Department of Wood-Based Composites, Cellulose and Paper


Pavlo Bekhta Prof. Ing. Dr.Sc.
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+38 (032)-238-44-99

Head of the Department,
ScD., Professor

Pavlo Bekhta

The begging of the Department of Wood-Based Composites, Cellulose and Paper  have been started from the Department of Joiner-Mechanical and Plywood Manufacturing, created at the Faculty of Mechanical Technology of Wood (1947-1953). From 1953 to 1975, the disciplines related to wood composite materials were studied at the Department of Woodworking Design (1953-1970), renamed from 1970 to the technology of wood products. In 1975, the Department of Hydrothermal Processing of Wood and Glued Materials was established, which in 1986, as a structural unit, was liquidated, and in 1994 it was re-established, in which sections of hydrothermal processing of wood and glued materials technology were already functioning.

In June 1, 1999 specialty "Chemical Technology of Wood and Vegetable Raw Materials Processing"  in the Faculty of Woodworking was opened and It was caused to creation of the graduating department "Chemical technology of wood processing and safety of life". On July 1, 2001, two departments were created with the reorganization of this department: chemical wood processing technology and life safety.

On January 29, 2010, the department was named “Wood-Based Composites, Cellulose and Paper”, which became fully reflective of both the educational and scientific directions of the activity of the graduating department. It is the only department in Ukraine that provides training in the specialization "Technology of wood boards and plastics".

  1. Roman Salabay, СSc., Assoc.Prof.
  2. Mykola Kopanskyy, СSc., Assoc.Prof.
  3. Ruslan Kozak, Dr.Sc., Assoc.Prof.
  4. Galyna Ortynska, СSc., Assoc.Prof.
  5. Olesya Bryn СSc., Senior Lecturer
  6. Diana Tymyk, СSc., Senior Lecturer
  7. Iryna Salabay, СSc., Senior Lecturer
  8. Iryna Kusnyak, Assistant.

Bachelor Programs: 161 Chemical Technologies and Engineering

Mandatory courses:

History and culture of Ukraine; Ukrainian language for professional orientation; Philosophy; Foreing language; Physical (activity) education; Higher mathemathic; Physic; General and inorganic chemistry; Organic chemistry and macromolecular compounds; Ecology; Engineering graphics; Electrical engineering and electronics basics; Processes and apparatuses of chemical technology; Life Safety; Basics of labor protection; Equipment for the production of wood composite materials; Economics and organization of manufactures; Wood science; Material science; Adhesives and gluing of wood; Technologies of glued materials; Technologies of wood fibers and cellulose; Technologies of wood boards; Technologies of wood composite materials; Complex chemical processing of wood; Technology of paper and cardboard; Design (Planning) of manufactures.

Elective courses:

Economic theory; The economy of the branch markets;  Computer Graphics; Сomputer design technology;  Computational Mathematics and Programming; Information Technology; Energy technology of technological processes; Thermotechnics; Chemistry of wood;  General chemical technology; Analytical chemistry; Colloidal chemistry; Basics of the scientific research; Organization and methodology of research activity; Fundamentals of standardization and certification; Technological measurements and devices; Control and management of technological processes; Automation and basics of CAD; Technologies of special manufactures; Technologies of glued wooden constructions; The application of wood wastes; Technology of recycling waste paper; Technologies of finishing of wood materials; Wood finishing technology; Industrial water purification; Purification of industrial dust and gas emissions; Hydrothermal processing of wood; Drying of wood; Technology timber;  Fundamentals of technology of joiner's products; Basis of mechanical processing of timber billets; Fundamentals of technology of furniture products.

Master programs: 161 Chemical Technologies and Engineering

specialization "Technology of wood composite materials and wood modification".

Mandatory courses:

Foreign language professional direction; Civil defence; Intellectual property; Physical chemistry;  Occupational safety in the industry; Logistics; Methodology of research and planning experiments; Methods of technological control; Instrumental methods of wood research.

