Ion Dubovich, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
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Head of the Department,
Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
Ion Dubovich
- Yuriy Tunytsya, Prof. Dr.
- Ion Dubovich, D., Assoc. Prof.
- Oleksander Adamovskyy, D., Assoc. Prof.
- Lyudmyla Zahvoyska, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
профіль: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=n8XbStkAAAAJ&hl=en
- Lyudmyla Maksymiv, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
- Ihor Soloviy, Prof. Dr.
- Khrystyna Vasylyshyn, Ph.D., Assist. Prof.
1) Environmental and Nature Resource Economics (BSc, MSc and PhD)
Graduates of the study program «Environmental and Nature Resource Economics» will attain to competence for the solution of complex management-tasks in the field of sustainable development:
- ability to balance economic and ecological demands and necessities,
- applied eco-management, i.e. capability to solve ecological problems by applying market-economic instruments,
- competence in the fields of environmental policy and law in order to apply various political and legal instruments at different administrative levels and NGO's,
- specific knowledge and practical experience in the fields of sustainable land use and tourism.
Mandatory courses:
- Ecological Economics
- Environmental Management of Enterprises
- Environmental Policy and Law
- Land Use Economics
- Modeling of ecological and economic systems
Elective courses:
- Applied Green Marketing
- Economics of Park and Garden Management
- Economics of Tourism and Recreation
- Environmental Entrepreneurship
- Fundamentals of Economics
Courses in English
- Academic Writing
- E-tourism
- Product Design and Life Cycle Assessment
- Rethinking environmental economics
- Sustainable Bioenergy
- Sustainable Business Marketing
- Sustainable Development
2) International Economics (BSc, MSc)
The program develops promising directions of management in the field of the international economics, features of regulation of economic processes with the use of world experience, gives deep knowledge about the basic tendencies of modern economic-globalization processes.
The purpose of the educational program is providing students with basic knowledge and practical skills in international economics, conditions, forms, methods and basic tools of international economic activity, taking into account world experience.
Mandatory courses:
- Ecological Economics
- Economic Analysis of Investment Projects
- Environmental Management of Enterprises
- Environmental Management of Enterprises
- Environmental Policy and Law
- International Economics
- Economics and Organization of Innovative Activity
Elective courses:
- Business models of international companies
- Global economics
- International Economic Statistics
- International insurance
Courses in English
- Academic Writing
- E-tourism
- Product Design and Life Cycle Assessment
- Rethinking environmental economics
- Sustainable Business Marketing
- Sustainable Development
- Economics of ecosystem services and climate change
- Economics of renewable energy
- Environmental accounting and reporting
- Environmental economics
- Environmental management and auditing
- Forest policy, SFM and forest resource economics
- Modelling of social-ecological systems
- Sustainable development, environmental policy and ecological economics
- Ion Dubovich. Dictionary directory about countries, 5th edition, revised and supplemented. Kyiv : «Znanya», 2008. – 839 p. (in Ukrainian).
- Ion Dubovich. World Environmental Constitution. Metodological Foundation (section 3.5). / The conceptual theoretical and practical foundations of the World Environmental Constitution in the conditions of the modern international legal system. Edited by
- Prof. Dr. Yuriy Tunytsya. – Lviv: Ukrainian National Forestry University Press, Collective Monograph, 2014. – Р. 174-181. Translated from the Ukrainian edition with minor amendmens and additions.
- Ion Dubovich. Environmental Law of Ukraine: lecture notes, second edition. Lviv: UNFU, 2018. - 160 p.
- Ion Dubovich. Environmental policy. Bucharest : «RCR EDITORIAL», 2018. – 249 p. (in Ukrainian)
Ion Dubovich. Ukraine and Romania: Current problems in Ecological, Political and Legal Cooperation.
Ukraine and Romania: 20 years of diplomatic relations. - Chernivtsi: «Bukrek». - 2012. - P. 122–129.
