O. A. Styranivsky. Within this laboratory, the scientists of the department are actively working to solve important applied scientific and technical problems of the wood transport network development of the forest areas.

Students are actively involved in the research at the department. They presents their works in recent years at All-Ukrainian Student Research Competitions and Olympiads, wins numerous prize places.

Since 1990s the department has established close cooperation with the related departments of the universities in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland. Subsequently, after International Conference “Forest Engineering – 2004” which  FM Department was carry out under the auspices of IUFRO, to these cooperation  joined related departments from the universities in Slovenia and Japan, and in recent years – Romania and Turkey.

1. Byblyuk Nestor, Dr.Sc., Prof.
2. Gudz Gustav, Dr.Sc., Prof.
3. Machuga Oleg, Dr.Sc., Assoc.Prof.
4. Borys Mykola, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
5. Herys Mykola, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
6. Shevсhenko Natalia, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
7. Boyko Anatoliy, Assoc.Prof.
8. Oliynuk Mykhaylo, Senior Lecturer
9. Boyko Mykhaylo, Senior Lecturer
10. Shchupak Andriy, Assistant

1. Bilyk Volodymyr, Productional Training, Master
2. Shvets Volodymyr, Productional Training, Master
3. Poronnyk Iryna, Senior laboratory, Assistant
4. Tsyupka Olga, Engineer
5. Penyora Mariya, Laboratory Assistant

Bachelor Programs:

1. Forestry Machines and Equipments

Graduates of the educational program “Machinery and equipment of forestry” have the sufficient theoretical knowledge, practical experience and skills for successfully complete the professional responsibilities associated with the design, production and operation of technical systems, machines and equipment, robotic tools and complexes, as well as for developing measures to increase their efficiency and reduce the negative environmental impact.

Mandatory courses:

  • Hydraulics, hydraulic Drives and hydraulic Transmissions
  • Mechatronics

Elective courses:

  • Automotive Vehicles and Tractors
  • Means of Timber Transportation
  • Technical Operation of Machines and Equipment
  • Scientific Researches on Sector-specific Processes
  • Repair of Machinery and Equipment
  • Vehicle Driving and Driving Safety
  • Traffic Rules

2. Technical Service

Graduates of the educational program “Technical service” have the sufficient theoretical knowledge, practical experience and skills  for  successfully complete the professional responsibilities associated with organization of the technical service in forestry and other industries, efficient use and maintenance of the machines and technological equipment, ensuring their efficiency etc.

Mandatory courses:
Hydraulics, hydraulic Drives and hydraulic Transmissions

Elective courses:

  • Fuel, Lubrication and Engineering Maintenance Materials
  • Automotive Vehicles and Tractors
  • Road Construction Machinery
  • Technical Operation and Maintenance of Machinery
  • Means of Timber Transportation
  • Fundamentals of Forestry Machines Research Investigations 
  • Management of  Repair Techniques for Machinery and Equipment of Forest Sector
  • Vehicle Driving, Traffic and Driving Safety
  • Traffic Rules

Master programs:

  1. Forestry Machines and Equipments

The graduates are specialists for innovative, organizational-managerial, production-economic and research activities in the industry.

Mandatory courses:

  • Methodology of Scientific Researches on Sector-specific Processes

Elective courses:

  • Theory and Design of Self-propelled Forestry Machines
  • Theory and Technology of Machine Part Reconditioning
  • Scientific Framework of Optimal Control over Machinery and Equipment Performance
  • Operational Testing of Forestry Machinery Environmental Principles of Timber-hauling Vehicles
  • Management of Machinery and Operation

2. Technical Service of Forestry Machinery

The graduates are specialists in the efficient use, maintenance, diagnosis and repair of forestry, wood transport and road-building machines.

Mandatory courses:

  • Methodology of Scientific Researches on Sector-specific Processes
  • Technical Service in Forest Sector

Elective courses:

  • Theory of Timber-hauling Vehicles
  • Reconditionig Technologies in Repair Industry
  • Environmental Safety of Forestry Machinery
  • Operational Properties of Forestry Machinery

  • Dynamics of forest machines: creation of the theory and the methods of the calculation, testing and efficient operation for the wheel forest vehicles; mathematical and computer modeling of dynamic processes.

A new approach to the study of the processes of forest vehicles movement is proposed, which is to consider the tasks of simulation modeling and calculation of the parameters of the movement of the system road-operator-machine-wood package on a single theoretical basis, based on the establishment of internal relationships between different dynamic processes that arise during the movement of various types of the forest vehicles. On this basis, a mathematical model of the generalized timber's transporting system was created, which was oriented towards a complex study of the main types of movement. For practical implementation of the developed mathematical apparatus, algorithms and programs for calculating the motion parameters of the individual subsystems and the timber’s transporting system as a whole have been drawn up.

  • Environmental forestry technologies: the minimizing of the forest's machines impact on the environment, the creation of the wood transport development concept of   the forests, forest roads designing.

A new scientific direction at the technical and environmental sciences boundary. It based on the joint application of engineering and environmental methods, use the quality and quantity technical parameters of the technology processes of forest vehicle for evaluation their environmental impact.

