Department of Woodworking Equipment and Tools



Yuriy Ozymok, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
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Head of the Department,
Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
Yuriy Ozymok

Woodworking Equipment and Tools Department was founded in the structure of mechanical-technological faculty in 1947. The first head of the Department – Ph.D, Associated Professor, S.M. Timonen was leading the staff till 1976. That was the period when the Department was revived, scientific researches were conducted there and young professionals were formed within the post-graduate studies. V.M.Feleschuk, T.A. Nosovksyy, V.D. Leskiv, V.V. Shostak, V.D. Butenko defended their Ph.D. theses at that time.    

From 1976 to 1983 the Department was headed by Ph.D., Associated Professor V.M. Feleschuk. During this period, educational and laboratory basis of the Department were considerably improved, while methodological and scientific and research work was activated. Y.O. Gevryk, S.O. Apostolyuk, M.D. Kiryk defended their Ph.D. theses at that time.

In 1983 Ph.D., Associated Professor M.D.Kiryk was elected Head of the Department. He continued to improved material and technical basis of the Department. Two new laboratories were created, as well as the station for woodcutting and woodworking equipment, computer class was opened and modern stands for educational disciplines were installed.

During the period of 2014-2019 Ph.D., Professor V.V. Shostak, author of over 150 scientific and methodological publications was heading the Department. Since 2014, he served as a deputy head of a special academic council D 35.072.03 in charge of the Ph.D. theses defense at the specialization 05.05.04 – machines for soil, road and forest works.

Since July 2019 the Department is headed by Ph.D., Associated Professor Y.I. Ozymok.   

The following disciplines are being thought at the bachelor and masters level: mechanical woodworking; setup and exploitation of woodcutting tools; constructions and settlements of woodworking machines; woodworking equipment; special plants equipment; installing and technical exploitation of woodworking industry equipment; repair organization and technology of machines and equipment of forestry complex; IT in woodworking industry; mechatronics; scientific research of woodworking machines, etc.  

As of today, all disciplines are ensured with Ukrainian tutorials, manuals and methodological developments.

The Department edited 7 tutorials and 9 manuals classified the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Since 1983, 16 Ph.D. (Y.I. Savchuk, M.I. Pylypchuk, O.O. Voloshynskyy, P.P. Onufryk, V.A. Tatyanenko, I.T. Rebeznyuk, I.I. Glova, V.I. Poloz, Y.I. Ozymok, A.Y. Rud, R.R. Klymash, S.P. Stepanchuk, V.V. Voytovych, Y.R. Kapral, R.V. Pavlyuk, V.I. Taras) and 4 … theses (M.D. Kiryk, V.V. Shostak, I.T. Rebeznyuk, L.F. Dzyuba) were defended. Scientific school for strengthening and setup pf woodcutting instruments, launched by M.D. Kiryk, is functioning at the Department. The Institute is being headed by Associate Professor Y.I. Ozymok.

 The Department’s staff has published over 485 scientific articles, received 64 authors’ certificates for their inventions, license of the Russian Federation, 22 declarative patents of Ukraine.

The Department has established and maintains cooperation with similar universities and enterprises in Europe.

Currently, the Depatment’s staff, including professors V.V. Shostak, I.T. Rebeznyuk, associate professors Y.I. Ozymok, A.S. Grygoriev, M.I. Pylypchuk, senior lecturer R.V. Pavlyuk, M.R. Burdyak, and junior professor Y.R. Kapral, is forming bachelors and masters at the following directions: “Mechanical engineering”, specialization “Applied mechanics”, educational-professional program “Technical service” and specialization “Industrial machine-building” educational-professional program “Engineering, woodworking industry machines”. The Head and the deputy head of a special academic council D 35.072.03 in charge of the Ph.D. theses defense at the specialization 05.05.04 – machines for soil, road and forest works, are working at the Department.

Technical provision of educational process and scientific activities is ensured by the main engineer V.I. Taras and senior laboratory assistant O.I. Zavarynska.

Between 50 and 80 students and 1-2 Ph.D. students are studying at the Department annually, as a fulltime and distance-courses. Since the Department was launched, over 2600 engineers-mechanics, specialists and masters have graduated there. Four Ph.D., professors and 40 associate professors are among the Department’s graduates list. 

  1. Yuriy Ozymok, Assoc.Prof.
  2. Volodymyr Shostak, Sc.D., Prof.
  3. Igor Rebezniuk,  Sc.D., Prof.
  4. Anatoliy Grygoriev, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  5. Mariya Pylypchuk, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  6. Roman Pavlyuk, Ph.D., Sen. Lecturer
  7. Myhayulo Burdiak, Ph.D., Sen. Lecturer
  8. Yuriy Kapral, Ph.D., assistant