Elective courses:

Pedagogy and psychology of higher school; Psychology of management; Fundamentals of entrepreneurship (business); Fundamentals of marketing and accounting; Theoretical bases of wood gluing processes; Formation of adhesive joints of wood; The modeling and optimization of technological processes; Mathematical modeling of complex systems; Modification of wood; Modification of wood materials; Nanomaterials; Nanotechnology; Bio- and fire protection of wood and wood materials; Paper and Cardboard Processing Technologies.

PhD Programs: 161 Chemical Technologies and Engineering

specialization "Technology of wood composite materials and wood modification".

Scientific bases of wood composites creation and given structure and properties; Modern wood modification technologies; Modern trends in recycling technology and creating domestic plastic waste wood composites; Technology of registration of grant applications and patent rights; Physico-chemical processes in wood composite technologies; Theoretical bases of technology of production of adhesive, paint and film materials; Innovative technologies of wood composite materials.

  • creation of new wood composite materials and development of technologies for their production;
  • improvement of wood composites technologies;
  • modification of wood and wood materials;
  • development and modification of adhesives for wood composites.

  • COST Action FP0904 “Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Wood Behavior and Processing”
  • COST Action FP1006 “Bringing new function to wood through surface modification”
  • COST Action FP1303 “Performance of bio-based building materials”
  • COST Action FP ”Understanding wood modification through an integrated scientific and environment impact approach (ModWoodLife)” 


  1. Bekhta P.A., Kozakiewicz P.(2001): Climate and Wood. Warsaw. 201p. (in Ukrainian)
  2. Bekhta P.A.(1995): Wood Particles Manufacturing for Particleboard. Kyjiv. 272p. (in Ukrainian)


  1. Bekhta P.A., Kozakiewicz P.(2005): Polish-Ukrainian & Ukrainian-Polish Dictionary of Wood Science & Technology. Warsaw, P.P.EVAN. 278p.
  2. Bekhta P.A., Bekhta I.A.(2003): English-Ukrainian & Ukrainian-English Dictionary of Wood Science & Technology. Kyjiv: Osnova. 634p.
  3. Bekhta I.A.,Bekhta P.A. English-Ukrainian Dictionary of Woodworking Industry. Lviv: Svit, 2005. – 352p.


  1. Bekhta P.A.(2004): Technology of Wood-Based Panels & Laminates. Kyjiv: Osnova. 780p. (in Ukrainian)
  2. Bekhta P.A.(2003): Wood-Based Composite Materials Technology. (Second edition) Kyjiv: Osnova. 336p. (in Ukrainian)
  3. Bekhta P.A.(2003): Plywood Production. Kyjiv: Osnova. 308p. (in Ukrainian)
  4. Bekhta P.A.(2003): Veneer Production. Kyjiv: Osnova. 256p. (in Ukrainian)
  5. Bekhta P.A., Kozak R.O., Tushnytskyj O.P. (2003): Complex Chemical Processing of Wood. L’viv. 176p. (in Ukrainian)
  6. Apostoliuk S.O., Bekhta P.A., Kozakiewicz P.A. et al (2003): Fundamentals of Ergonomics. Kyjiv: Osnova. 136p. (in Ukrainian)
  7. Bekhta P.A. (1998): Wood-Based Composite Materials Technology. Kyjiv. 236p. (in Ukrainian)
  8. Bekhta P.A. and Onisko B.K.(1997): Fiberboard Technology. L’viv. 136p. (in Ukrainian)
  9. Bekhta P.A.(1996): Plywood Production Technology. Kyjiv. 280p. (in Ukrainian)
  10. Bekhta P.A.(1995): Rotary Cut and Sliced Veneer Production and Conversion. Kyjiv. 296p. (in Ukrainian)
  11. Bekhta P.A.(1994): Technology and Machinery of the Particleboard Production. Kyjiv. 456p. (in Ukrainian)
  12. Bekhta P.A.(1994): Technological Calculation in Particleboard Production. Kyjiv. 160p. (in Ukrainian)

Last modified on Четвер, 16 січня 2020 10:12




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