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Oleg Styranivsky, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
Tel: +38(032) 258 42 69
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79057, Lviv, Pryrodna Str. 19

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+38 (032) 258 42 69



Head of the Department,
Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
Oleg Styranivsky,

Department of Forest Machines (FM) comes from Department of Land and Water Timber Transport and Traction Machines, which was created at the same time as Lviv Forestry Institute in 1945. First head of that department was Assoc. Prof. V. I. Garuzov, director of the Institute. In 1955 Assoc. Prof. B.G. Gastev became the head of FM Department. Under his leadership, the scientific direction of the timber transport machines dynamics was formed, which gained wide recognition in the scientific world. 

From 1969 to 1985 the department was headed by the Prof. Gastev’s learner – Assoc. Prof. M. A. Gaidar, who published the first Ukrainian-language textbook on timber transport.

In 1988 FM Department was merged with Department of Forestry Mechanization. After its restoration in 1994, it was headed by Prof. N. I. Byblyuk, which successfully develops scientific direction, started by Prof. Gastev. On the basis of the perennial theoretical and experimental researches, the methodology of the imitation modeling and calculation processes timber vehicles movement with taking into account the tree trunks package three-dimensional oscillation was developed in 1970-80 at the department.

Under Prof. Byblyuk guidance the exploratory research on the timber truck environmental problems were launched, which has led to formation of the new scientific direction – environmental forestry technologies.

Beginning in 1995, under Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine license, the FM Department provides practical training for students to provide the working profession vehicles driver categories "B" and "C".

At the end of 2015, Department of Forest Machines was headed by Prof. Byblyuk’s learner – Assoc. Prof. O. A. Styranivsky, which continued the earlier scientific directions.

Since 2008, Industrial Scientific Research Laboratory of Forest Roads and Forest Vehicles has been operating on FM Department basis. One of the initiators of its creation was the current head of the department – Assoc. Prof. O. A. Styranivsky. Within this laboratory, the scientists of the department are actively working to solve important applied scientific and technical problems of the wood transport network development of the forest areas.

Students are actively involved in the research at the department. They presents their works in recent years at All-Ukrainian Student Research Competitions and Olympiads, wins numerous prize places.

Since 1990s the department has established close cooperation with the related departments of the universities in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland. Subsequently, after International Conference “Forest Engineering – 2004” which  FM Department was carry out under the auspices of IUFRO, to these cooperation  joined related departments from the universities in Slovenia and Japan, and in recent years – Romania and Turkey.

1. Byblyuk Nestor, Dr.Sc., Prof.
2. Gudz Gustav, Dr.Sc., Prof.
3. Machuga Oleg, Dr.Sc., Assoc.Prof.
4. Borys Mykola, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
5. Herys Mykola, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
6. Shevсhenko Natalia, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
7. Boyko Anatoliy, Assoc.Prof.
8. Oliynuk Mykhaylo, Senior Lecturer
9. Boyko Mykhaylo, Senior Lecturer
10. Shchupak Andriy, Assistant

1. Bilyk Volodymyr, Productional Training, Master
2. Shvets Volodymyr, Productional Training, Master
3. Poronnyk Iryna, Senior laboratory, Assistant
4. Tsyupka Olga, Engineer
5. Penyora Mariya, Laboratory Assistant

Bachelor Programs:

1. Forestry Machines and Equipments

Graduates of the educational program “Machinery and equipment of forestry” have the sufficient theoretical knowledge, practical experience and skills for successfully complete the professional responsibilities associated with the design, production and operation of technical systems, machines and equipment, robotic tools and complexes, as well as for developing measures to increase their efficiency and reduce the negative environmental impact.

Mandatory courses:

  • Hydraulics, hydraulic Drives and hydraulic Transmissions
  • Mechatronics

Elective courses:

  • Automotive Vehicles and Tractors
  • Means of Timber Transportation
  • Technical Operation of Machines and Equipment
  • Scientific Researches on Sector-specific Processes
  • Repair of Machinery and Equipment
  • Vehicle Driving and Driving Safety
  • Traffic Rules

2. Technical Service

Graduates of the educational program “Technical service” have the sufficient theoretical knowledge, practical experience and skills  for  successfully complete the professional responsibilities associated with organization of the technical service in forestry and other industries, efficient use and maintenance of the machines and technological equipment, ensuring their efficiency etc.

Mandatory courses:
Hydraulics, hydraulic Drives and hydraulic Transmissions

Elective courses:

  • Fuel, Lubrication and Engineering Maintenance Materials
  • Automotive Vehicles and Tractors
  • Road Construction Machinery
  • Technical Operation and Maintenance of Machinery
  • Means of Timber Transportation
  • Fundamentals of Forestry Machines Research Investigations 
  • Management of  Repair Techniques for Machinery and Equipment of Forest Sector
  • Vehicle Driving, Traffic and Driving Safety
  • Traffic Rules

Master programs:

  1. Forestry Machines and Equipments

The graduates are specialists for innovative, organizational-managerial, production-economic and research activities in the industry.

Mandatory courses:

  • Methodology of Scientific Researches on Sector-specific Processes

Elective courses:

  • Theory and Design of Self-propelled Forestry Machines
  • Theory and Technology of Machine Part Reconditioning
  • Scientific Framework of Optimal Control over Machinery and Equipment Performance
  • Operational Testing of Forestry Machinery Environmental Principles of Timber-hauling Vehicles
  • Management of Machinery and Operation

2. Technical Service of Forestry Machinery

The graduates are specialists in the efficient use, maintenance, diagnosis and repair of forestry, wood transport and road-building machines.

Mandatory courses:

  • Methodology of Scientific Researches on Sector-specific Processes
  • Technical Service in Forest Sector

Elective courses:

  • Theory of Timber-hauling Vehicles
  • Reconditionig Technologies in Repair Industry
  • Environmental Safety of Forestry Machinery
  • Operational Properties of Forestry Machinery

  • Dynamics of forest machines: creation of the theory and the methods of the calculation, testing and efficient operation for the wheel forest vehicles; mathematical and computer modeling of dynamic processes.

A new approach to the study of the processes of forest vehicles movement is proposed, which is to consider the tasks of simulation modeling and calculation of the parameters of the movement of the system road-operator-machine-wood package on a single theoretical basis, based on the establishment of internal relationships between different dynamic processes that arise during the movement of various types of the forest vehicles. On this basis, a mathematical model of the generalized timber's transporting system was created, which was oriented towards a complex study of the main types of movement. For practical implementation of the developed mathematical apparatus, algorithms and programs for calculating the motion parameters of the individual subsystems and the timber’s transporting system as a whole have been drawn up.

  • Environmental forestry technologies: the minimizing of the forest's machines impact on the environment, the creation of the wood transport development concept of   the forests, forest roads designing.

A new scientific direction at the technical and environmental sciences boundary. It based on the joint application of engineering and environmental methods, use the quality and quantity technical parameters of the technology processes of forest vehicle for evaluation their environmental impact.

For the first time, the GIS-based forest road planning conceptual model has been proposed. That one allows for the justify the ecologically safely and cost-effective manners of the wood primary transporting, for the estimation the proportions of the forest road network development for the different terrestrial technical means, and also for describing a possible occurrence, increasing and expansion of the environmental hazards caused by logging activities.

  • Energy approach scientific principles in the solution of the problems of interaction the machines with working environment

The application of the methodology of variational inequalities for exergy and anergy in the study of the behavior of the “machine - working environment” system is substantiated, analytical solutions for the number of practically important problems for the machine’s elements and work environment interaction are obtained, methods for determining the operational characteristics of mobile machines and mechanisms with asymmetrically located hinged equipment in pliable  territories have been developed.

  • DB 08.15-13-07 “Scientific principles of the   environmental forest vehicles system formation”.
  • DB 08.15-24-08 "The development of the automated system of the monitoring, evaluation and design forest transport networks on an environmental basis".
  • FORZA, 2010 “The development of the forest resources usage transport network development concept in Nizhnyobystry forestry unit SE ‘Khust Experimental Forestry’ based on GIS technologies”.
  • DB 08.15-26-10 “The development of the integrated use technology of the heterogeneous renewable energy sources in logging, wood transportation and primary processing of wood”.
  • GD 08.15-13-14 "Investigation of the influence of track and wheel skidders on the forest environment in the conditions of Skoliv Beskids".
  • GD 08-15-03-18 "The development of the recommendations on the type, technical and operational parameters of the machines for the timber primary wood transportation, taking into account the impact on the forest environment in the conditions of SE "Brody Forestry".

Industrial Scientific Research Laboratory of Forest Roads and Forest Vehicles (ISRL FRFV)

Laboratory was established on the basis of FM Department by the joint order Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and State Committee of Forestry of Ukraine in 2008.

The main task of ISRL FRFV is to carry out research, development and design work on the issues of the forest areas transport accessibility and operation of forest vehicles, the development of normative and methodological materials for the transfer into the production process of the modern methods of the forest roads exploration, design, construction and exploitation, increase training and retraining quality of the specialists in the forest roads design, construction and operation.

Each year, several contract works are carried out within Laboratory. That works related to the development of work projects for the forest roads construction, assessing the forest vehicles use efficiency and so on. During 2008-2019 over 70 forest road construction projects were developed. From 2009 to 2013, annual scientific and practical seminars were held for forest workers on the design, construction and forest roads operation.

Laboratory was established on the basis of FM Department by the joint order Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and State Committee of Forestry of Ukraine in 2008.

The main task of ISRL FRFV is to carry out research, development and design work on the issues of the forest areas transport accessibility and operation of forest vehicles, the development of normative and methodological materials for the transfer into the production process of the modern methods of the forest roads exploration, design, construction and exploitation, increase training and retraining quality of the specialists in the forest roads design, construction and operation.

Each year, several contract works are carried out within Laboratory. That works related to the development of work projects for the forest roads construction, assessing the forest vehicles use efficiency and so on. During 2008-2019 over 70 forest road construction projects were developed. From 2009 to 2013, annual scientific and practical seminars were held for forest workers on the design, construction and forest roads operation.

  1. Byblyuk N. I. Timber-hauling vehicles: Theory: Textbook. - Lviv: Panorama, 2004. – 454 p. (in Ukrainian)
  2. Biblyuk N. I., Timber-hauling vehicles: construction and calculation. Part 1. General layout. Special equipment / N. I. Biblyuk, M. I. Herys, M. M. Boyko, A. L. Shchupak, N. V. Shevchenko / ed. Dr.Sc., Prof. N. I. Byblyuk. - Lviv: NLTU, - 2014. - 400 p. (in Ukrainian)
  3. Bilyk B. V., Adamovsky M. G. Design of self-propelled forest machines: Parameter selection, layout and traction calculation: Manual. - Lviv: ZUKC, 2004. - 160 p. (in Ukrainian)
  4. Bilyk B. V., Adamovsky M. G. Theory of self-propelled forest machines: Manual. - Kyiv-Lviv: ISMN, 1998 - 208 p. (in Ukrainian)
  5. Styranivsky O. A., Styranivsky Yu. O. Environmental principles of wood transport network development of mountain forest areas: monograph. - Lviv: NLTU, - 2010. - 208 p. (in Ukrainian)
  6. Styranivsky O. A. Environmental basics of logging and timber transportation: Manual. - Lviv: NLTU, 2008. - 104 p. (in Ukrainian)
  7. Boyko A. A., Stiranovsky O.A., Herys M.I., Machuha O.S. Collection of tasks in the discipline "Hydraulics, hydraulic drive and hydraulic transmission": Manual / ed. А. А. Boyko. - Lviv: NLTU, - 2011. - 124 p. (in Ukrainian)
  8. Boyko A. A. Fundamentals of scientific research of logging processes: Manual. - Lviv: NLTU, - 2007. - 104 p. (in Ukrainian)
  9. Boyko A.A. Hydraulics and Hydraulic Drive: Manual. - Lviv: NLTU, - 2010. - 307 p. (in Ukrainian)



Leonid Osadchuk, D.Sc., Prof.
Tel: +38(032) 258 41 99
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79057, Lviv, Gen.Chuprynky St. 103, corps 4, room 22

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+38 (032) 258 41 99


Osadchuk LS 293x300

Head of the Department,
 D.Sc., Prof.
Leonid Osadchuk

The Department of Botany, Wood Science and Non-timber Forest Resources has been active at the University since 1949. The organization of this unit at the Forestry Institute was natural, since the foundations were laid for a comprehensive approach to forestry. The Department of Botany and Soil Science was opened at the Faculty of Forestry and was headed by Assoc. Prof. M. Melnyk. In the 1949-1950 academic year at the Department of Botany and Soil Science began to conduct classes in such disciplines as plant morphology and systematics, plant anatomy and physiology, Darwinism, soil science with the basics of geology, wood science. Later, the department was named ‘Dendrology and wood science’, whose leaders were: Assoc. Prof. Yu. D. Tretyak (1955-1960); Assoc. Prof. T. M. Brodovych (1960-1975); Prof. Z.Yu. Gerushynsky (1975-1981); Prof. T.M. Kozubov (1981-1982); Assoc. Prof. Yu. F. Osypenko (1982-1983); Prof. G.T. Krynytsky (1983-1986). From 1986 to 2014 the Department was headed by D. Sc., Prof. V.P. Ryabchuk. In 2000 the department was named ‘Botany, Wood Science and Non-timber Forest Resources’. Currently the department is headed by D. Sc., Prof. Leonid Osadchuk.

  1. Myroslava Soroka, D.sc., Prof.
  2. Ivan Sopushynskyy, D.sc., Prof.
  3. Shovhan Anatoliy, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  4. Zayachuk Vasylʹ, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  5. Melʹnyk Yuriy, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  6. Yuskevych Taras, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  7. Horbenko Nataliya, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  8. Hrynyk Olena, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  9. Lukashchuk Halyna, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  10. Taras Kolodiy, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer.


  • Bachelor Programs: Bachelor of Forestry

Training of specialists capable of solving production issues on creation, cultivation, care, formation of forest plantations, their inventory and design of forest management measures, use of forest resources, harvesting of wood.

