Department of Landscape Architecture, Garden and Park Management and Urban Ecology

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Yaroslav Henyk, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
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Head of the Department,

Yaroslav Henyk

The Department of Landscape Architecture, Garden and Park Management and Urban Ecology was established in 2004 on the basis of the Department of Ecology and Landscape Architecture of the Ukrainian State Forestry University (now National Forestry University of Ukraine).

The department is located in the building of the former Regional Forest School, established in October 1874. The outstanding scientists G. Strzelecki, V. Tinetsky, S. Sokolovsky, M. Ratsiborsky, V. Shafer and others worked here.

The department trains specialists in two specialties: urban planning (specialization "landscape architecture") and landscape gardening. Here is formed a scientific school of urban ecology and phytomelioration, which are areas of ecology. International conferences are regularly held on these issues and scientific articles are published.

The department has educational and scientific laboratories of soil science and landscape architecture.

The employees of the department take part in the development and implementation of projects of landscape decision of the territories, in the inventory of plantations of general and limited use. The team (headed by Prof. V. Kucheryavy) worked out the projects for the reconstruction of Lviv parks (Stryisky, Ivan Franko, Zalizna Woda, Lychakivsky, Bodnarivka, Lewandivsky, Sknylivsky). In 2004 on the territory of Khmelnytsky National University the Botanical Garden was established according to the project of the department.

From 1992 to 2015, Professor Volodymyr Kucheryavy was the head of the department. Now the Department of Landscape Architecture, Garden and Park Management and Urban Ecology is headed by Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Yaroslav Henyk.

The academic staff of the department organizes research work among the student youth. Students' scientific works have repeatedly won prizes at all-Ukrainian scientific works competitions.

The department constantly maintains close links with higher education institutions of other countries.

1. Volodymyr Kucheryavy, Ph.D., Prof.
2. Andriy Dyda, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
3. Ruslana Danylyk, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
4. Roman Dudyn, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
5. Olesya Kaspruk, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
6. Marta Kurnytska, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
7. Sofiya Marutyak, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
8. Victor Skrobala, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
9. Ihor Shukel, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
10. Oksana Olejnyuk-Pukhnyak, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
11. Taras Levus, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
12. Volodymyr Kucheryavy, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
13. Iryna Dyda, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
14. Khrystyna Bojko, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
15. Lyubomyr Parhuc, Senior Teacher
16. Tetyana Fedyaj, Senior Teacher
17. Oleg Pylat, Senior Teacher
18. Zoryana Sheremeta, Senior Teache
19. Maryana Ladnyuk, Assistant
20. Myhajlo Fitak, Assistant
21. Ivan Hmil, Assistant
22. Victor Voloshenko, Assistant

Bachelor Programs:


206 – Garden and Park Management (complete training form)

      Mandatory courses:

  1. General ecology
  2. Decorative dendrology
  3. Soil science
  4. Landscape architecture
  5. Greening of settlements
  6. Floriculture
  7. History of landscape gardening art
  8. Meadow farming and lawns
  9. Green building agrotechnics
  10. Composition of parks and gardens
  11. Urban ecology
  12. Landscape gardening construction

      Elective courses:

1.     Pictorial literacy

2.     Ornamental plants of the closed ground

3.     Phytodesign of the closed environment

4.     Floristry

5.     Landscape graphics

6.     Computer design

7.     Dendroecology

8.     Phytomelioration

9.      Fundamentals of urban planning

10.    Plants of the closed ground

11.    Engineering equipment of park and garden objects

12.    Reclamation of devastated lands

13.    Introduction and adaptation of ornamental plants

14.     Biotechnology of ornamental plants


206 – Garden and Park Management (short form of training)


      Mandatory courses:

  1. General ecology
  2. Pictorial literacy
  3. Decorative dendrology
  4. Soil science
  5. Greening of settlements
  6. History of landscape gardening art
  7. Landscape architecture
  8. Floriculture
  9. Landscape gardening construction
  10. Forestry and park management


      Elective courses:

1.     Urban ecology

2.     Engineering equipment of garden and park objects

3.     Fundamentals of urban planning

4.     Ornamental plants of the closed ground

5.     Reclamation of devastated lands

  1. Floristry

7.     Introduction and adaptation of ornamental plants

8.     Phytomelioration

191 – Architecture. Educational and professional program: Landscape Architecture


      Mandatory courses:

  1. Descriptive geometry
  2. Ecology
  3. Architectural and landscape graphics
  4. Fundamentals of architectural design
  5. Drawing, painting, sculpture
  6. Composition
  7. Architectural design
  8. History of architecture and urban planning
  9. Soil science
  10. Landscape architecture
  11. Fundamentals of urban planning

Elective courses:

  1. Computer science and computer graphics
  2. Material Science
  3. Construction wares
  4. History of landscape architecture
  5. Engineering equipment of buildings
  6. Urban ecology
  7. Engineering improvement of human settlements
  8. Decorative dendrology
  9. Garden and park composition
  10. Flower beds and lawns
  11. Fundamentals of landscape design
  12. Topiary art
  13. Landscaping interiors
  14. Restoration and reconstruction of architectural objects


