Department of Foreign Languages

Oleksandra Vanivska, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
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Head of the Department,
Oleksandra Vanivska

The Department of Foreign Languages was established in 1945. For more than half a century of its existence, the department has undergone various reorganizations and tranformations, both quantitative and qualitative. At various stages, it gave rise to a number of divisions, including the Department of Foreign Languages, the Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages, and  subsequently  again the Department of Foreign Languages. Over the years, the managers of the department have been able to gather experienced theorists and practicians. At present, the staff of the department consists of 13 members of the teaching staff and educational support personnel, of whom 6 - PhD (3 associate professors), 7 - senior lecturers, 2 – assistant lecturers, 1 - senior laboratory assistant. Currently, 1 teacher is working on a PhD dissertation.

In different years, it was headed by: G.P. Kedrovska, G.O. Burykhina, M.Yo. Rieger S.O. Gursky, M.V. Yakubyak, O.I. Miroshnichenko, Yu.O. Tambovtsev, Ya.M. Dovhopoly, O.L. Malynovska. Since 2014, the Department has been headed by Olexandra Myronivna Vanivska.

Since its inception, the department had taught English, German, French, and Spanish, but now three foreign languages are being taught: English, German, and French. The department conducts entrance examinations to postgraduate school and Master degree courses. Under the guidance of teachers of the department, students prepare reports to deliver them at scientific conferences of the UNFU and inter-university conferences.

At the department, the English language courses are held, the main task of which is to study and improve English by students for specific purposes and individual needs. Also, the teachers of the department conduct additional English classes for students of UNFU.

  1. Oleksandra Vanivska, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  2. Olena Malynovska, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  3. Tetyana Dyak, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  4. Ruslana Presner, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  5. Zoryana Podolyak, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  6. Lesya Myklash, PhD., senior lecturer
  7. Olga Chaplyk, senior lecturer
  8. Larysa Koval, senior lecturer
  9. Svitlana Masson, senior lecturer
  10. Iryna Mosiy, senior lecturer
  11. Volodymyr Lentiakov, senior lecturer
  12. Anna Shtangret, assistant lecturer

  • General foreign language
  • Advanced study of general foreign language
  • Foreign language for specific purposes
  • Advanced study of foreign language for specific purposes
  • Business foreign language
  • Foreign language for academic purposes

  • General foreign language
  • Foreign language for specific purposes
  • Advanced study of a foreign language
  • Business foreign language

The research activity of the department is an integral part of the fundamental academic work of the teaching staff of the department which is carried out in the following areas: communicative linguistics; professional terminology; computer and Internet technologies; translation studies; methods of teaching foreign languages.

The listed areas of research activities are integral parts of the general scientific theme of the department “Professionally oriented approach in the formation of students' foreign language communicative competence. The use of computer and Internet technologies in the process of learning foreign languages.”

In order to establish control over the implementation of the general scientific theme of the department, including on-line control, scientific and methodological seminars are held during which the teachers have the opportunity to present individual results of their research in the framework of the general scientific theme of the department. The purpose of the scientific and methodological seminars is to discuss linguistic and psychological problems associated with the teaching of foreign languages in a technical higher education institution, and ways to increase the efficiency of learning them. The results of scientific research are used in the educational process in order to increase the efficiency of foreign language learning by students. The practice of conducting the scientific and methodological seminars allows us to periodically summarize and systematize the scientific potential of the department’s teachers, as well as provide academic assistance to improve the professional level of the teachers, to facilitate the sharing of scientific experience. Annual student scientific and technical conferences and international seminars are held in foreign languages with the participation of students from countries such as Germany, Greece, Hungary, Spain, Singapore, China, Iran and students of UNFU. The teachers of the department take part in All-Ukrainian and International scientific conferences, seminars, symposiums, etc., collaborate with the British Council methodological information center.

  1. Dyak,T.P.; Hrytsyuk, Yu.I., 2019: English for Information Technologies: Training manual . Lviv, SPOLOM. 208 pp.
  2. Vanivska, O.M.; Podolyak, Z.R.; Presner, R.B., 2019: Business English: A dictionary of business English. Lviv, UNFU Press. 222 pp.
  3. Vanivska, O.M.; Malynovska, O.L.; Podolyak, Z.R.; Presner, R.B., 2018: Teaching-and-learning package of tasks in the English language for the discipline Business foreign language.  Lviv, UNFU Press. 184 pp.
  4. Vanivska, O.M.; Lentiakov, V.V.; Presner, R.B., 2017: English for Specific Purposes: MECHANICS: training manual. Lviv, UNFU Press. 180 pp.
  5. Vanivska,O.M.; Podolyak,Z.R.; Presner,R.B., 2017: English for Specific Purposes: Management. Teaching-and-learning package of tasks in the English language. Lviv, UNFU Press.126 pp.
  6. Dyak, T.P.; Mosiy, I.M., 2017:  English for specific purposes: AUTOMATION: training manual for students of the specialization Automation and computer-integrated technologies.   Lviv, SPOLOM. 188 pp. ISBN 978-966-919-289-9 
  7. Mosiy, I.M.; Podolyak, Z.R., 2017: Teaching-and-learning package of tasks in the English language of professional area for independent and classroom work of students at the REI WWTD, specialty 022 Design.  Lviv, UNFU Press. 111 pp.
  8. Koval, L.M., 2017: Short Ukrainian-English dictionary of forestry terms.  Lviv, UNFU Press. 100 pp.
  9. . Dyak, T,P.; Mosiy, I.M.; Podolyak,Z.R ., 2016: English-Ukrainian dictionary of design terms.  Lviv, UNFU Press.122 pp.
  10. Vanivska, O.M.; Presner, R.B.; Mosiy, I.M., 2015: English for Specific Purposes: Ecology: training manual. Lviv, Graphic Star LLC. 362 pp.
  11.  Explanatory Forestry Dictionary: Ukrainian, Russian, English / ed. Yu.Yu. Tunytsya, V.O. Boguslayev. 2014. Lviv, Pyramida. 967 pp. (translation of terms into English: O.Vanivska, V.Lentiakov, M.Mazepa, R.Presner)
  12.  Malynovska, O.L.; Masson, S.R., 2014: Ökosystem Wald // Deutsch Kommunikation im Beruf Ökosystem Wald / German of Professional Communication: Training manual. Lviv, UNFU Press. 178 pp.
  13.  Malynovska, O.L.; Masson, S.R., 2014: German-Ukrainian dictionary of forestry terms. Lviv, UNFU Press. 140 pp.
  14.  Myklash,L.; Magura,B., 2013: English-Ukrainian Dictionary of Forestry and Forest Engineering terminology. Lviv, Kamenyar. 124 pp.
  15.          Vanivska, O.I.; Nakonechna, V.P.; Dubrovska, D.M.; Vanivska, O.M., 2012: English. The Learning Curve [Kit]: training manual. Lviv. Novy Svit – 2000.  200 pp. 1 el. opt. disc (CD-ROM): (answer keys).
  16.  Dyak, T.P.; Mosiy, I.M., 2012: English for Specialists in Forestry / English for professional communication (English for forestry specialists) for undergraduate students in the field of Forestry and Park-and-Garden Management: training manual. Lviv, UNFU Press. 298 pp.

Last modified on Четвер, 16 січня 2020 09:59




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