  • Master programs: Master of Forestry

Preparation of higher education recipients in the field of forestry: providing them with theoretical knowledge and competences for solving problems of forestry and hunting, developing measures for the conservation of ecosystems, engineering and technical support, organization and management of forestry industries; performance of research work.


Mandatory courses:

Botany, Biology, Dendrology, Decorative dendrology, Non-timber forest resources, Forest commodity knowledge, Wood science, Geobotany, Scientific Project Management, Forest Bioindication.

Elective courses:

Tapping forest, Standardization of forest products, Research methodology, Systems of forestry production technologies, Herbalogy, Forest certificating, Forest beekeeping.

  • Wood Qualimetry

  • research on forest biodiversity in Europe;
  • vegetation syntaxonomy and study of modern processes in plant cover;
  • development of modern ecological methods of harvesting mercury and juices;
  • dendrological studies of ancient wood;
  • study of the structure and properties of industrial timber;
  • productivity of non-timber resources of forest stands;
  • rare and endangered species of forest phytocenoses;
  • study of vegetation, dynamics and stages of its genesis.

The department holds the Herbarium of the National Forestry University of Ukraine. In 2011, the Herbarium was given the international acronym LWFU and was listed in the National Herbarium of Ukraine.

At the department there is a "Museum of wood" in which exhibits the only Ukrainian collection of wood, collected by prof. Ostap Voloshchak in the early XX century. It contains wood specimens (transverse, radial and tangential sections) of more than 600 species from all over the globe and belongs to unique collections in Europe and the world.

The department supervises ‘Small forest academy’, the task of which is to select, further education and education of talented children, preparation for admission to the university, assistance to young people in the choice of scientific goal, involvement in scientific creativity, active studying process.

Study of the acoustic properties of common spruce (COST Action FP1302: WoodMusICK) at the Institute of Civil Mechanization, University of Montpellier, France. (2016);

A study of the properties of eucomic bark (COST Action FP1203: European Non-Wood Forest Products Network) at the Forest Research Institute, Old Senkochin, Poland. (2015);

In 2015 was held international training symposium "Non-timber Forest Products: Current State and Values in Recent Social-Ecological Economic Context. International perspective"

  1. Botany (V. Kolischuk, M. Soroka, T. Yuskevych), 2011
  2. Dendrology (the second edition with changes and additions) (V. Zayachuk), 2014
  3. Wood Science (I.Vintoniv, I. Sopushynskyy), 2007
  4. Forest Pruning and Forest Chemistry (V. Ryabchuk, V. Gryb, L. Osadchuk, T. Yuskevych), 2012
  5. Forest forage resources (V. Ryabchuk,V. Zayachuk, N. Horbenko), 2015
  6. Transgraniczny rezerwat biosfery „Roztocze” (O. Balytskiy, M. Bilyak, Y. Bovt, T. Brzezińska-Wójcik, L. Droździel, M. Flaga, T. Grabowski, W. Kalamucka, K.Kałamucki, M. Kozieł, I. Lublienec, I. Shemlynets, E. Skowronek, Myroslava Soroka, P. Stachyra, H. Stryamets, A. Urbańska, J. Zinko.), 2015
  7. Bryophytes of the Roztocze region (Poland and Ukraine). A checklist of liverworts and mosses.( Zubel Robert, Danylkiv Ihor, Rabyk Iryna, Lobaczevska Oksana, Soroka Miroslava), 2015
  8. Rare and endangered species of plants in Lviv region (L.Tasyenkevych, N.Kalinovych, M.Soroka and others.) 2011
  9. Reproduction of pine stands in Eastern Polissia of Ukraine (V.Gryb, L.Osadchuk, I.Gryb), 2016
  10. Resin productivity of pine plantations in Ukraine. (L.Osadchuk, V. Gryb, T. Yuskevych), 2017



Liubov Sheptytska, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
Tel: +38(032) 258 42 22
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79057, Lviv, Gen.Chuprynky St. 105, rooms 401, 402, 406

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+38 (032) 258 42 60


Head of the Department,
 Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.

Liubov Sheptytska

The history of the department begins in the mid-twentieth century, when a general social sciences department was created at the UNFU which has gone the way of great transformations.

 In November 1990, based on the Department of Political History of the 20th century, the Department of History of Ukraine was established.

 In 2005, the Department was renamed the Department of History of Ukraine, Political Science and Law. It provides the teaching of humanities in all the educational-research institutes of the university and provides a high level of knowledge, historical and political science thinking and legal training of students. In the structure of the Department, there are three sections - historical, political science and legal.

 Along with the provision of the teaching-and-educational process, the teachers of the Department are actively engaged in research activities, participate in international and all-Ukrainian conferences. Over the past 15 years alone, the teachers of the Department have published 11 monographs and textbooks, a number of scientific articles.

 The teaching staff of the Department actively participate in the programme of greening the educational process. The collective manual Greening liberal arts education was published, edited by Acad. NAS of Ukraine Yu. Yu. Tunytsya.

 The development of the Ukrainian state, the revival of the Ukrainian nation need the active implementation of the Concept of national-patriotic education of youth. The teachers of the Department take an active part in the organization and running  of the university-wide events: solemn academies, flash mobs, quests, round tables dedicated to significant events and prominent figures of Ukraine.

 In different years, the Department was staffed by specialist teachers: the professors V.O. Kondratyuk, O.I. Yurystovsky, the associate professors S.I. Vasyuta, V.O. Gavrylenko, I.P. Golubenko, M.I. Gaykovsky, O.Yu. Zaitsev, V.N. Kravchenko, V.Yu. Chopovsky, I.Ya. Solyar, N.V. Gaponyuk, O.V. Omelchenko, G.S. Gulyk, the senior lecturers R. B. Bedriy, I. M. Vitkovska, T.Ya. Dovgy, V.V. Remenyak, I.I. Ogorodnyk, I.Ya. Shemechko, R.F. Martynyshyn and others.

 The Department has a legal lecture hall Youth and Law and a free legal consultation office for students.

 The teaching staff of the Department, understanding the priorities of the present, directs their efforts to training professionals for the sustainable development and education of true patriots of Ukraine.


  1. Liubov Sheptytska, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  2. Nataliia Zakharchyn, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  3. Mykola Ivanyk, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  4. Ihor Salamakha, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof,
  5. Olesia Remeniak, Senior lecturer.

  • History of Ukraine
  • Political Science
  • Fundamentals  of democracy
  • Ukraine in Europe and the world
  • Science of law
  • Labour law
  • Business law
  • Administrative law
  • International private and contract law
  • Environmental legislation and  environmental rights
  • History and culture of Ukraine
  • Legal regulation of business operations

The main area of the research activity of the department is Problems of decentralization of power and development of local self-government in Ukraine: traditions and modernity ( research supervisors:  L.B.Sheptytska, PhD (History), Associate Professor; M.M. Ivanyk, PhD (History), Associate Professor.

The main lines of research activities of the teachers of the Department:

  • Assoc. Prof. L.B. Sheptytska, PhD (History), - historical and legal aspects of the activity of political, public associations and state-building structures of the 1920s - 1930s;
  • Assoc. Prof. N.G. Zakharchyn, PhD (History),  Administrative and customary legal regulation of rural community life in the Second Polish Republic (The Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth);
  • Assoc. Prof. M.M. Ivanyk, PhD (History) - theory and history of local self-government in Ukraine;
  • Assoc. Prof. I.P.Salamakha, PhD (History) - protection of historical monuments in East Galicia, the 19th - the 1st half of the 20th century;
  • Senior lecturer O.V. Remenyak - decentralization of public authority in legal theory and state-building practice.

Training manuals:

  1. Business law. Training manual / Edit. V.L Ortynsky.- K. Znannya, 2008. 359 pp.[in Ukrainian]

2.Zakharchyn, N.G.; Yurystovsky, O.I.; Sheptytska, L.B.,2010: Political science. Training manual. Lviv: Liga Press. 202 pp.[in Ukrainian]

  1. Modern technologies of teaching humanities and social disciplines. Training manual / Edit. V.O. Kondratyuk. Lviv: UNFU, 2014. 88 pp. [in Ukrainian]
  2. Kondratyuk, V.O.; Ivanyk, M.M., 2016: Ukraine at the turn of the millennium. Independence Age. Manual. Lviv: Liga Press. 158 pp. [in Ukrainian]
  3. Greening of liberal arts education: history of Ukraine, political science, law. Training manual. Second edition, supplemented and revised / Ed. Prof. Yu.Yu. Tunytsya. Lviv: Liga Press, 2016. 308 pp. [in Ukrainian]

Compendiums of lectures:

  1. Ivanyk, M.M.; Salamakha, I.P.,2009: Ukraine in European integration

     processes. Lviv: UNFU. 152pp. [in Ukrainian]

  1. Remenyak, O.V.; Ogorodnyk, I.I.; Martynyshyn, R.F., 2011: Administrative

    law. Lviv: UNFU. 197 pp. [in Ukrainian]

  1. Gan, T.V.; Martynyshyn, R.F.; Remenyak, O.V.,2013: Environmental

    legislation and environmental rights. Lviv.UNFU. 243 pp. [in Ukrainian]

  1. Sheptytska, L.B., 2017: International private and contract law. Lviv.

    UNFU. 158 pp. [in Ukrainian]

  1. Zakharchyn, N.G., 2017: Fundamentals of democracy. Lviv, UNFU. 92 pp.

      [in Ukrainian]

  1. Remenyak, O.V., 2018: Legal regulation of business operations. Lviv.

    UNFU. 98 pp. [in Ukrainian]



Borys Bakay, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
Tel: +38 032 258 42 62
E-mail: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.


79057, Lviv, Pryrodna St. 19, room 29

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+38 (032) 258 42 62,
+38 096 444 87 30


BorysBakai 768x8951

Head of the Department,
Borys Bakay

The department of Forest Engineering and Forest Roads, as one of the leading departments of the university, with the name "Department of Forestry Mechanization" has been created since the Lviv Forestry Institute was founded in 1945. The department heads were: Ph.D., Prof. Plaksin M. V., Ph.D., Prof. Batin I. V., Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Savytskyi Yu. H., Doc. Science, Prof. Shkiria T. M., Ph.D., Prof., Honored Education Worker Adamovskyy M. H.

During the existence of the department there was an offshoot of one of the important directions of modern timber industry – automation of technological processes, on the basis of which a separate department is currently functioning.

Since the establishment of the department, its staff, along with the training of personnel for forestry, has been constantly involved in the implementation of research and design work on the substantiation and creation of promising techniques and technologies for forestry, forest harvesting, wood production, construction and operation of forest roads. The scientific-pedagogical staff of the department in its work covers almost the whole list of areas of branch science.

Much of the scientific development of the staff of the department is made in the direction of substantiation of the processes of division of wood along the fibers, the results of which have written one monograph and protected one doctoral and four disertations. About ten models of new machinery and existing models of logging equipment were created and put into production, which was demonstrated at two International and seven All-Union exhibitions (1969-1988). The department received the diploma of the winner of the Scientific and technical creativity of young VDNG – 80 and the International exhibition "Lisderevmash-84" one silver and four bronze medals VDNG USSR.

In terms of research work, the department's staff  intensively and productively worked on and continues to work on the problems of logging production (technology, equipment and environmental safety), creation of multi-operative stationary and mobile machines using manipulators, development of equipment and technologies for processing low quality wood and new ways of primary processing of tree length.

The staff of the department have always participated in international conferences, regional seminars, meetings on the issues of improvement of branch education, science and production. The Department maintains contacts with related foreign educational establishments in Belarus, Latvia, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Germany, Sweden, Spain, Denmark, USA etc.


  1. Borys Bakay, Ph.D., Head of Department, Associate Professor
  2. Mykola Adamovskyy, Ph.D., First Vice-Rector, Professor
  3. Volodymyr Kyy, Ph.D., Associate Professor
  4. Ihor Karatnyk, Ph.D., Associate Professor
  5. BohdanMahura, Ph.D., Associate Professor
  6. IhorRudko, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, Chair of Sci. and Acad.-Methodol. Board of the Institute
  7. Yuriy Tsymbalyuk, Ph.D., Head Teacher
  8. Oleh Boratynskyi, Senior Lecturer
  9. Volodymyr Gobela, Assistant Professor

We offer undergraduate and postgraduate study programmes:

- Forest Engineering (082 Forestry, ISCED-F 2013);

- Industrial Engineering (071 Engineering and engineering trades, ISCED-F 2013).

These programs offer amazing opportunities for students who want to execute solutions to complicated forest resource and engineering problems while also understanding the needs of the society.

Our multidisciplinary department focused on the science, technology, engineering and business practices that help students meet their needs.


Bachelor Programs:

Forest Engineering, which includes mandatory and elective courses:

- Construction, Renovation and Maintenance of Forest Roads;

- Road Construction Machinery and Soil Sciences;

- Forestry Machines and Equipment;

- Harvesting and Woodyarding Machines and Equipment; 

- Fundamentals of Environment-Oriented Transport Development of  Forestlands;

- Technical Operation  and  Maintenance  of Machines and Equipment;

- Rational Timber Usage Technologies;

- Harvesting Technologies;

- Woodyarding Technologies;

- Transport Technologies and Technical Maintenance of Forest Roads.


Industrial Engineering, which includes mandatory and elective courses:

- Machines and equipment of productions;

- Road Construction Machines and Foundations of Soil Science;

- Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production;

- Roads of Industrial Enterprises;

- Transport Systems of Industrial Enterprises;

- Forestry Machines and Implements.


Master programs:

Forest Engineering, which includes mandatory and elective courses:

- Production Logistics;

- Forestry Engineering;

- Scientific Framework of Оrganization of Machinery Equipment Technical Operation;

- Scientific-and-Technological Creativity and Inventions;

- Forest Roads Engineering;

- Technologies of Specialized Production in Forest  Sector;

- Geoinformation Systems and Technologies;

- Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production.

Industrial Engineering, which includes mandatory and elective courses:

- Production Logistics;

- Life Cycle of Mechanical Engineering Products;

- Scientific Framework of Optimal  Control over  Machinery Equipment  Performance;

- Design of Technological Equipment.


PhD Programs:

Industrial Engineering, which includes such course:

- Methodology of System Engineering.