131 Applied Mechanics:


  • Mechatronics
  • Fundamentals of Technical Creativity
  • Professional-Trial Practical Training
  • On-the-Job Training
  • Pre-graduation Practical Training
  • Implementation and Defence of Qualification Thesis
  • Tooling of Wood
  • Constructions and Calculations of Woodworking Machine-Tools
  • Preparation and Exploitation of Wood Cutting Tools
  • Woodworking equipment
  • Installation and Technical Maintenance of Woodworking Equipment
  • IT-Technologies in Woodworking
  • Equipment of Production of Arboreal Flags
  • Management of  Repair Techniques for Machinery and Equipment of Forest Sector
  • Equipment of Production of Glued Massive Wood
  • Woodworking Machines Research Investigations


133 Industrial Machinery Engineering:


  • Mechatronics
  • Fundamentals of Technical Creativity     
  • Professional-Trial Practical Training
  • On-the-Job Training
  • Pre-graduation Practical Training
  • Implementation and Defence of  the Diploma Project         
  • Cutting of Wood and Wood Materials         
  • Constructions and Calculations of Woodworking Equipment         
  • Cutting Tools         
  • Organization of Instrumental Economy         
  • Woodworking Machines of General Purpose         
  • Installation and Technical Service of Woodworking Equipment         
  • Computer Technologies in Machining         
  • Plate Production Equipment         
  • Organization and Technology of Repair of Woodworking Equipment         
  • Solid Wood Glued Production Equipment         
  • Scientific Research  


151 Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies:


  • General purpose woodworking machines


187 Woodworking and Furniture Technologies:


  • Equipment industry


Master program:

131 Applied Mechanics:


  • Methodology of Scientific Researches on Sector-specific Processes
  • Technical Service in Forest Sector
  • Theory of Inventive Task Solution
  • Pre-graduation Practical Training
  • Implementation and Defence of Qualification Thesis
  • Automated Lines and Processing Centers
  • Systems of Computer-Aided Design for Woodworking Equipment
  • Design of Wood Cutting Tool

133 Industrial Machinery Engineering:


  • Methodology of Scientific Processes     
  • Theory of Solving an Inventive Problem
  • Pre-graduation Practical Training
  • Implementation and Defence of  the Diploma Project
  • Automated Lines and Processing Centers
  • Computer-integrated Industry Engineering      
  • Design of Woodworking Equipment        
  • Design of Wood Cutting Tools                     


151 Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies:


  •           Automated Lines and Processing Centers


PhD Program:

133 Industrial Machinery Engineering:


  •  Simulation of Woodworking Equipment
  •  Standards for Preparing Scientific Publications

  • Fundamentals drying of the wood

Increase of exploitation characteristics of woodworking machines and tools. (Scientific director – Ph.D, Prof. Shostak V.V.)


  • Increase of exploitation characteristics of woodworking tools. (Scientific director – Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Ozymok Y.I.)
  • Increase of accuracy of wood sawing. (Scientific director – Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Pylypchuk M.I.)
  • Increase of reliability and durability of woodworking machines. (Scientific director – Ph.D, Prof. Shostak V.V.)
  • Improvement of dynamic settings of woodworking machines (Scientific director – Ph.D., Prof. Rebeznyuk I.T.)

To support the educational process, the department issued 7 manuals (all of them with the Ministry of Education) 7 tutorials (all of them with the Ministry of Education), 4 monographs, 8 scripts of lectures, 123 methodological developments.  The library fund has about 615 titles of educational and methodical literature in the disciplines that are read at the department.