For the first time, the GIS-based forest road planning conceptual model has been proposed. That one allows for the justify the ecologically safely and cost-effective manners of the wood primary transporting, for the estimation the proportions of the forest road network development for the different terrestrial technical means, and also for describing a possible occurrence, increasing and expansion of the environmental hazards caused by logging activities.

  • Energy approach scientific principles in the solution of the problems of interaction the machines with working environment

The application of the methodology of variational inequalities for exergy and anergy in the study of the behavior of the “machine - working environment” system is substantiated, analytical solutions for the number of practically important problems for the machine’s elements and work environment interaction are obtained, methods for determining the operational characteristics of mobile machines and mechanisms with asymmetrically located hinged equipment in pliable  territories have been developed.

  • DB 08.15-13-07 “Scientific principles of the   environmental forest vehicles system formation”.
  • DB 08.15-24-08 "The development of the automated system of the monitoring, evaluation and design forest transport networks on an environmental basis".
  • FORZA, 2010 “The development of the forest resources usage transport network development concept in Nizhnyobystry forestry unit SE ‘Khust Experimental Forestry’ based on GIS technologies”.
  • DB 08.15-26-10 “The development of the integrated use technology of the heterogeneous renewable energy sources in logging, wood transportation and primary processing of wood”.
  • GD 08.15-13-14 "Investigation of the influence of track and wheel skidders on the forest environment in the conditions of Skoliv Beskids".
  • GD 08-15-03-18 "The development of the recommendations on the type, technical and operational parameters of the machines for the timber primary wood transportation, taking into account the impact on the forest environment in the conditions of SE "Brody Forestry".

Industrial Scientific Research Laboratory of Forest Roads and Forest Vehicles (ISRL FRFV)

Laboratory was established on the basis of FM Department by the joint order Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and State Committee of Forestry of Ukraine in 2008.

The main task of ISRL FRFV is to carry out research, development and design work on the issues of the forest areas transport accessibility and operation of forest vehicles, the development of normative and methodological materials for the transfer into the production process of the modern methods of the forest roads exploration, design, construction and exploitation, increase training and retraining quality of the specialists in the forest roads design, construction and operation.

Each year, several contract works are carried out within Laboratory. That works related to the development of work projects for the forest roads construction, assessing the forest vehicles use efficiency and so on. During 2008-2019 over 70 forest road construction projects were developed. From 2009 to 2013, annual scientific and practical seminars were held for forest workers on the design, construction and forest roads operation.

Laboratory was established on the basis of FM Department by the joint order Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and State Committee of Forestry of Ukraine in 2008.

The main task of ISRL FRFV is to carry out research, development and design work on the issues of the forest areas transport accessibility and operation of forest vehicles, the development of normative and methodological materials for the transfer into the production process of the modern methods of the forest roads exploration, design, construction and exploitation, increase training and retraining quality of the specialists in the forest roads design, construction and operation.

Each year, several contract works are carried out within Laboratory. That works related to the development of work projects for the forest roads construction, assessing the forest vehicles use efficiency and so on. During 2008-2019 over 70 forest road construction projects were developed. From 2009 to 2013, annual scientific and practical seminars were held for forest workers on the design, construction and forest roads operation.

  1. Byblyuk N. I. Timber-hauling vehicles: Theory: Textbook. - Lviv: Panorama, 2004. – 454 p. (in Ukrainian)
  2. Biblyuk N. I., Timber-hauling vehicles: construction and calculation. Part 1. General layout. Special equipment / N. I. Biblyuk, M. I. Herys, M. M. Boyko, A. L. Shchupak, N. V. Shevchenko / ed. Dr.Sc., Prof. N. I. Byblyuk. - Lviv: NLTU, - 2014. - 400 p. (in Ukrainian)
  3. Bilyk B. V., Adamovsky M. G. Design of self-propelled forest machines: Parameter selection, layout and traction calculation: Manual. - Lviv: ZUKC, 2004. - 160 p. (in Ukrainian)
  4. Bilyk B. V., Adamovsky M. G. Theory of self-propelled forest machines: Manual. - Kyiv-Lviv: ISMN, 1998 - 208 p. (in Ukrainian)
  5. Styranivsky O. A., Styranivsky Yu. O. Environmental principles of wood transport network development of mountain forest areas: monograph. - Lviv: NLTU, - 2010. - 208 p. (in Ukrainian)
  6. Styranivsky O. A. Environmental basics of logging and timber transportation: Manual. - Lviv: NLTU, 2008. - 104 p. (in Ukrainian)
  7. Boyko A. A., Stiranovsky O.A., Herys M.I., Machuha O.S. Collection of tasks in the discipline "Hydraulics, hydraulic drive and hydraulic transmission": Manual / ed. А. А. Boyko. - Lviv: NLTU, - 2011. - 124 p. (in Ukrainian)
  8. Boyko A. A. Fundamentals of scientific research of logging processes: Manual. - Lviv: NLTU, - 2007. - 104 p. (in Ukrainian)
  9. Boyko A.A. Hydraulics and Hydraulic Drive: Manual. - Lviv: NLTU, - 2010. - 307 p. (in Ukrainian)

Last modified on Середа, 05 лютого 2020 09:14




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