Areas of research focus include the development of advanced technology and equipment, forest restoration, harvesting and processing approaches, and the management of threats.

Specifically, the research program aims to:

  1. Rationale of environmentally sustainable methods and means of timber raw harvesting.
  2. Implementation of technical facilities and mechanized complexes for logging development of felling areas with complicated relief conditions.
  3. Development and research of installations for timber cutting, sorting and stacking at warehouses of forestry enterprises and woodyarding technologies on their basis.
  4. Development of technologies and equipment for primary wood processing.
  5. Design of forest roads network and rationale of promising technologies for their construction.
  6. Ecological technologies of forest exploitation.

The department has a rich history of conducting research with a strong emphasis on addressing "real world" problems. This is attributed mostly to our prime location as well as the recruitment of faculty with substantial industry and consulting experience.

  1. Borys Bakay, Yuriy Tsymbalyuk, Ihor Rudko. Managing a Life Cycle of the Mechanical Engineering Product // 2019 IEEE 14th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, CSIT 2019, 17-20 September 2018, Lviv, Ukraine. – P. 64-67.
  2. Borys Bakay, Yuriy Tsymbalyuk. Simulation of Transport System Traffic Between Obstacles // 2019 IEEE 14th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, CSIT 2019, 17-20 September 2018, Lviv, Ukraine. – P.149-152.
  3. Volodymyr Kyy, Вohdan Mahura, Ihor Koliadzhyn. Impact of timber conditions and bluntness ratio of splitting wedge on maximum splitting effort // Użytkowanie maszyn rolniczych i leśnych. badania naukowe i dydaktyka. – Zakopane, Poland. – 2015. – S. 22.
  4. Keeton, W. S., P. Angelstam, M. Baumflek, Y. Bihun, M. Chernyavskyy, S. M. Crow, A. Deyneka, M. Elbakidze, J. Farley, V. Kovalyshyn, B. Mahura, S. Myklush, J. R. Nunery, I. Solovity, and L. Zahvoyska. 2013. Sustainable forest management alternatives for the Carpathian Mountain region, with a focus on Ukraine. Pages 331-352 in J. Kozak, K. Ostapowicz, A. Bytnerowicz, and B. Wyzga (eds.) The Carpathians: Integrating Nature and Society Towards Sustainability. Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg, Germany.
  5. Bakay B. Ya. Determination of loading in the manipulator type mobile loading machines by the accelerations. Forestry, Forest, Paper and Woodworking Industry. Collection of scientific and technical works. – Lviv: UNFU. – 2012, pub. 37.2. – P. 52-56.
  6. Yurij Bihun, Bohdan Mahura, Oleg Styranivsky, Bernhard Wolfshlehner, Karl Stampfer / Creating Guidelines for Implementing Reduced Impact Logging and Advance Sustainable Forest Management in the Ukrainian Carpathians. The Conference Abstracts of the 2nd Forum Carpaticum 2012: From Data to Knowledge – from Knowledge to Action. Martin Boltižiar Ed. Institute of Landscape Ecology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Branch Nitra, 2012; 192-193 pp.
  7. Bakay B. Ya. Construction of mathematical model of sustainability of a round timber pack during the operations by a mobile machines. Forestry, Forest, Paper and Woodworking Industry. Collection of scientific and technical works. – Lviv : UNFU. – 2012, pub. 38. – P. 151–158.
  8. Adamovskyy Mykola, Kyy Volodymyr, Mahura Bohdan, Andriy Kyy. Utilizanion of the cable-skidding system (CSS) – as one of the ways of solving a timber extraction problem in the Ukrainian Carphatians // Użytkowanie maszyn rolniczych i leśnych: badania naukowe i dydaktyka. Materiały VI Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej. – Zakopane, Poland. – 2012. – S. 7.
  9. 9. Bakay B. Ya. Determination of loading in the mobile loading machines. Uśytkowanie maszyn rolniczych i leśnych : VI Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa : badania naukowe i dydaktyka, 26–28 września 2012 r., Zakopane. – Krakow : Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakówie, 2012. – P. 9–10



Orest Kiyko, Doctor of Science, Professor
Tel: +38(032) 239 27 23
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79057, Lviv, Zaliznjaka St. 11, rooms 21

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+38 (032) 238-45-04



Head of the Department,
Doctor of Science, Professor
Orest Kiyko

The  Department of Technology of Furniture and Wooden Products originates from the first specialized department at the Faculty of Mechanical Technology of Wood and, as a result of repeated reorganizations, had the following names: 1946-1947 - Mechanical Wood Processing; 1947-1953 - "Joiner's-mechanical and plywood industries"; 1953-1970 - Designing of woodworking industries; from 1970-2011 - "Technology of wood products", from 2011 to this time - "Technology of furniture and wood products". Today, the educational process at the Department is provided by 11 highly qualified teachers, including 2 professors, 3 Doctor of Technical Sciences; 5, candidates of technical sciences, 1 st. teacher and 2 assistants. Head of the Department - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Kiyko Orest Antonovich.


  1. Ivan Voytovych , Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  2. Yaremchuk Larysa, Doctor of Science, Assoc.Prof.
  3. Serhiy Hayda , Doctor of Science, Assoc.Prof.
  4. Andriy Kushpit , Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  5. Stephan Hrytsak , Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  6. Vasyl Solonynka , Ph.D., Senior Lecturer
  7. Oksana Yarish, Ph.D., Assistant
  8. Yaroslav Bilyi, Senior Lecturer
  9. Mykhajilo Ilkiv, Assistant
  10. Natalia Chopenko, Assistant

Bachelor Programs:

Woodworking and furniture technologies

(specialty 187 "Woodworking and furniture technologies", branch 18 "Production and engineering", educational degree - bachelor)

Mandatory courses:

Design of woodworking and furniture industries

Design of wood products

Technology of wood products

Technology of protective and decorative coatings

Furniture production techniques

Upholstered furniture ргoduction techniques

Material Science

Elective courses:

Statistical methods of improving the quality of wood products

Technical statistics

Introduction to the specialty

Practical bases of joinery and furniture industries

Technology of lattice furniture

Technological features of production of exterior furniture

Restoration of furniture

Innovative startups of the woodworking and furniture industry

(specialty 187 "Woodworking and furniture technologies", branch 18 "Production and engineering", educational degree - bachelor)

Mandatory courses:

Design of woodworking and furniture industries

Design of wood products

Technology of wood products

Technology of protective and decorative coatings

Furniture production techniques

Upholstered furniture ргoduction techniques

Elective courses:

E-business and advertising

Statistical methods for improving product quality

Technical statistics

Introduction to Specialty

Practical foundations of joinery and furniture industries

Basics of business modeling

Methodology of creative design

Master programs:

Technologies of wood products

(specialty 187 "Woodworking and furniture technologies", branch 18 "Production and engineering", educational degree - master)

Mandatory courses:

Scientific research and organization of science

Technology of special woodworking industries

Technological preparation for production and furniture production

Elective courses:

Research of forest clusters

Furnishing wood with environmentally friendly materials

Forecasting of operational properties of protective and decorative coatings of wood products

Recycling of wood residues

Identification of technological operations in the production of wood products

Visualization of technological information

Analysis and presentation of technological information

Preparation and protection of master's work

Woodworking technologies

(specialty 187 "Woodworking and furniture technologies", branch 18 "Production and engineering", educational degree - master)

Mandatory courses:

Scientific research and organization of science

Technology of special woodworking industries

Technological preparation for production and furniture production

Elective courses:

Research of forest clusters

Bonding of wood with environmentally friendly materials

Furnishing wood products with environmentally friendly materials


PhD Programs:

(specialty 187 "Woodworking and furniture technologies", branch 18 "Production and engineering", educational degree - PhD)

Mandatory courses:

Woodworking and furniture technologies

Elective courses

Technology of registration of grant applications and patent rights

Modern technologies of production of wood products

  • Research of forest clusters

The department conducts scientific research in the areas

  • "Newest technologies and resource-saving technologies in energy, industry and agro-industrial complex".
  • "New Substances and Materials"

The following topics of scientific and scientific-technical activity correspond to these scientific directions:

Scientific and technical basis of post-consumer wood use in woodworking ( S.Hayda);

  • Study of the properties of paints and varnishes (O.Yarish);
  • Fundamentals of flexible automated production (S.Hayda);
  • Modification of adhesive and paint materials (S. Gritsak);
  • Study of the shape resistance of panel elements of furniture products (Y.Bilyy);
  • Modification of softwood species (N. Chopenko);
  • Bioconversion of organic waste from forest and agroindustrial complex into biogas and environmentally friendly fertilizers (I Voitovich)

  •  The RERAM international project is an international cooperation project funded by the European Commission's 7th Framework Program on Climate Protection, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials (FP7-INCO Forestry and Woodworking Project). Project duration: 01/06/2014 - 31/05/2016. Scientific adviser prof. O.Kiko
  • Green "Energy Options project" - identifying green energy options for the Ukrainian Carpathians from a biophysical and socio-economic point of view, funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Research, Education and Innovation (SBFI) within the framework of Ukrainian-Swiss cooperation in forest research. Project duration: From January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2020. Participate - prof. Kiiko O, A., prof. Voitovich IG
  • POWER4BIO project aims at increasing the capacity of regional policy makers and stakeholders to develop their regional bioeconomy strategy.The main participant of the project from UNFU, where a team of scientists was formed under the direction professor O.Kiyko. The main objective of the project concerning Ukraine is the creation of the bioeconomy strategy of the Lviv region. 01.10.2018 – 31.03.2021.

  1. . Ivan Voytovych. Basics of technology of wood products,  Textbook. – Lviv, Krayina anhelyat, 2010,-304 p (in Ukrainian).
  2. B.Kshyvetsʹkyy, S.Hrytsak, Yа.Bilyy, M.Zavarynsʹkyy. Technological preparation of woodworking and furniture industries. Tutorial. – Lviv: UNFU, 2017 – 190 p (in Ukrainian).



Eduard Semenyuk, Doct. of Philos. Sciences, Prof.
Tel: +38(032) 258 42 77
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790057, Lviv, Gen. Chuprynky St. 105, room 206

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 +38(032) 258 42 98


Head of the Department,
Doct. of Philos. Sciences, Prof.
Eduard Semenyuk

As a separate educational and scientific structure Department of Philosophy exists from 1981. Before that time philosophical disciplines were teaching by structures of more general profile. Assoc. Profs (and later – Profs) V. M. Chupryna, V. M. Svintsitskyy, M. M. Vernykov, Assoc. Profs V. D. Mazur, B. A. Steblych were Heads of those Departments. From 1981 Ph. D. G. A. Perfilov was a Head of the Department of Philosophy, some later – Prof. O. M. Sychyvytsya, Assoc. Profs V. F. Potapchuk and M. A. Skrynnyk. From 1993 Prof. Eduard Semenyuk is a Head of the Department. He is an Active Member of Ukrainian Academy of Informatics, New York Academy of Sciences and the International Academy of Noosphere (Sustainable Development). The teaching of psychological disciplines was added some later, and from 2014 this structure has its up-to-date name: Department of Philosophy and Psychology. At different times Assoc. Profs Lyudmyla Ryzhac and Vasylyy Balanchuk, Assists Igor Sulzhenko and Olga Gostynetskayya have been worked here. Nowadays Sr. Labors Iryna Kovalyk and Liubov Vozniak are working at the Department.

  1.         Eduard Semenyuk, Head of the Department, Doct. of Philos. Sciences, Prof.
  2. Mykhaylo Skrynnyk, Doct. of Philos. Sciences, Prof.
  3. Karina Shamlyan, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof.
  4. Ivan Vozniak, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof.
  5. Lilia Florko, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof.
  6. Oleksandra Shykula, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof.

Bachelor Programs:

  • Philosophy
  • Logics
  • Aesthetics
  • Psychology
  • Fundamentals of Psychology
  • Pedagogics and Psychology
  • Fundamentals of Psychology and Pedagogics

Master Programs:

  • Philosophy of Science
  • Philosophical Fundamentals of Sustainable Development
  • Philosophical Problems of Scientific Cognition
  • Pedagogics and Psychology of Higher Education
  • Psychological and Pedagogical Fundamentals of Teachers Activity.
  • Psychology of Management

Ph. D. Programs:

  • Philosophy and Methodology of Science.
  • Professional Pedagogics.

General direction of the research activities of the Department academic staff is: “Philosophical and world outlook aspects of interrelation of man and society on the border of the millenniums”.

This general direction has 2 divisions:

  1. Actual philosophical and psychological problems of modern science and social practice. The problem of social responsibility in the present-day science. (A head of the division – Doct. of Philos. Sciences, Prof. Eduard Semenyuk; Ph, D., Assoc. Prof. Karina Shamlyan).
  2. Spiritual and cultural traditions of a nation and a man: philosophical and psychological aspects. Peculiarities of the epoch of globalization. (A head of the division – Doct. of Philos. Sciences, Prof. Mykhaylo Skrynnyk; Ph. Ds, Assoc. Profs Ivan Vozniak, Lilia Florko, Oleksandra Shykula).

The main results of the 1st division for the last 5 years (2015-2019):

  1. Semenyuk E. P. Globalization of the Information Area and its Significance for Mankind // Scientific and Technical Information Processing. – Vol. 42. – New York: Allerton Press Inc., 2015. – № 1. – P. 1-12.
  2. Semenyuk E. P. Informatics in the Context of the Differentiation and Integration of Science // Scientific and Technical Information Processing. – Vol. 43. – New York: Allerton Press Inc., 2016. – № 1. – P. 8-19.
  3. Semenyuk E. P. Information within a System of the Basic Categories of a Planetary Analysis // Scientific and Technical Information Processing. – Vol. 44. – New York: Allerton Press Inc., 2017. – № 1. – P. 1-14.
  4. Semenyuk E. P. Man and Information in the Mirror of Science: Past, Present, and Future // Scientific and Technical Information Processing. – Vol. 45. – New York: Allerton Press Inc., 2018 – №1 – P. 1-13.
  5. Semenyuk E. P. The Information Effect of Transdisciplinarity in the Concept of Sustainable Development //Scientific and Technical Information Processing. – 46. – New York: Allerton Press Inc., 2019. – № 1. – P. 1-13.
  6. Karina Shamlyan. Will Organization of Personality: Experience of Theoretical and Empiric Research. – Monography. – Lviv: UNFU, 2016. – 104 p. (in Ukrainian).