Master programs:

206 – Garden and Park Management


      Mandatory courses:

  1. Ornamental plant growing
  2. Conservation, restoration and renovation of garden and park objects
  3. Forestry and park management
  4. Exploitation of garden and park objects
  5. Park science

Elective courses:

  1. Architectonics of plants
  2. Dendroecology
  3. Protected park science
  4. Greenhouse management
  5. Urban soil science
  6. Population ecology
  7. Scientific methods of research in garden and park management
  8. Renewal of landscapes
  9. Ornamental gardening
  10. Modeling of landscape ecosystems
  11. Town planning legislation
  12. Modern technologies of landscaping
  13. Research methods in urban planning
  14. Landscape planning

191 – Urban Planning. Educational and professional program: Landscape Architecture


      Mandatory courses:

  1. Landscaping
  2. The theory of landscape planning
  3. Reconstruction, restoration and conservation of parks

Elective courses:

  1. GIS in landscape architecture
  2. Urban planning
  3. Park phytocoenology
  4. Research methods
  5. Reclamation and phytomelioration
  6. Forestry with the basics of forest science


PhD Programs:

206 – Garden and Park Management

      Mandatory courses:

  1. Park biogeocenology
  2. Bioindication of urban areas
  3. Science methodology in garden and park management

Elective courses:

  1. Phytomelioration
  2. Innovative technologies of formation of garden and park plant groups
  3. Information technology in garden and park management
  4. Analytical methods for the study of urban ecosystems

  1. Floristry
  2. Landscape design

  • Urban ecology
  • Biology and ecology of garden and park plant groups (including ancient parks, courtyards)
  • Anthropogenic transformations of landscapes
  • Anthropogenic transformations of recreational forest management
  • The theory of landscape architecture and garden and park art
  • Urban soil science and reclamation of disturbed lands

  • Ecological and biological basis of phytomelioration of devastated landscapes of Lviv-Volyn coal basin
  • Anthropogenic-natural successions of vegetation cover of man-made landscapes and ways of their optimization
  • Theoretical bases of formation of phytomeliorative coastal-aquatic vegetation of water bodies of devastated landscapes
  • Scientific basis of phytomelioration of devastated landscapes of the Western Forest Steppe

Basic textbooks, tutorials and monographyis
1. Volodymur Kucheryavy. Ecology. Textbook. 2000. (In Ukrainian).
2. Volodymur Kucheryavy. Social Ecology. Textbook. 1999. (In Ukrainian)

3. Volodymur Kucheryavy. Urban Ecology. Textbook. 2001. (In Ukrainian).
4. Volodymur Kucheryavy. Phytomelioration. Textbook. 2003. (In Ukrainian).
5. Volodymur Kucheryavy. Greening of settlements.Textbook. 2004. (In
6. Volodymur Kucheryavy, Roman Dudyn, Oleg Pylat. Trees, Shrubs, Lianes
in landscape architecture. Tutorial. 2004. (In Ukrainian).
7. Volodymur Kucheryavy and others. Ecology. Textbook. 2014. (In
8. Volodymur Kucheryavy. Landscape architecture. Textbook. 2017. (In
9. Volodymur Kucheryavy. History of landscape architecture. Textbook. 2000.
(In Ukrainian).
10. Georgiy Bachynsky. Fundamentals of Socioecology. Tutorial. 1995. (In
11. Yaroslav Henyk, Andriy Dyda. Reclamation and Phytomelioration. Tutorial.
2006. (In Ukrainian).
12. Yaroslav Henyk, Andriy Dyda. Reclamation. Tutorial. 2019. (In Ukrainian).
13. Grygoriy Krynytsky, Mykola Chernyavsky, Yaroslav Henyk. Close to
Nature and Multifunctional Forestry Management in the Carpathian Region
of Ukraine and Slovakia. Tutorial. 2014. (In Ukrainian).
14. Mykola Chernyavsky, Yaroslav Henyk, Ihor Shukel. Helper to the
Carpathian Forester. Tutorial. 2009. (In Ukrainian).
15. Volodymur Kucheryavy. In the Green Orbits of Lviv. Monography. 1972. (In
16. Volodymur Kucheryavy. City Green Zone. Monography. 1981. (In Russian).
17. Volodymur Kucheryavy. Natural Environment of the City. Monography. 1984.
(In Russian).
18. Volodymur Kucheryavy. City Gardens and Parks. Monography. 2008. (In
19. Volodymur Kucheryavy, Roman Dudyn. Structure and Dynamics of Park
Phytocoenoses of Western Ukraine. Monography. 2013. (In Ukrainian).
20. Roman Dudyn. Ancient parks of Lviv region. Monography. 2019. (In
21. Ihor Soloviy, Mykola Chernyavsky, Yaroslav Henyk. Problems of access of
local population to forest resources and illegal logging in Carpathian and
Western Polesie forests. Monography. 2011. (In Ukrainian).
22. Oksana Henyk, Sergiy Kozlovsky, Yaroslav Henyk. Nature Reserve Fund of
Ukraine: modeling and forecasting of economic activity. Monography. 2011.

Last modified on Четвер, 16 січня 2020 10:04




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