  • Shostak V.V., Pyshnyk I.M. Technical exploitation and repair of woodworking equipment. Tutoril., 1990, 232p.Main regulations of typical system of technical maintenance and repair of woodworking equipment are presented, theoretical basis are studied allowing optimize technical management of the equipment. Methods of planning repair departments are exposed, together with fundamental calculations, planning of repair works due to the computer.For the use of forestry universities students and specialists of woodworking enterprises. 
  • Shostak V.V., Grygoriev A.S., Savchuk Y.I., Automatic and half-automatic lines of woodworking enterprises, Manual for vocational schools, Lviv. 1996, 120 p.Classification and main indicators of automated and half-automated lines are presented; lines of log-processing, woodworking and furniture factories are described.For the use of vocational schools students, might be useful also for forestry colleges’ students.
  • Shostak V.V. Installing and technical exploitation of woodworking equipment. Manual. – Lviv, 2000. 284 p.Theoretical basis of technical state management of woodworking equipment is presented, and working machines are considered as reliability objects. Main provisions of installing, technical maintenance, repair organization and technologies of woodworking enterprises are studied.For the use of university students, professors and college students.
  • Shostak V.V., Grygoriev A.S., Savchuk Y.I., Pyshnyk I.M., Voloshynskyy O.O. Woodworking machines of general purpose. Manual for high school. – Lviv, ISBN, 2001, 320 p.Classification, structure of functional knots are presented, indicators of technical level are analyzed, as well as development direction for woodworking machines, principal schemes, technical characteristics, cinematics and setup order for modern machines. Methodology of power estimation, identification of power for cutting and provision, optimal working regimes are studied.For the use of university students with forestry profile. Might be used by specialists of woodworking enterprises, professors and college students. 
  • Rebeznyuk I.T. Preparation of thin block-sawing machines to work. Monograph. – Lviv. Derevoobrobnyk, 2005, 260 p.The monograph analyzed thin band-saw as an instrument for log cutting. Recommendations might be applied by entrepreneurs during the setup of thin log-cutting band-saw to work.For the use of scientific researchers and students of forestry universities. Might be useful for engineering and technical workers and forestry and woodworking industry.
  • Kiryk M.D. Mechanical maintenance of wood and wood materials. Manual for universities, Lviv, ISBN, 2006. 418 p. Main notions and definitions related to mechanical maintenance of wood and wood materials cutting are presented, patterns of simple and complex cutting machines are described.For the use of university students with forestry profile. Might be useful for specialists of woodworking enterprises, teachers and college students.
  • Pylypchuk M.I., Grygoriev A.S., Shostak V.V., Scientific research basis. Manual for universities. Lviv, ISBN, 2006. 214 p.Main facts about science organization in Ukraine are presented, together with methodological basis of scientific learning and creation, analysis of scientific information, methods of theoretical and experimental research, design of research results.For the use of students with mechanical and technological specialties at universities.
  • Shostak V.V., Ozymok Y.I., Theoretical basis and repair technology of machines’ details. Script of lectures. Lviv, 2006. 134 p.The script presents renovation methods of machines’ details by mechanical treatment, plastic deformation, welding, galvanic treatment, with the use of polymer materials and agglutination.For the use of university students of mechanical and technological specialties and engineering workers.
  • Shostak V.V., Savchuk Y.I., Savych M.M., Theory and constructions of woodworking equipment. Script of lectures, Lviv, 2010. 376 p.The script presents theoretical basis and construction of machines of specialized enterprises.For university students, engineering workers and college students.
  • Shostak V.V., Savchuk Y.I., Kovalchuk G.M., Ozymok Y.I., Savych M.M. Basis of calculation and construction of woodworking equipment. Manual. Lviv, ISBN, 2011. 376 p.Theoretical basis and construction of machines of special enterprises are presented, together with pressing equipment, equipment for wood elevation, automatic and half-automatic lines. For university students with forestry profile, specialists of woodworking enterprises.
  • Shostak V.V., Poloz R.R. Reliability forecast of equipment for cuttings plate production. Monograph. Kolomyya: Vik, 2011, 268 p.Works to ensure reliability, organization of technical support and technological equipment repair are analyzed. Results of theoretical and operational research of error-proof process and repair aptitude are presented.For scientific workers, Ph.D. students, engineers, masters and students of technical and technological universities. 
  • Kiryk M.D., Grygoriev A.S., Setup of woodcutting tools to their exploitation. Manual for universities. Lviv, ISBN, 2013.    345 p.Woodcutting tools are studied as the object of setup for activation. A brief description and characteristics of modern equipment and working tools to setup woodworking tools to activation is presented. Technology of main types of woodcutting instruments setup for work is described. Issues of organization of instruments setup to work are studied, as well as work safety rules and environmental means. For university students with forestry and technical profile. Might be used by specialists of woodworking enterprises, professors and college students.
  • Shostak V.V., Pavlyuk R.V. Scientific basis for the optimal management of machines and equipment technical state. Script of lectures. – Lviv, 2016. 110 p.The script presents basic theory of reliability of renewed system as woodworking machines, optimization criteria for inter-repair periods, research methodology of reliability of renewed systems, argumentation methodology for the repair cycle structure.For university students with forestry and technical profile, studying at “Industry machine-building” specialization. 
  • Pylypchuk M.I., Burdyak M.R. Equipment for cuttings plates production. Tutorial, Lviv, Design studio “Papuga”, 2016. 244 p. Historical stages of cuttings plates production and perspective are studied, as well as structural schemes of automated lines for modern construction types production. For the use of forestry universities, engineering workers and college students.
  • Shostak V.V., Pavlyuk R.V. Installing and technical exploitation of woodworking equipment, Script of lectures, Lviv, 2017. 146 p.The script presents main provisions of installing and technical maintenance of woodworking equipment, project methods of fundaments for woodworking machines.For the use of university students at mechanic and technological specializations, engineering workers, professors and college students.
  • Grygoriev A.S., Shostak V.V., Ozymok Y.I., Savych M.M., Pavlyuk R.V. Designing of woodworking equipment. Script of lectures. – Lviv, 2018. 124 p.The script presents main notions and directions in designing and life cycle of machines including environmental requirements. The methodology of technological schemes development is described. The design methodology and calculation of automated lines in woodworking processes are studied. For university students studying at “Industry machine-building” specialization. 
  • Shostak V.V., Puna V.V., Puna V.F. Frozen wood cutting at horizontal band filer machines. Monograph. Lviv, 2018. 199 p.The monograph presents the results of theoretical and experimental research of sawing frozen and melted wood of pine and beech by thin band filer saw. Physical and mechanical characteristics of frozen pine and beech wood are identified.For the use of scientific workers, professionals and workers at woodworking enterprises.

Last modified on Четвер, 27 лютого 2020 13:59

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