The main results of the 2nd division for the last 5 years (2015-2019):

  1. Lilia Florko and oths. Philosophical and Psychological Dimension of the Relation “Man-Nature”. Text-book – Lviv: Liga-Press, 2015. – 270 p. (in Ukrainian).
  2. Mykhaylo Skrynnyk. Historical and Philosophical Context of Ukrainian Identity Forming: Monography. – Lviv: TZOV “Business School UBS”, 2018. – 214 p. (in Ukrainian).

  1. Eduard Semenyuk. Philosophical Fundamentals for Sustainable Development. Text-book for masters and post-graduates. – Lviv: Afisha, 2002. – 200 p. (in Ukrainian).
  2. Eduard Semenyuk, Volodymyr Melnyk. Philosophy of Modern Science and Engineering. Text-book, the 3rd ed. – Lviv: LNU I. Franko, 2017. – 364 p. (in Ukrainian). – Internet.
  3. Mykhaylo Skrynnyk, Lilia Florko, Mykola Florko. Philosophy. Text-book – Lviv: Liga-Press, 2015. – 479 p. (in Ukrainian).
  4. Lilia Florko and oths. Philosophical and Psychological Dimension of the Relation “Man-Nature”. Text-book – Lviv: Liga-Press, 2015. – 270 p. (in Ukrainian).
  5. Eduard Semenyuk and oths. Ecologization of Society: Social Role and Modelling. With a preface by Acad. Yuriy Tunytsya. – Monography. – Lviv: Ukr. Acad. of Printing, 2012. – 460 p. (in Ukrainian, English, and Russian).
  6. Mykhaylo Skrynnyk. Historical and Philosophical Context of Ukrainian Identity Forming: Monography. – Lviv: TZOV “Business School UBS”, 2018. – 214 p. (in Ukrainian).
  7. Karina Shamlyan. Will Organization of Personality: Experience of Theoretical and Empiric Research. – Monography. – Lviv: UNFU, 2016. – 104 p. (in Ukrainian).



Petro Garasym, professor, doctor of economic sciences
Tel: +38(032) 258 42 14
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79057, Lviv, Gen. Chuprynky St. 105, rooms 301, 302

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+38 (032) 258 42 70


Head of the Department,
Professor, Doctor of economic sciences
Petro Garasym

The Accounting and Audit Department was founded in accordance with the Order of the Rector of UkrDLTU No. 64, February 25, 1993, as the Department of Accounting, Audit and Finance.

Since then, the Department has been giving education highly qualified specialists in sphere of accounting and audit (since 2016 - accounting and taxation), providing a competent approach and using active organizing methods in environmentally-oriented educational process.

Ph.D., associate professor Dolzhansky Mykola Ivanovych was the initiator of creation and the first head of the Department. As highly qualified accounting and audit theorist and practitioner he was able to concentrate on the Department the best specialists who had scientific-pedagogical and practical experience in the field of accounting and finance: Ph.D., associate professor Dykyy SS, Ph.D. Lebedevych SI, Senior lecturer Padus VI, Lecturers - Major OV, Gredil LI, Dyachenko LI, Bondarenko OV, Holoshchak OG and Senior laboratory assistant Kulynych II.

At that time the set of subjects were taught at the Department: " Theory of Accounting", "Accounting", "Theory of Business Analysis", "Business Analysis", "Finance", "Money and Credit", "Control and Revision", "Financing and crediting of capital investment”, “Statistics”, “Pricing”, “Productive forces placement and economic zoning”, “Commodity and stock exchanges”, “Investment activity”, ”Banking”, “Automated workplace of an accountant”, “Controlling”, “Auditing"," Taxes","Market conditions and price relations”, “Fundamentals of entrepreneurship", and "Record keeping and business correspondence".

During this time Doctor of Economics, prof. EV Mnykh actively cooperated with the Department. He taught the subjects "Theory of Economic Analysis" and "Economic Analysis".

The staff of the Department has been mobile in mastering the new training courses introduced by the ministerial programs for the speciality “Accounting and Audit”. During the progressive development of the department, the initial staff expanded, and the qualification staff increased. Ph.D. theses were defended by Gredil LI and Major OV. Ph.D. Pustomelnykova EO started working at the Department.

Following the structural units reorganization of the Faculty of Economics of UkrDLTU, the Department of Accounting, Audit and Marketing was created, headed by Doctor of Economics, prof. Rymar Mykola Vasyliovych. During this period, the Department became one of the largest departments of the university, graduating annually with about 200 specialists of accounting and audit, which provided, among other things, needs of all forestry enterprises in Ukraine.

Under the guidance of prof. Rymar MV received the degree of Candidates of Economic Sciences with more than 25 persons, among them: Savchuk O. Ya., Volyanyk GM, Klym NM, Shutka S.Ye., Vatamanyuk U.Z., Dvoriyanyn V.M., Ilnytska-Gykavchuk G. Ya., Rybak Ya. T., Ryvak ZM, Dulyn IS, Pylypenko SM and others.

In 2003/2004 the Department was headed by Ph.D., Assoc. prof. Sabadosh Vasyl Ivanovych.

Ph.D., associate professor Ogorodnyk Myron Mykhailovych was the Head of the Accounting and Audit Department from 2004 to June 2009. During this time, a specialized computer class was created, that is equipped with the latest technical means of training and licensed accounting programs; new accounting and analytical disciplines were introduced to the study process, which in whole made it possible to improve the quality of education.

In 2009 Ph.D., Assoc. prof. Lebedevych SI has obtained the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences and has continued work on scientific researches of ecologization of accounting and audit support of the enterprises of forest sector of economy of Ukraine.

From June 2009 to November 2011 the Department was headed by Doctor of Economics, prof. Kulchytskyi Bohdan Volodymyrovych. During this period the Department expanded the auditorium rooms and formed a spacious modern audience (No 415).

From November 2011 to December 2015 the Department was again headed by Ph.D., Assoc. prof. Ogorodnyk Myron Mykhailovych. Much attention was paid to the ergonomic support of teachers and students. Scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department began active works on the ecologization of training courses.

Since January 2016 the Department is headed by Doctor of Economics, prof. Garasym Petro Mykolaiovych. Under his leadership, the Department took a course on updating and developing methodological support for the specialty “Accounting and Taxation”.

Currently, at the Department is working Doctor of Economics, prof. Garasym PM, Doctor of Economics, prof. Lebedevych SI, Ph.D., Assoc.prof. Bondarenko OV, Ph.D., Assoc.prof. Volyanyk GM, Ph.D., Assoc.prof. Govda G. A, Ph.D., Assoc.prof. Klym NM, Ph.D., Assoc.prof. Kolinko NI, Ph.D., Assoc.prof. Kolomiets TV, Ph.D., Assoc.prof. Mandryk VO, Ph.D., Assoc.prof. Novak UP, Ph.D., Assoc.prof. Novoselska LI, Ph.D., Assoc.prof. Ogorodnyk MM, Ph.D., Assoc.prof. Shutka S. Ye., Ph.D., Assist. Grytsak OS, As. Paduka MV, As. Khomyk H.R.

The teachers of the Department motivate students to creative scientific work. There is an active scientific society at the Department. The students of the Department participate and take prizes at student conferences and competitions, diploma works are environmentally oriented and have practical value. The graduates of the department successfully work at enterprises (institutions) of all organizational and legal forms, in banking and budgetary institutions, controlling bodies, audit companies, in forestry and woodworking enterprises both in Ukraine and abroad.

The staff of the Department closely cooperates with the newspaper "All about accounting", the collectives of the Lviv regional forestry and hunting management, the Regional communal specialized forestry enterprise "Galsillis", as well as its subsidiaries, which are the main bases for the passage of industrial and practical work.

  1. Garasym Petro, Doctor of economic sciences, Prof.
  2. Bondarenko Oksana, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
  3. Volyanyk Halyna, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
  4. Hovda Halyna, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
  5. Hrytsak Oksana, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
  6. Klym Nadiia, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
  7. Kolinko Natalie, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
  8. Lebedevych Svitlana, Doctor of economic sciences, Prof.
  9. Mandryk Vasyl, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
  10. Novak Ulyana, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
  11. Padyuka Mariya, Assistant
  12. Shutka Svitlana, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.

Accounting and taxation (MSc)

Graduates of the study program «Accounting and taxation» will attain to ability to solve complex specialized problems and practical tasks in a given professional activity field either while studies; this supposes respective scientific field’s several theories’ and methods’ application under complex ambiguous conditions.

The competences acquired:

Knowledge and understanding:

- knowledge of fundamental economic disciplines, fundamentals of  management and administration, accounting disciplines, fundamentals of taxing and controlling;

- knowledge of the technologies of accounting of funds and settlement operations, fixed assets, inventory, labor and buyout, intangible assets and financial investments, equity and liabilities, costs of production, finished products and their selling, foreign trade, revenues and financial results;

- knowledge of methodology of analysis of the activities of the company and audits; knowledge of methods of evaluation of public and private investment efficiency; knowledge of technology and organization of production in the forest sector, understanding tax accounting and reporting of the forest complex enterprises; understanding the interaction between economic and ecological systems, knowledge of the main provisions of the modern ecological economics, mechanisms of ensuring the sustainable socio-economic development and formation of “green” economy, tools of ecological-economic analysis of the activities; knowledge of economic-mathematical methods and computer software; knowledge of basics of law, politology, sociology, and history of Ukraine; knowledge of foreign language for professional communication.

Application of knowledge and understanding:

- ability to apply knowledge and understanding to solve the problems of formation of accounting policy, the implementation the accounting and analytical process, preparing financial, tax and statistical reporting; ability to collect and summarize information on presence and movement of assets, operating expenses and income, investment and financial activity, and ensuring equity commitments in the accounting records and reporting;

- ability to assess and manage the expenses in strategic management accounting, analyze deviations and analyze the “cost-volume-profit”, to apply linear programming for the purposes of strategic management accounting;

- ability to plan business activity of an enterprise, make budgets and estimates; ability to explore patterns of development and management of tax processes, state fiscal relations in accordance with the laws and regulations of Ukraine.

Making judgments:

- ability to make conclusions on the efficiency rate of the developed accounting policies in accordance with national and international standards of accounting and reporting information database and computerization of accounting and reporting process for making effective management decisions;

- ability to identify and formulate a problem regarding the enterprise activity and its business units, to make findings as to their causes and provide suggestions for improvement of financial and economic activity;

-ability to assess compliance of the company and its structural divisions with the legislative requirements, contractual obligations, ethical standards; ability to predict the environmental consequences of the decisions, evaluate ecological and economic level of the company activity.

Educational disciplines (bachelor)

Mandatory components:

  • Money and credit
  • Finances
  • Accounting
  • Labor economics and social and labor relations
  • Analysis of economic activity
  • Financial Accounting 1
  • Financial Accounting 2
  • Managerial Accounting
  • Reporting of enterprises
  • Accounting in banks
  • Accounting in State-Financed Organizations
  • Accounting and reporting in taxation
  • Audit
  • Information systems and technologies in accounting and auditing

Elective Components

  • Fundamentals of scientific research in professional activity
  • Fundamentals of economic analysis
  • Finance of the Enterprises
  • Corporate Finance
  • Insurance
  • Tax Policy
  • Accounting organization and tax optimization
  • Small Business Accounting
  • Accounting and reporting of small business entities by international and national standards
  • Forensic Audit Examination
  • Accounting policies of the enterprise
  • Accounting for Types of Business Activities
  • Accounting for service companies
  • Local Budgets
  • Business planning and budgeting in accounting
  • Computer audit
  • Internal control of economic activity
  • Fundamentals of IFRS

Educational disciplines (masters)


Mandatory components:

  • Accounting in the Management of the Enterprise
  • Innovative Development of the Enterprise
  • Accounting for foreign economic activity
  • Accounting and Enterprise Reporting (in accordance with IFRS)
  • Organization and Methodology of Audit
  • Financial Analysis
  • Organization of Accounting
  • Strategic Managerial Accounting


Elective Components

  • Sanation Audit
  • Environmental Statistics
  • Environmental Audit
  • Environmental-economic Analysis
  • State Financial Control
  • Strategic Analysis


  • Organization of accounting policy of the modern enterprise

Main research areas:

  • theory and practice of accounting, analysis and control of business entities
  • formation of mechanism of effective regulation and management of economic activity of enterprises on ecological and economic bases
  • problems and prospects of development of financial accounting and analysis in the conditions of globalization of economy
  • international experience and statistical tools of management features


  1. Garasyim P., Bradul A., Slobodyanyuk N., Volyanyk H., Shutka S. Model of calculation management with enterprise contractors: Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, Volume 23, Special Issue 2, 2019. (Scopus) (in English)
  2. Garasyim P., Volyanyk H., Kolinko N. Impact of professional judgement of an accountant on a company’s economic security: Monography. Zarzadzanie – wspolczesne wyzwania. Instytut Zarzadzania Uniwersytetu Jana Kohanowskiego w Kielcach, Kielce, 2017. – 232 p. (Pp. 53-62) (in English)
  3. Garasym P., Padyuka M. The role of accounting policies in today’s business environment in Ukraine under European integration process: Monography: Transformation of international economic relations: modern challenges, risk, opportunities and prospects: collective monograph / edited by M.Bezpartochnyi, in 3 Vol., ISMA University, Riga: “Landmark” SIA, 2017, 3 Vol. – 168-177 p.  (in English)
  4. Garasym, P. M., Klym N. M., Novak, U. P. Padyuka M. V. Organization of accounting in the economy branches: tutorial book. – Lviv: Liga Press, 2018. - 410 p. (in Ukrainian)
  5. Garasym, P. M., Kolinko N.I. Statistics: tutorial book. – Lviv: Spolom, 2019. - 221 p.. (in Ukrainian)
  6. Garasym, P. M., Volyanyk H.M. Shutka S.Ye. Financial Accounting-2: tutorial book. – 2nd edition supplemented and revised. - Lviv: Liga Press, 2019. - 352 p. (in Ukrainian)
  7. Garasym, P. M., Volyanyk H.M. Garasym M.P. Accounting organization: tutorial book.– Lviv: Liga Press, 2018. - 300 p. (in Ukrainian)
  8. Garasym, P. M., Shutka S.Ye., Volyanyk H.M., Kolinko N.I. Accounting for small businesses: tutorial book.– Lviv: Liga Press, 2018. - 370 p. (in Ukrainian)
  9. Garasyim P., Volyanyk H., Shutka S.. Features of accounting for purchase-sale of foreign currency in Ukraine: Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa „Zarządzanie zasobami organizacji” // Studia i Materiały «Miscellanea Oeconomicae» Nr 4/2018, tom II, Gospodarowanie zasobami organizacji ISNN: 2081-2345 Wydawca: Wdział Zarządzania i Administracji Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach. (Pp. 53-66) (in English)
  10. Garasym P., Novak U., Padyuka M. Cash-flow analysis and forecast: methodical approaches in modern realities // Studia i Materiały Wydziału Zarządzania i Administracji Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej im. Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach. – 2018. – Nr. 4/2018. – 37-52 s. (in English)
  11. Garasyim P., Padyuka M., Zamojski J. The Main Issues of Profit Distribution and Its Use at the Forestry Enterprises of Ukraine in Conditions of Sustainable Development: Studia i Materiały Wydziału Zarządzania i Administracji Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej im. Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach /Tom 21, nr 4, t. 1 Zarządzanie kryzysowe i bezpieczeństwo, 2017. –  27-35 p. (in English)
  12. Garasym P., Klym N., Khomyak R. Features of Taxation of Forestry Enterprises//«Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management» (in English) - Volume 5, Number 1, 2018, с. 55–62 . (in English)
  13. Garasym P., Klym N., Walczak M. Aspects of the activities of forestry enterprises in Ukraine // Studies and Material from the Management and Administration Department of the Pedagogical University of Jan Kochanowski in Kielce. - 2018. - No. 4 -25-36 p. (in Polish)
  14. Garasym P. M., Hovda H. A., Novak U. P., Padyuka M. V. Training the professionals of speciality “Accounting and Taxation”: environmental and economic aspects. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 28(9), 2018. – p. 9-15. (in Ukrainian)
  15. Garasim P.M., Klym N.M. Assessment of the use of natural resources and analysis of the activities of national natural parks of Ukraine // Collection of scientific papers: Bulletin of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" №862 series: Management and entrepreneurship in Ukraine: stages of formation and problems of development, Lviv: Issue of Lviv Polytechnic, 2017. - 348 p., 61-68p. (in Ukrainian)
  16. Garasym P.M., Klym N.M. Topical Issues of Forming Environmental Reporting by Forestry Enterprises // Global and National Problems of Economics: An Electronic Scientific Professional Edition, Issue 12. August 2016, 389-393p. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:http://www.global-national.in.ua (in Ukrainian)
  17. Garasym P. M., Kolinko N.I. & Padyuka M.V. Methodical instructions for writing a course work in the discipline “Financial analysis” for students of specialty 071 “Accounting and taxation” of educational level “Master”/– Lviv: UNFU, 2016. – 40 p. (in Ukrainian)

Main research areas:

  • information technology in accounting, analysis and audit of business activities of enterprises;
  • organization of accounting and audit of the activity of insurance companies;
  • theoretical, practical, methodological and methodological aspects of accounting, use of accounting in enterprise management;
  • accounting and analytical support of financial security of enterprises.


  1. Bondarenko O.V. Information Technology system accounting and analyzing for effective management of  modern enterprises/ Economic efficiency of business in a volatile economy: collective monograph  / Aspekt Publishing, Taunton, MA, United States of America, 2015.-153-160 p
  2.  Bondarenko O.V. Reengineering as a Result of Management on the Basis of Information Technologies of Accounting and Analytical Systems // Bondarenko O.V. / Development of Financial Management in the Conditions of Chaotic Structuring of the Economy [collective monograph] for the total. scientific SA Kuznetsova. - Dnepropetrovsk: "Accent of PP", 2015. - P. 140-165.
  3.  Bondarenko O.V. Problems of economic security of information technologies of accounting and analytical systems // Bondarenko O.V. / Management of economic security system of economic entities accounting and analytical support [collective monograph] Cherkasy. nat. them. B. Khmelnitsky. - Cherkasy: Kind. from. CNU, 2015. - P. 113-141.
  4. Bondarenko O.V. Automation of conceptual models accounting process /  Problems of accounting, analysis and audit: institutional aspect: [collective monograph in 2 vol. / Verlag SWG imex GmbH Nürnberg, Deutschland, -2015.-285-301 p
  5. Bondarenko O.V. Information technology intellectualization accouting and analytical systems // Socio-economic aspects of economics and management: Collection of scientific articles. Vol. 2 - Aspekt Publishing, Taunton, MA, United States of America, 2015.- 120-122 p.
  6. Bondarenko O.V. Information and software accountants and analysts // Economics and Management: Challenges and Perspectives: Collection of scientific articles. - "East West" Association For Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH, Vienna, Austria, 2015.- 166-169 p.
  7. Bondarenko O.V. Qualitative aspects of software in accounting and analytical systems the analytic hierarchy process // Actual problems of modern economy development: Collection of scientific articles. - Thorpe-Bowker®, Melbourne, Australia, 2015.- 228-232 p.
  8. Bondarenko O.V. Responsibiliti for the illegality of accounting-analytical information systems and ways of legalizationg // Institutional framework functioning of the economy  in the transformation: Collection of scientific articles. - Publishing house «BREEZE», Montreal, Canada, 2015.- 158-164 p.
  9. Bondarenko O.V. Influence of information technologies on audit methodology // OV Bondarenko / Bulletin of the Volyn Institute of Economics and Management Lutsk: Center for Information Support and Editorial and Publishing Activities VIEM - 2015. – № 12. - P.34-43
  10.  Bondarenko O.V. Evaluation of the Performance of Computer Audit Systems // OV Bondarenko Scientific Bulletin of the Kherson State University. Economic Sciences Series. Kherson: Publisher of Kherson State University. 2015. -Vol. 11. Part. 4. - p. 155-160.

Main research areas:

  • рroblems and prospects of development of financial accounting in the conditions of globalization of economy.
  • information systems and technologies in accounting, analysis and auditing.
  • problems of training specialists in accounting and taxation in modern conditions.
  • methodology and improvement of financial accounting, control, analysis and auditing as a science and practical activity, accounting and analytical assurance of economic security of economic entities.


  1. Garasyim P., Bradul A., Slobodyanyuk N., Volyanyk H., Shutka S. Model of calculation management with enterprise contractors: Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, Volume 23, Special Issue 2, 2019. (Scopus) (in English)
  2. Garasyim P., Volyanyk H., Kolinko N. Impact of professional judgement of an accountant on a company’s economic security: Monography. Zarzadzanie – wspolczesne wyzwania. Instytut Zarzadzania Uniwersytetu Jana Kohanowskiego w Kielcach, Kielce, 2017. – 232 p. (Pp. 53-62) (in English)
  3. Garasyim P., Volyanyk H., Shutka S.. Features of accounting for purchase-sale of foreign currency in Ukraine // Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa „Zarządzanie zasobami organizacji” Studia i Materiały «Miscellanea Oeconomicae» Nr 4/2018, tom II, Gospodarowanie zasobami organizacji ISNN: 2081-2345 Wydawca: Wdział Zarządzania i Administracji Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach. (Pp. 53-66) (in English)
  4. Volyanyk G.M., Shutka S.Ye. The Procedure for Purchase of Foreign Currency in Foreign Trade Transactions: Bulletin of the Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. The series is economical. / Editor-in-Chief V.V. Sereda. - Lviv: Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, 2016. - Issue 1. - 328 p.- Pp. 181-190. (in Ukrainian)
  5. Volyanyk G.M., Rogova N.V. Impact of the quality of training of accountants and auditors on the accounting and analytical support of the functioning of the economic security system of business entities: Bulletin of the Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. The series is economical. / Editor-in-Chief V.V. Sereda. - Lviv: Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, 2015. - Issue 2. - 311 p. - Pp. 188-197. (in Ukrainian)
  6. Shutka S.Ye., Volyanyk G.M. Sale of Foreign Currency: Accounting and Tax Accounting: Bulletin of the Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. The series is economical. / Editor-in-Chief V.V. Sereda. - Lviv: Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, 2016. - Issue 1. - 328 p. - Pp. 295-305. (in Ukrainian)
  7. Shutka S.Ye., Volyanyk H.M.. Necessity and basic prerequisites for the implementation of environmental accounting by Ukrainian companies: Bulletin of the Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. The series is economical. / Editor-in-Chief V.V. Sereda. - Lviv: Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, 2016. - Issue. 2. - 256 p .- (Pp. 228-238). (in Ukrainian)
  8. Volyanyk H.M., Marushko N.S.. Features of accounting of commodity operations and optimization of internal control of enterprises of trade: Bulletin of the Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. The series is economical. / Editor-in-Chief V.V. Sereda. – Lviv: Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, 2018. - Issue 1. - 304 p. - Pp. 165-173. (in Ukrainian)
  9. Volyanyk G.M., Bondarchuk M.K. Financial account as an informative source for determination of economic strength of enterprise security: Bulletin of the Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. –Lviv: Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, 2013. - Issue 2. - Pp. 207-216. (in Ukrainian)
  10. Volyanyk G.M., Shutka S.Ye. Features of accounting eхchange operations in foreign economic activities of trade enterprises: Accounting, Economics, Management: Scientific Notes // International Book of Scientific Papers. Issue 2 (18) / Rep. ed. IB Sadovska. – Lutsk: RVV of Lutsk NTU, 2018. - 158 p. - Pp. 6-18. (in Ukrainian)

Main research areas:

  • problems and prospects of development of accounting in the contemporary economy.
  • current state and prospects of development of state financial control in Ukraine.
  • problems of accounting and auditing environmental costs in forestry enterprises.



  1. Garasym P. M., Hovda H. A., Novak U. P. & Padyuka M. V. Training the professionals of speciality “Accounting and Taxation”: environmental and economic aspects. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU. The series is economical. – Lviv, 2018. – vol.28, no 9 – 132 p. (Pp. 9-15). (in Ukrainian)
  2. Lebedevych S. I., Hovda H. A. Basic principles of environmental costs auditing of forestry enterprises. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU. The series is economical. – Lviv, 2017. – vol.27, no 2 – 196 p. (Pp. 17-19). (in Ukrainian)
  3. Hovda H. A. State Financial Control. Script of lectures. For masters students of specialties: “Accounting and Taxation” – Lviv: UNFU. 2016. – 114 p. (in Ukrainian)
  4. Hovda H. A. Еlectronic reporting. Script of lectures. For students of specialties “Accounting and Audit” (specialists level) – Lviv: UNFU. 2016. – 68 p. (in Ukrainian)
  5. Medvid L. G., Hovda H. A. Organization and methodology of cost control at hunting enterprises. Accounting and Audit: resource scientific journal. – Kyiv, 2014. – Issue 12 – 53 p. (Pp. 25-37). (in Ukrainian)
  6. Medvid L. G., Hovda H. A. Accounting of cost and calculations of prime price of services for the organizing and conducting hunting. Accounting and Audit: resource scientific journal. – Kyiv, 2014. – Issue 11 – 53 p. (Pp. 38-52). (in Ukrainian)
  7. Medvid L. G., Hovda H. A. Budgeting in the hunting growing: methodical approaches. Economy of Crimea : resource scientific journal. – Simferopol, 2012. – Issue 4 (41) – 484 p.(Pp. 310-315). (in Ukrainian)
  8. Hovda H. A. The accounting of material costs on realization of ecological measures. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU : collection of scientific and technical works. – Lviv, 2012. – Issue 22.14 – 408 p. (Pp. 95-99). (in Ukrainian)
  9. Medvid L. G., Hovda H. A. Organization and methodology of accounting material costs in hunting growing. – Lviv: LKA, 2012. – Issue 14 – 222 p/ (Pp. 125-138).
  10. Hovda H. A. Methodical bases of calculations of prime price of services of the hunting growing. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU : collection of scientific and technical works. – Lviv, 2012. – Issue 22.15 – 412 p. (Pp. 326-330). (in Ukrainian)

Main research areas:

  • problems with the organization and methodology of internal audit and accounting to ensure contractual obligations, including collateral.


  1. Klym N.M. , Hrytsak O.S. Practical aspects of application and accounting of transfer prices in enterprises of Ukraine //Science and education: trends and prospects: Collection of scientific arcies. – Ascona Pubiishing, New York, United States of America, 2018/ - 368 p., p. 169-173 (in English)
  2. Hrytsak O.S. Accounting for Startup Activity Management: Organizational Framework / IV International Scientific and Practical conference // Accounting and analytical support of the company's management system / October 24-26, 2019, Lviv (in Ukrainian)
  3. Hrytsak O.S., Klym N.M. Startup as a kind of innovative business: the accounting dimension of the conceptual apparatus // Scientific bulletin of Uzhhorod university / Series «Economics». – No 1 (49) – Uzhhorod: Publication Uzhhorod university «Hoverla», 2019. – P. 117 – 122. (in Ukrainian)
  4. Lehenchuk S.; Vyhivska I.; Hrytsak O. The development of institutional and methodological framework for accounting of collateral operations in credit unions // Herald of Ternopil National Economic University, [S.l.], n. 1(91), p. 209-218, jan. 2019. ISSN 1993-0240. (in Ukrainian)
  5. Klym N.M., Hrytsak O.S. Valuation market information technology for implementation accounting analytical tasks of enterprises Ukraine / // Scientific journal Economics and Finance № 2 / 2018, р. 39-45 (in Ukrainian)
  6. Hrytsak O.S. Ways to improve the formation and operation of local budgets: accounting issues // Scientific bulletin of Uzhhorod university / Series «Economics».- No 1 (49) – Uzhhorod: Publication Uzhhorod university «Hoverla», 2017. – P. 244 – 247. (in Ukrainian)
  7. Vygivska I.M., Hrytsak O.S Accounting mortgage transactions: directions of improvement // Bulletin Zhytomyr Politechnic State University / Series: Economic sciences. – 2016. - № 4 (78) – P.14 -31 (in Ukrainian)
  8. Vygivska I.M., Hrytsak O.S. Organization of internal audit of the collateral of the subjects of its implementation // Problems of theory and methodology of accounting, control and analysis: interna. Sat. Sciences. ave. – № 2-3 (35). Zhytomyr – ZDTU, 2016. – С. 51- 60. (in Ukrainian)
  9. Vygivska I.M., Hrytsak O.S. The place of collateral in the system of accounting objects // Bulletin Zhytomyr Politechnic State University/ Series: Economic sciences. – 2015. – № 4 (74). – P. 12-23. (in Ukrainian)

10. Hrytsak O.S. Stages of audit of collateral operations: organizational and methodological approach // The Way of Science International scientific journal. Publishing House «Scientific survey»- № 8 (8), october. – 2014 (in English)

Main research areas:

  • the theory and practice of accounting, analysis and control of business entities.
  • formation of mechanism of effective regulation and management of economic activity of enterprises on ecological and economic bases.
  • socio-cultural sphere: territorial organization and features of development



Collective monographs

  1. Klym N.M., Khomiak R.L Systematic approach to the formation of accounting policies of enterprise in Ukraine // Accounting and analytical support of the management system of an enterprise: Collective monograph: [Collective monograph] / Edited bi: prof.A.Zahorodniy and prof. H. Ronek – Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2013 – с.112-131 . (in English)
  2. Klym N.M.,Khomiak R.L, Khomiak T.R. Theoretical and organizational aspect of internal control in the cost management of the enterprise // Problems of accounting and analytical support for the management system of an enterprise: Collective monograph: [Collective monograph] / Edited bi: prof.A.Zahorodniy and prof. H. Ronek.– Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2014 – с.47-58 (in English)
  3. Lebedevich S.I., Klym N.M., Khomiak R.L. Accounting and Auditing Support of Forestry Enterprises for Sustainable Development of Ukraine // S.I Lebedevich, N.M Klym, R.L. Khomiak. - Lviv, Liga-Press, 2014 - 268 p (in Ukrainian)
  4. Klym N.M., Homiak R.L. Inventory as a method of accounting and accounting control // Selected issues of modern accounting in Poland and Ukraine: [Collective monograph] / Edited bi: prof. A. Zahorodniy and prof. H. Ronek. - Lublin: Publishing House of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, 2015 –348 с. -. 255-269 p. (in Polish)
  5. Lebedevich S.I., Klym N.M. Transformation of Audit in the Environment of Economy // Audit and control: organization, methodology, practice: Collective monograph. - Aspect Publishing of the Budget Printing Center, Taunton, MA 02780, United States of America, 2016 - 48 p., 1-26p. (in Ukrainian)
  6. Lebedevich S.I., Klym N.M. Sectoral environmental management systems as a promising direction of economic development // Economic security in the globalized world economy: Collective monograph. - Ascona Publishing, New York, United States of America, 2018 - 76 p., 33-44p. (in Ukrainian)



  1. Garasym P.M., Klym N.M. Topical Issues of Forming Environmental Reporting by Forestry Enterprises // Global and National Problems of Economics: An Electronic Scientific Professional Edition, Issue 12. August 2016, 389-393p. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:http://www.global-national.in.ua (in Ukrainian)
  2. Garasim P.M., Klym N.M. Assessment of the use of natural resources and analysis of the activities of national natural parks of Ukraine // Collection of scientific papers: Bulletin of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" №862 series: Management and entrepreneurship in Ukraine: stages of formation and problems of development, Lviv: Issue of Lviv Polytechnic, 2017. - 348 p., 61-68p. (in Ukrainian)
  3. Garasym P., Klym N., Khomyak R.. Features of Taxation of Forestry Enterprises //«Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management» (in English) - Volume 5, Number 1, 2018, с. 55–62 . (in English)
  4. Garasym P., Klym N., Walczak M. Aspects of the activities of forestry enterprises in Ukraine // Studies and Material from the Management and Administration Department of the Pedagogical University of Jan Kochanowski in Kielce. - 2018. - No. 4 -25-36 p. (in Polish)
  5. Sopushinsky I.M., Klym N.M., Khariton I.I. European pricing experience in the coniferous timber market // Scientific Bulletin of NLTU Ukraine, Lviv - Issue 24.20 – 2014 .29-34 p. (in Ukrainian)
  6. Klym N.M., Homiak T.R. Accounting of financial expenses with the use of modern information technologies // All-Ukrainian scientific-production journal "Innovative economy": Collection of scientific works. Series: Economic Sciences // Khmelnytsky Cooperative Trade and Economic Institute - Khmelnitsky, 2013. - Issue 5 [43] - 323-330 p. (in Ukrainian)
  7. Schultz S.L., Klym N.M. Methodical aspects of monitoring of socio-economic development of regions // Collection of scientific works. S.L. Schultz, N.M. Klym / Modeling the regional economy: Coll. scientific works. - Ivano-Frankivsk: Play, 2015. - № 2 (25) -57-69 p. (in Ukrainian)
  8. Shutka S.E., Klym N.M., Export operations: accounting and tax accounting // Scientific Bulletin of the Kherson State University., Series "Economic Sciences" (special edition) issue..17., Part. 4, 2016, 158-161 p. (in Ukrainian)
  9. Klym N.M., Hrytsak O.S. Practical aspects of application and accounting of transfer prices in enterprises of Ukraine // Science and education: trends and prospects: Collection of scientific arcies. – Ascona Pubiishing, New York, United States of Amtrica, 2018/ - 368 p., p. 169-173 . (in English)
  10. Klym N.M., Hrytsak O.S. Estimation of the information technology market for accounting and analytical tasks of Ukrainian enterprises // Scientific Journal "Economics and Finance" №2, Dnepropetrovsk, 2018 - 124 p.,39-45 p. (in Ukrainian)


Participation in scientific topics:

  • "Scheme (forecast) of development and deployment of productive forces of Ukraine and its regions for the long term" - development and placement of social sphere of Lviv region ( U 000657)
  • «Research of natural resource potential and prospects of economic and social development of Ukraine (regional section) ( U 003694)
  • «Economic mechanism of improvement of financial condition of rational use of forest resources at the enterprises of the forestry complex» (DB 08.27-02-01, state registration number 0101 U005132, accounting № 0204 U003661
  • "The Theory and Practice of Management and Accounting, Analysis and Audit of the Activities of Business Entities" (DR 0113 U007515);
  • «Formation of mechanism of effective regulation and management of economic activity of enterprises» (DR 0113 U007514) »
  • «Theoretical and methodological foundations of environmental audit in forestry»

Main research areas:

  • Features of taxation in Ukraine
  • Institutional support for production cost management



  1. Garasym, P. M., Kolinko N.I. Statistics: tutorial book. – Lviv: Spolom, 2019. - 221 p.. (in Ukrainian)
  2. Garasym, P. M., Shutka S.Ye., Volyanyk H.M., Kolinko N.I. Accounting for small businesses: tutorial book.– Lviv: Liga Press, 2018. - 370 p. (in Ukrainian)
  3. Shutka S., Kolinko N.I. Main aspects of accounting of export operations of subjects of foreign economic activity // Scientific Bulletin of the UNFU: economic series. – Lviv. – 2016. – Vol. 26.2. – p. 253-260 (in Ukrainian)
  4. Kolinko N.I. Features of introduction of property taxation in Ukraine // Trade, commerce, enterprise. – Lviv. – 2014. – Vol. 17. – p. 174-178 (in Ukrainian)
  5. Kolinko N.I., Shutka S. Necessity and basic prerequisites for the implementation of environmental accounting by Ukrainian companies: Bulletin of the Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. The series is economical. / Editor-in-Chief V.V. Sereda. – Lviv: Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, 2016. – Issue. 2. – 256 p. – (Pp. 228-238) (in Ukrainian)
  6. Garasyim P., Volyanyk H., Kolinko N. Impact of professional judgement of an accountant on a company’s economic security // Zarzadzanie – wspolczesne wyzwania. Instytut Zarzadzania Uniwersytetu Jana Kohanowskiego w Kielcach, Kielce, 2017. – s. 53-62 (in English)
  7. Kolinko N.I. Target-costing as a promising method of institutional support for production cost management // Scientific Economic Journal "Intellect XXI" .- Kiev. - 2018 - Issue 6. – p .69-73 (in Ukrainian)
  8. Kolinko N.I. Current trends in environmental taxation in Ukraine // Scientific Bulletin of the UNFU: economic series. – Lviv. – 2012. – Vol. 22.08. – p. 63-68 (in Ukrainian)
  9. Kolinko N.I., Jezerska T. Compliance of the financial statements of Ukrainian enterprises with international standards // Scientific Bulletin of the UNFU: economic series. – Lviv. – 2012. – Vol. 22.08. – p. 215-220 (in Ukrainian)
  10. Kolinko N.I., Rymar M.V. Current trends in the regulation of hotel business development // Financial Policy and Investments. – 2011. – Vol. XYII.1. – p. 244-251 (in Ukrainian)
  11. Kolinko N.I., Klym N.M. The task of the audit to generate information on the securities market of Ukraine // Bulletin of the Lviv Institute of Economics and Tourism. – Lviv. – 2012. – Vol. 7. – p. 54-60 (in Ukrainian)
  12. Kolinko N.I., Volyanyk H., Shutka S. Strategic analysis in the enterprise management system // Bulletin of the State Institute of Advanced Technology and Management by V. Chornovil. Economic Sciences Series. – 2011. – Vol. 6. – p.83-90 (in Ukrainian)

Main research areas:

  • accounting and audit of ecological and economic processes
  • environmental management


  1. Lebedevych S.I., Klym N.M. Sectoral environmental management systems as a promising direction of economic development // Economic security in the globalized world economy: Collective monograph. - Ascona Publishing, New York, United States of America, 2018. – p. 33-44 (in Ukrainian)
  2. Lebedevych S.I., Vykhopen A. Features of accounting organization based on business partners with regard to the ecological activity of forestry enterprise // Scientific Bulletin of UNFU. – 2018. – Vol. 28(9). – p. 54-57. (in Ukrainian)
  3. Lebedevich S.I., Tsitsiala O. Actual problems of an accounting organization for enviromantally oriented indirect assets of forestry enterprise // Scientific Bulletin of UNFU. – 2018. – Vol. 28(9). – p. 65-68. (in Ukrainian)
  4. Lebedevych S. I., Hovda H. A. Basic principles of environmental costs auditing of forestry enterprises. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU. The series is economical. – Lviv, 2017. – vol.27, no 2 – 196 p. (Pp. 17-19). (in Ukrainian)
  5. Lebedevych S.I. The concept of formation of the system of ecological insurance in the forest sector of economy // Accounting, economics, management: scientific notes: international collection of scientific works. – Lutsk. – 2016. - Vol. 1 (9). – Part 2. – p. 35-39 (in Ukrainian)
  6. Lebedevych S.I. The concept of multifunctional reform of the economy of Ukraine // Collection of Khmelnytsky National University. Economic sciences. – 2016. – Vol. 1. №2. – p. 189-191 (in Ukrainian)
  7. Lebedevych S.I., Klym N.M. Transformation of Audit in the Environment of Economy // Audit and control: organization, methodology, practice: Collective monograph. - Aspect Publishing of the Budget Printing Center, Taunton, MA 02780, United States of America, 2016. – 48 p. 1-26 (in Ukrainian)
  8. Lebedevych S.I. Conceptual principles of accounting for environmental costs // Accounting, economics, management. – Lutsk. – 2015. – Vol. 1 (5). Part 1. – p. 84-90 (in Ukrainian)
  9. Lebedevych S.I., Klym N.M., Khomiak R.L. Accounting and Auditing Support of Forestry Enterprises for Sustainable Development of Ukraine // S.I Lebedevich, N.M Klym, R.L. Khomiak. – Lviv, Liga-Press, 2014. – 268 p (in Ukrainian)

Lebedevych S.I., Ogorodnyk M.M., Novak U.P. Environmental audit in the forest sector of the Ukrainian economy: monograph. – Lviv, 2010. – 300p. (in Ukrainian)

Main research areas:

  • development of cryptocurrencies
  • economic mechanism for land reclamation
  • environmental taxation


  1. Mandryk V.O., Novak U.P. Eco-tax in Ukraine: foreign experience, modern realities, directions of improvement // Scientific Bulletin of NLTU of Ukraine: Lviv: NLTU of Ukraine. – 2016. – Vol. 26.6. – P. 20-26 (in Ukrainian)
  2. Novak U.P, Mandryk V.О. The role of environmental risk in the investment process // Management of economic systems: concepts, strategies, innovations: collection of mat. Int. Research Practice  Conf.  (Kyiv, March 27-28, 2015). – In 2 parts. – K., 2015. – Part 2. – P. 26-28 (in Ukrainian)
  3. Mandryk V.O. Problems of privatization of coal industry of Ukraine and expediency of its carrying out // Scientific Bulletin of NLTU of Ukraine: Lviv. – 2010. – Vol. 20.4. – P. 239-244 (in Ukrainian)
  4. Mandryk V.O., Solovyi I.P. The institutional dimension of land-use economics: the genesis of scientific theory // Scientific works of DonNTU. Series: Economic. Issue 130-4.  – Donetsk, DonNTU, 2006. – P.38-43 (in Ukrainian)
  5. Mandryk V.O. Ecological and economic problems of restoration of disturbed lands in the context of environmental policy requirements // Scientific Bulletin: Greening the economy as a tool for sustainable development in a competitive environment. – Lviv, NLTU of Ukraine. – 2005. – Vol. 15.6. – p. 482-488 (in Ukrainian)
  6. Mandryk V.O Environmental Issues of Mining Enterprises in the Lviv-Volyn Basin and Ways to Solve It // Scientific Bulletin: Collection of Scientific and Technical Works. No. – 14.7. – p. 347-350 (in Ukrainian)
  7. Mandryk V.O. Novak U.P. Ukraine's investment policy in the context of environmental and economic reforms // Scientific Bulletin of National University of Water Management and Environmental Management. – 2012. – Vol. 1 (57). Economy series.  – P. 199-205 (in Ukrainian)
  8. Mandryk V.O., Moroz V.P. Analysis of the tax code on the current and prospective economic instruments of environmental direction // Scientific Bulletin of NLTU Ukraine: NLTU of Ukraine. – 2011. – Vol. 21.4. – p. 122-126 (in Ukrainian)
  9. Mandryk V.O., Moroz V. P. The legislative regulation of the circulation of cryptocurrency in Ukraine and the prospects for development // Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 29(4), 67-71 (in Ukrainian)

       10. Mandryk V.O., Gul I.G., Moroz V. P. Current trends and perspectives of use cryptocurrencies: experience for Ukraine // Black sea Economic studies Scientific. – 2019. – Issue 39. Part 2. – p.  67-72 (in Ukrainian)

Main research areas:

  • organization and methodology of audit and environmental audit in modern economic conditions
  • features of accounting and reporting in the economy branches


  1. Garasym P.M., Hovda H.A., Novak U.P., Padyuka M.V. Training the professionals of speciality “Accounting and Taxation”: environmental and economic aspects // Scientific Bulletin of UNFU. – – Vol. 28(9). – p. 9-15. (in Ukrainian)
  2. Organization of accounting in the economy branches: tutorial book / Garasym, P.M., Klym N.M., Novak, U.P. Padyuka M.V. – Lviv: Liga Press, 2018. - 410 p. (in Ukrainian)
  3. Garasym P., Novak U., Padyuka M. Cash-flow analysis and forecast: methodical approaches in modern realities // Studia i Materiały Wydziału Zarządzania i Administracji Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej im. Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach. – 2018. – Vol. 4/2018. – p. 37-52. (in English)
  4. Novak U.P., Padyuka M.V. Formation and accounting of income of the subjects of the hotel business // Scientific Bulletin of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. – 2018. Vol. 1. – p. 209-219 (in Ukrainian)
  5. Novak U.P., Padiuka M.V,. Pylypenko S.M. Features of documents execution and audit of road transportations // Bulletin of the Odessa National University. Series: Economics. – 2016. – Tom 21, Vol. 3. – p. 193-197. (in Ukrainian)
  6. Novak U.P., Mandryk V.O. Environmental tax in Ukraine: foreign experience, current realities, directions of improvement // Scientific Bulletin of UNFU – 2016. – Vol. 6. – p. 9-15. (in Ukrainian)
  7. Novak U.P. Environmental risk in the process of investment activity // Scientific Bulletin of UNFU – 2015. – Vol. 4. – p. 89-94. (in Ukrainian)
  8. Novak U.P., Ogorodnyk M.M. Environmental audit: Ukrainian experience and international integration / Current problems and prospects of accounting, audit and analysis development: theory, methodology, organization: collective monograph. – Kherson, 2014. – p. 242-250 (in Ukrainian)
  9. Novak U.P. Environmental audit as a tool for increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian enterprises / Theoretical and applied aspects of increasing the competitiveness of enterprises: collective monograph. In 4 volumes. – Dnepropetrovsk: Gerda, 2013. T. 2. – p. 182-188 (in Ukrainian)
  10. Novak U.P., Mandryk V.O. Investment component of ecologization of national economy // Bulletin of the Odessa National University. Series: Economics. – 2013. – Tom 18, Vol. 3/2. – p. 151-154 (in Ukrainian)


Main research areas:

  • current problems of accounting and reporting of enterprises
  • methodology and practice of analysis of entities economic activity



  1. Garasym P., Novak U., Padyuka M. Cash-flow analysis and forecast: methodical approaches in modern realities // Studia i Materiały Wydziału Zarządzania i Administracji Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej im. Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach. – 2018. – Nr. 4/2018. – 37-52 s. (in English)
  2. Garasym P., Padyuka M. The role of accounting policies in today’s business environment in Ukraine under European integration process: Monography: Transformation of international economic relations: modern challenges, risk, opportunities and prospects: collective monograph / edited by M.Bezpartochnyi, in 3 Vol., ISMA University, Riga: “Landmark” SIA, 2017, 3 Vol. – 168-177 p. (in English)
  3. Garasyim P., Padyuka M., Zamojski J. The Main Issues of Profit Distribution and Its Use at the Forestry Enterprises of Ukraine in Conditions of Sustainable Development: Studia i Materiały Wydziału Zarządzania i Administracji Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej im. Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach /Tom 21, nr 4, t. 1 Zarządzanie kryzysowe i bezpieczeństwo, 2017. – 27-35 p. (in English)
  4. Garasym P. M., Hovda H. A., Novak U. P., & Padyuka M. V. Training the professionals of speciality “Accounting and Taxation”: environmental and economic aspects. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 28(9), 2018. – p. 9-15. (in Ukrainian)
  5. Organization of accounting in the economy branches: tutorial book / Garasym, P. M., Klym N. M., Novak, U. P. & Padyuka M. V. – Lviv: Liga Press, 2018. - 410 p. (in Ukrainian)
  6. Methodical instructions for writing a course work in the discipline “Financial analysis” for students of specialty 071 “Accounting and taxation” of educational level “Master”/ Garasym P. M., Kolinko N.I. & Padyuka M. V. – Lviv: UNFU, 2016. – 40 p. (in Ukrainian)
  7. Novak U. P., Padiuka M. V. & Pylypenko S. M. Features of documents execution and audit of road transportations / Bulletin of the Odessa National University. Series: Economics, Tom 21, Vol. 3. – 2016, p. 193-197. (in Ukrainian)
  8. Methodical instructions for the course work in the discipline “Reporting of companies” (by international standards)” for students of specialty “Accounting and Audit” / Novak, U. P., Kolomiyets T.V. & Padyuka M. V. – Lviv: UNFU, 2015. – 54 p. (in Ukrainian)
  9. Organization of accounting in the economy branches: Lecture notes for students of specialty “Accounting and audit” / Klym N. M., Novak, U. P. & Padyuka M. V. – Lviv: UNFU, 2013. – 116 p. (in Ukrainian)
  10. Somar G.V., Padyuka M.V. Economic efficiency of implementing measures on labor protection. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 17.5. – 2007. –  p. 77-79. (in Ukrainian)


Main research areas:

  • problems of theory and practice of accounting and taxation in the sphere of foreign economic activity.
  • research of theoretical bases and practice of accounting, taxation and reporting in small business enterprises.
  • training of specialists in accounting and taxation in modern economic conditions.



  1. Garasyim P., Bradul A., Slobodyanyuk N., Volyanyk H., Shutka S. Model of calculation management with enterprise contractors: Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, Volume 23, Special Issue 2, 2019. (Scopus) (in English)
  2. Garasyim P., Volyanyk H., Shutka S.. Features of accounting for purchase-sale of foreign currency in Ukraine // Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa „Zarządzanie zasobami organizacji” Studia i Materiały «Miscellanea Oeconomicae» Nr 4/2018, tom II, Gospodarowanie zasobami organizacji ISNN: 2081-2345 Wydawca: Wdział Zarządzania i Administracji Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach. (Pp. 53-66) (in English)
  3. Montashevich S.M, Shutka S.Ye. Legislative regulation of accounting of export-import transactions in Ukraine // Scientific and Production Journal «States and Regions». Series: Economics and Entrepreneurship. – 2019, No. 1 (106). Pp. 149-156. (in Ukrainian)
  4. Volyanyk G.M., Shutka S.Ye. Features of accounting eхchange operations in foreign economic activities of trade enterprises: Accounting, Economics, Management: Scientific Notes // International Book of Scientific Papers. Issue 2 (18) / Rep. ed. IB Sadovska. – Lutsk: RVV of Lutsk NTU, 2018. – 158 p. – Pp. 6-18. (in Ukrainian)
  5. Pylypenko S.M, Novak U.P, Shutka S.Ye. Investment Real Estate: Accounting Problems // Electronic Scientific Professional Edition of Mykolayiv National University. Sukhomlinsky «Global and national problems of economy». – 2017. – Vip. №17. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http: //global-national.in.ua. (in Ukrainian)
  6. Shutka S.Ye., Kolinko N.I. Main aspects of accounting of export operations of subjects of foreign economic activity // Scientific Bulletin of the National Forestry University of Ukraine: economic series. – Lviv: RVV NLTU of Ukraine. – 2016. – VIP. 26.2. – P.253-260. (in Ukrainian)
  7. Volyanyk G.M., Shutka S.Ye. The Procedure for Purchase of Foreign Currency in Foreign Trade Transactions: Bulletin of the Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. The series is economical / Editor-in-Chief V.V. Sereda. – Lviv: Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, 2016. – Issue 1. – 328 p. – Pp. 181-190. (in Ukrainian)
  8. Shutka S.Ye., Volyanyk G.M. Sale of Foreign Currency: Accounting and Tax Accounting: Bulletin of the Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. The series is economical. / Editor-in-Chief V.V. Sereda. – Lviv: Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, 2016. – Issue 1. – 328 p. – Pp. 295-305. (in Ukrainian)
  9. Shutka S.Ye., Volyanyk G.M. Necessity and basic prerequisites for the implementation of environmental accounting by Ukrainian companies: Bulletin of the Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. The series is economical. / Editor-in-Chief V.V. Sereda. – Lviv: Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, 2016. – Issue. 2. – 256 p. – (Pp. 228-238). (in Ukrainian)

       10. Shutka S.Ye., Klym N.M Export operations: accounting and taxation // Scientific Bulletin of the Kherson State University. Economic Sciences Series. – Kherson. – 2016. – Issue 17, part 4. – P. 158-161. (in Ukrainian)



Oksana Lobodynska, Assoc. Prof.
Tel: +38 (032) 258 42 12
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79057, Lviv, Gen.Chuprynky St. 105, r. 308

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+38 (032) 258 42 12

Head of the Department,
Oksana Lobodynska

The Department of Sociology and Cultural Studies was established in 1989 in order to enhance the social and humanitarian component of student preparation. At the time of its founding, it was called the Department of Foundations of Culture, Sociology and Law. The staff of the department were instructed to teach courses: "History and theory of world and national culture", "History of Ukraine", "Fundamentals of Sociology", "Fundamentals of Law", "History of Art and Architecture", "Ethnic Studies", "Sociology and Psychology of Labor", “Forest Law”, “Psychology and Pedagogy of Higher Education” and “Ukrainian Language”.

During the existence of the department there were several reorganizations with the redistribution of disciplines between the departments of the social-humanitarian cycle of specialists training. Since 2003 the department has its present name. Today the scientific-pedagogical staff of the department provides teaching of the following disciplines: "History of Ukrainian culture", "Sociology", "Ukrainian language" (by professional direction), "History of art and architecture", "Religious studies", "Cultural studies", "Personality culture", "Production Culture", "Factors of Successful Employment by Specialty", "Professional Terminology", "Image of a Business Person", "Social Responsibility and Intellectual Property", "Sociology of Sustainable Development".

In 1989-2017 the Department of Sociology and Cultural Studies was headed by Iryna Mahazynshchykova, Assistant Professor.

Nowadays the duties of the head of the department are performed by Oksana Lobodynska, Associate Professor. The teaching staff of the department today are experienced pedagogues, well-known scientists with an active civic position, associate professors Mykola Kravets, Svitlana Shlemkevych, Natalya Duda, Oksana Hrydzhuk, Iryna Denys. All lecturers of the department have scientific degrees of candidate of sciences. For many years, the senior assistant of the department Lyubov Berezovych has provided a great help in organizing and conducting classes and educational events.

There are many prominent Ukrainian scientists worked at the department in different times: Stepan Pavlyuk, Doctor of History, Prof., Academic of the NAS of Ukraine, Mykola Mozdyr, famous scientist-art critic, Vasyl Kostytsky, Doctor of Law, Prof., Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Vitaliy Semkiv, Assoc. Prof., Karina Shamlyan, Assoc. Prof., Tayisiya Hontar, Assoc. Prof., Senior Lecturer Roksolana Vintoniv, assistants Zenoviy Kinash, Taras Dovhy, Olena Tarasenko, Alisa Burmaka and others.

The Public Center of Sociological Research of UNFU has been active on the basis of the Department of Sociology and Cultural Studies since 2002.

The purpose of the Center's activity is an analysis of educational activities aimed at providing information support to the management activities of the Rectorate, institutes, trade unions and public organizations in order to improve the educational process at the University.


  1. Oksana Lobodynska, Head of the Department
  2. Oksana Hrydzhuk, Assoc. Prof.
  3. Iryna Denys, Assoc. Prof.
  4. Nataliya Duda, Assoc.Prof.
  5. Mykola Kravets, Assoc. Prof.
  6. Svitlana Shlemkevych, Assoc. Prof.
  7. Lyubov Berezovych, Sen. Labor. Assis.

Scientists of the department research the scientific problems in the field of sociology, cultural studies, personality culture, history of Ukrainian culture, history of art and architecture, linguistics, ethno-linguistics, factors of successful employment, etc.

  1. History of Ukrainian Culture / N. Duda, S. Shlemkevych, M. Kravets, etc.
  2. Sociology: Structural and Logical Schemes / I. Mahazynshchykova, O. Lobodynska, etc.
  3. Ukrainian Language (professionally oriented) in tables and diagrams / O. Hrydzhuk
  4. Double Accent: Dictionary-guide / O. Hrydzhuk
  5. Cultural Studies / M. Kravets
  6. Ecological Culture of a Specialist as a Factor of Sustainable Development / edited I. Mahazynshchykova
  7. Cultural Texts / N. Duda, S. Shlemkevych, etc.
  8. The Cultural Heritage of Human / edited I. Mahazynshchykova
  9. History of Art and Architecture: Practicum / S. Shlemkevych
  10. Applied Sociological Research / I. Mahazynshchykova, O. Lobodynska
  11. Professional Terminology / O. Hrydzhuk
  12. Formation of Ecological Competence of a Specialist by Means of Social and Humanitarian Education / edited I. Mahazynshchykova
  13. Personality Culture / S. Shlemkevych
  14. History of Ukrainian Culture / S. Shlemkevych
  15. History of Art and Architecture: in 2 parts / S. Shlemkevych
  16. Factors of Successful Employment / O. Lobodynska, I. Mahazynshchykova
  17. Business Ukrainian Languages: in 2 parts / edited N. Duda
  18. World Religions / N. Duda, O. Tarasenko
  19. Young Specialist in the Modern Labor Market / I. Mahazynshchykova, O. Lobodynska
  20. Ukrainian Traditions of the Child Naming in the Territory of Opillya / I. Denys
  21. Short Explanatory Financial-legal Dictionary-guide / R. Vintoniv, I. Denys

Oleksandra Vanivska, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
Tel: +38(032) 258 42 52
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79057, Lviv, 103 Gen.Chuprynka St., rooms 714, 712

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+38 (032) 258 42 42


Head of the Department,
Oleksandra Vanivska

The Department of Foreign Languages was established in 1945. For more than half a century of its existence, the department has undergone various reorganizations and tranformations, both quantitative and qualitative. At various stages, it gave rise to a number of divisions, including the Department of Foreign Languages, the Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages, and  subsequently  again the Department of Foreign Languages. Over the years, the managers of the department have been able to gather experienced theorists and practicians. At present, the staff of the department consists of 13 members of the teaching staff and educational support personnel, of whom 6 - PhD (3 associate professors), 7 - senior lecturers, 2 – assistant lecturers, 1 - senior laboratory assistant. Currently, 1 teacher is working on a PhD dissertation.

In different years, it was headed by: G.P. Kedrovska, G.O. Burykhina, M.Yo. Rieger S.O. Gursky, M.V. Yakubyak, O.I. Miroshnichenko, Yu.O. Tambovtsev, Ya.M. Dovhopoly, O.L. Malynovska. Since 2014, the Department has been headed by Olexandra Myronivna Vanivska.

Since its inception, the department had taught English, German, French, and Spanish, but now three foreign languages are being taught: English, German, and French. The department conducts entrance examinations to postgraduate school and Master degree courses. Under the guidance of teachers of the department, students prepare reports to deliver them at scientific conferences of the UNFU and inter-university conferences.

At the department, the English language courses are held, the main task of which is to study and improve English by students for specific purposes and individual needs. Also, the teachers of the department conduct additional English classes for students of UNFU.

  1. Oleksandra Vanivska, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  2. Olena Malynovska, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  3. Tetyana Dyak, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  4. Ruslana Presner, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  5. Zoryana Podolyak, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  6. Lesya Myklash, PhD., senior lecturer
  7. Olga Chaplyk, senior lecturer
  8. Larysa Koval, senior lecturer
  9. Svitlana Masson, senior lecturer
  10. Iryna Mosiy, senior lecturer
  11. Volodymyr Lentiakov, senior lecturer
  12. Anna Shtangret, assistant lecturer

  • General foreign language
  • Advanced study of general foreign language
  • Foreign language for specific purposes
  • Advanced study of foreign language for specific purposes
  • Business foreign language
  • Foreign language for academic purposes

  • General foreign language
  • Foreign language for specific purposes
  • Advanced study of a foreign language
  • Business foreign language

The research activity of the department is an integral part of the fundamental academic work of the teaching staff of the department which is carried out in the following areas: communicative linguistics; professional terminology; computer and Internet technologies; translation studies; methods of teaching foreign languages.

The listed areas of research activities are integral parts of the general scientific theme of the department “Professionally oriented approach in the formation of students' foreign language communicative competence. The use of computer and Internet technologies in the process of learning foreign languages.”

In order to establish control over the implementation of the general scientific theme of the department, including on-line control, scientific and methodological seminars are held during which the teachers have the opportunity to present individual results of their research in the framework of the general scientific theme of the department. The purpose of the scientific and methodological seminars is to discuss linguistic and psychological problems associated with the teaching of foreign languages in a technical higher education institution, and ways to increase the efficiency of learning them. The results of scientific research are used in the educational process in order to increase the efficiency of foreign language learning by students. The practice of conducting the scientific and methodological seminars allows us to periodically summarize and systematize the scientific potential of the department’s teachers, as well as provide academic assistance to improve the professional level of the teachers, to facilitate the sharing of scientific experience. Annual student scientific and technical conferences and international seminars are held in foreign languages with the participation of students from countries such as Germany, Greece, Hungary, Spain, Singapore, China, Iran and students of UNFU. The teachers of the department take part in All-Ukrainian and International scientific conferences, seminars, symposiums, etc., collaborate with the British Council methodological information center.

  1. Dyak,T.P.; Hrytsyuk, Yu.I., 2019: English for Information Technologies: Training manual . Lviv, SPOLOM. 208 pp.
  2. Vanivska, O.M.; Podolyak, Z.R.; Presner, R.B., 2019: Business English: A dictionary of business English. Lviv, UNFU Press. 222 pp.
  3. Vanivska, O.M.; Malynovska, O.L.; Podolyak, Z.R.; Presner, R.B., 2018: Teaching-and-learning package of tasks in the English language for the discipline Business foreign language.  Lviv, UNFU Press. 184 pp.
  4. Vanivska, O.M.; Lentiakov, V.V.; Presner, R.B., 2017: English for Specific Purposes: MECHANICS: training manual. Lviv, UNFU Press. 180 pp.
  5. Vanivska,O.M.; Podolyak,Z.R.; Presner,R.B., 2017: English for Specific Purposes: Management. Teaching-and-learning package of tasks in the English language. Lviv, UNFU Press.126 pp.
  6. Dyak, T.P.; Mosiy, I.M., 2017:  English for specific purposes: AUTOMATION: training manual for students of the specialization Automation and computer-integrated technologies.   Lviv, SPOLOM. 188 pp. ISBN 978-966-919-289-9 
  7. Mosiy, I.M.; Podolyak, Z.R., 2017: Teaching-and-learning package of tasks in the English language of professional area for independent and classroom work of students at the REI WWTD, specialty 022 Design.  Lviv, UNFU Press. 111 pp.
  8. Koval, L.M., 2017: Short Ukrainian-English dictionary of forestry terms.  Lviv, UNFU Press. 100 pp.
  9. . Dyak, T,P.; Mosiy, I.M.; Podolyak,Z.R ., 2016: English-Ukrainian dictionary of design terms.  Lviv, UNFU Press.122 pp.
  10. Vanivska, O.M.; Presner, R.B.; Mosiy, I.M., 2015: English for Specific Purposes: Ecology: training manual. Lviv, Graphic Star LLC. 362 pp.
  11.  Explanatory Forestry Dictionary: Ukrainian, Russian, English / ed. Yu.Yu. Tunytsya, V.O. Boguslayev. 2014. Lviv, Pyramida. 967 pp. (translation of terms into English: O.Vanivska, V.Lentiakov, M.Mazepa, R.Presner)
  12.  Malynovska, O.L.; Masson, S.R., 2014: Ökosystem Wald // Deutsch Kommunikation im Beruf Ökosystem Wald / German of Professional Communication: Training manual. Lviv, UNFU Press. 178 pp.
  13.  Malynovska, O.L.; Masson, S.R., 2014: German-Ukrainian dictionary of forestry terms. Lviv, UNFU Press. 140 pp.
  14.  Myklash,L.; Magura,B., 2013: English-Ukrainian Dictionary of Forestry and Forest Engineering terminology. Lviv, Kamenyar. 124 pp.
  15.          Vanivska, O.I.; Nakonechna, V.P.; Dubrovska, D.M.; Vanivska, O.M., 2012: English. The Learning Curve [Kit]: training manual. Lviv. Novy Svit – 2000.  200 pp. 1 el. opt. disc (CD-ROM): (answer keys).
  16.  Dyak, T.P.; Mosiy, I.M., 2012: English for Specialists in Forestry / English for professional communication (English for forestry specialists) for undergraduate students in the field of Forestry and Park-and-Garden Management: training manual. Lviv, UNFU Press. 298 pp.




Shevchenko Hryhoriy Serhiyovych, Dr. of Science, Prof.

Tel: +38 (032) 258-42-94

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79057, Lviv, Gen.Chuprynky St. 105, room 509

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  +38 (032) 258-42-48

Site: http://ep.old.nltu.edu.ua/

Head of the Department,
Doctor of Science, prof.

Shevchenko Hryhoriy Serhiyovych

The basic department of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics was the Department of Economics and Organization of the Forest Industry - one of the oldest departments of the University, established in October 1945, the first head of which was S.-L. Z. Pisarevsky. After a series of reorganizations in 1949, 1955 and a section in May 1969. two departments were created on the basis of this department: economies and organizations of forest industry and forestry and economy and organization of wood industry. The latter, after reorganization, specialized exclusively in the problems of the woodworking economy. It is on its basis in 1993. The graduating chair of the Economics and Management of Woodworking Enterprises was created, which in 2014 was renamed the "Chair of Enterprise Economics". In different years the department was headed by OB Shchetynin, V.K. Lutsevych, V.I. Mikhailovskyi.

Since 1996 till now the department is headed by Doctor of Economics, prof. H.S. Shevchenko. Today, the department has: Dr.Sc., prof. G.S. Shevchenko, Doctor of Economics, Assoc. prof. V.V. Yakimtsov; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professors: S.O. Kozlovskyi, V.I. Mikhailovskyi, R.Ya. Kindrat, T.E. Maselko, N.Ya. Nalivayko, OV Henyk, NG, Lutsiv; Ph.D., Senior Lecturers R.R. Risna, U.V. Pavlyuk, I.G. Gurnyak, L.S. Harasym; senior teachers O.V. Baran, M.M. Yakuba; Assistant S.O. Sukhoniak.

The department has published more than 800 scientific and educational works. Today, the main area of scientific activity of the department is the socio-economic problems of development of forestry enterprises on the basis of sustainability. The department produces bachelors and masters in specialty 051 "Economics", educational and professional program "Economics of the enterprise".

The department is intensively developing international cooperation. A number of the department's employees have been trained in EU countries.


  1. Viktor Yakimtsov, Dr. of Science, Assoc.Prof.
  2. Oksana Henyk, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  3. Rostyslav Kindrat , Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  4. Serhii Kozlovskyi, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  5. Natalia Lutsiv, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  6. Tetiana Maselko, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  7. Vasyl Mykhailovskyi , Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  8. Nataliia Nalyvaiko, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  9. Uliana Pavliuk, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer
  10. Iryna Hurniak, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer
  11. Roksolana Risna, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer
  12. Liudmyla Harasym, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer
  13. Orest Baran, Senior Lecturer
  14. Myroslava Yakuba, Senior Lecturer
  15. Sofiia Sukhoniak, assistant

Bachelor Programs:

Enterprise economics:

  • Ukrainian language for professional purposes, history of Ukraine and Ukrainian culture, foreign language, philosophy.
  • Basic concepts and methods of political economy, macro- and microeconomics, history of economics and economic thought, advanced mathematics, probability theory and mathematical statistics, optimization methods and models, informatics.
  • Concepts and methods of enterprise economics, management, marketing, finance, money and credit, accounting, labor economics, statistics, sociology, international and regional economics, enterprise strategy, enterprise potential and development, innovative activity, project analysis, cost management, enterprise planning and control, life and labor safety.
  • Concepts and methods of industry technology, logistics, business performance analysis, operational management, personnel management, forest policy, quality management and controlling.
  • Concepts and methods of systems analysis, organization theory, ecological, environmental and natural resource economics, tax policy, economic legislation, insurance, audit, crisis management.

Master programs:

Enterprise economics:

  • professional skills of the strategic goals development in the course of enterprise economic activity taking into account the risk level
  • modern concepts of planning, organizing, motivation, controlling and regulation in the sphere of enterprise economic activity
  • understanding the informational needs, information and searching resources, and informational strategies of enterprises
  • understanding the market research peculiarities, trend of development, demand generation and sales promotion of products, including industrial enterprises
  • knowledge of methods and techniques of analysis of quantitative and qualitative data

  • Applied Econometrics (Financial Markets);
  • Organization and Global Leadership

  1. Synergistic strategy formation of entrepreneurship development of Ukraine.
  2. Socio-economic problems of sustainable forestry enterprises development.
  3. Econometric models and forecasts of economic activity of natural reserve fund enterprises and forestry enterprises.
  4. Methods of estimation of ecological and economic efficiency of activity of woodworking enterprises.
  5. Socio-economic principles of ecological safety of the population of large cities.
  6. Aspects of greening the activity of woodworking enterprises with the use of leasing and outsourcing.

H2020 “POWER4BIO” — “Empowering regional stakeholders for realizing the full potential of European bio economy”

RERAM (REsource efficiency and RAw Materials) Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials in the Forest-based Sector of Eastern Europe

IN2WOOD Development and Implementation Measures of a 6-Region Strategie Joint Action Plan for Knowledge-based Regional lnnovation

  1. H.Shevchenko, T.Maselko, J.Pavlyuk , R.Risna. Logistics: Tutorial – Lviv, 2019.- 208 p. (in Ukrainian)
  2. Viktor Yakimtsov. Synergetic research in the economics: problems and prospects: monograph. Lviv, 2018. – 448 p. (in Ukrainian)
  3. R.Ya. Kindrat Controlling: Tutorial. - Lviv: SPOLOM, 2017. 200 p. (in Ukrainian)
  4. S.O. Kozlovskyi. Applied Econometrics (Financial Markets): Lecture Course and Workshop (in English) for Students of Economic Specialties of Higher Education.  Lviv: UNFU, 2015. - 71 p.
  5. Zagvoyska L.D., Kozlovsky S.O. Modeling of ecological and economic systems: Tutorial.-Lviv: Afisha, 2015, p. 94-102
  6. Kozlovskyi S.O. Quality management: Tutorial. - Lviv: SPOLOM, 2013. - 144 p. (in Ukrainian). 
  7. O.V. Henyk, S.O. Kozlovskyi, Yа.V. Henyk. Natural Reserve Fund of Ukraine: Modeling and Forecasting of Economic Activity: Monograph.-Lviv: League-Press-2011.-304p. (in Ukrainian)
  8. The economics of woodworking enterprises: Tutorial. Еdited by prof. Shevchenko H.S. Lviv: UNFU, 2010. 376 p. (in Ukrainian)




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