(in Ukrainian)
Petretki M.-M. Synthesis of European Court of human rights jurisprudence, on the right to a fair trial. Edited by Ion Dubovich. - Bucharest : «RCR EDITORIAL», 2014. – 259 p. (in Ukrainian and in English).
Ion Dubovich. Theoretical and methodological aspects of transboundary geography as a
research area of economic and social geography. Theoretical and methodological problems of social geography. – Lviv : Publishing center of LNU I. Frankoб 2006. – P. 298–302.
Ion Dubovich. Theoretical, conceptual, methodological and practical principles for cross-border environmental, economic and legal cooperation of Ukraine and the EU. Socio-economic problems
of the modern period of Ukraine. Mechanism of regulation of regional development in Ukraine. – Lviv : Institute for Regional Studies, 2014. – No. 5 (109). – P. 205-212. (in Ukrainian).
Ion Dubovich. Cross-border ecological and economic cooperation of Ukraine - a tool for implementing the concept of sustainable development in the border regions (in Ukrainian).
Sustainable development - 21st century: management, technologies, models. Discussions 2018. Collective Monograph. - Kyiv, 2018. – P. 202-209. (https://conftef.wixsite.com/conf)
Adamovsky A. Complex forest use: optimization methods: Monography. – Lviv: ZUKC, 2015. – 216 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Enareco -a new master study course on environmental economics in Ukraine. (2000) Ideas, Objectives, Contents. Edited by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans Essmann, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Noel Lust, Dr. Dr. h.c. Davide Pettenella, Prof. Dr. Yurij Tunutsya, Lviv, p. 144.
- Економіка довкілля і природних ресурсів. Інформаційний пакет спеціальності / за ред. Академіка НАН України Ю.Ю. Туниці. Укладачі: Л.Д. Загвойська, Л.І. Максимів. – Львів : Афіша, 2015. – 372 с.
- I.P. Soloviy, W.S. Keeton (Eds), 2009. Ecological economics and sustainable forest management: developing a transdisciplinary approach for the Carpathian Mountains. – Lviv: Ukrainian National Forestry University Press,
Eco-economics and market: overcoming of disputes (2006). – Kyiv: Znannya, 314 p. (in Ukrainian).
- Dubovich, (2018). Sustainable Forest Management: Сurrent Problems in Cross-Border Cooperation between Ukraine and the Neighboring European Union Countries. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Series II • Vol. 11 (60) No. 1 - 2018. Series II forestry. Published by Transilvania University Press Braşov, Romania, P. 31-38 (Index SCOPUS).
- Vyniarska, , Dubovich, I. (2018). Greenhouse gas emissions trading system: EU experience and prospects for implementation in Ukraine. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Series II • Vol. 11 (60) No.2 - 2018 VI. Series II forestry, wood industry, agricultural food engineering. Published by Transilvania University Press Braşov, Romania, 2018. – P. 55-62. (Index SCOPUS).
- Dubovich, (2017). Current problems in cross-border cooperation of Ukraine and neighboring countries in the field of sustainable forest management. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 2017, vol. 27, no 8, 88-91 p.
- Soloviy, I., Dubovich, (2017). IUFRO Anniversary Congress: results and prospects for cooperation in the field of forestry science. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 2017, vol. 27, no 8, 16-20 p.
- Dubovich, , Lesiuk, H., Soloviy, I., Soloviy, V., (2019) Long Way from Government to Governance: Meta-Analysis of Ukrainian Forestry Reformation. Proceedings of the Biennial International Symposium ”Forest and Sustainable Development” 8 th Edition, 25th -27th of October 2018, Brașov, Romania. https://silvic.unitbv.ro/images/conferinte/fsd/proceedings/12.-Dubovich---ID-175.pdf
- Alexander Adamovsky. Sustainable Development. Script of lectures: 1,2, 7 and 11. For bachelour students of specialties: “Economics”, “Accounting and Taxation”, “Management” and “Ecology” (in English). – Lviv: UNFU. 2018. – 43 p.
- Soloviy I.P. Policy for forest sector sustainable development: paradigm and instruments. – Lviv : UNFU Press, Liga-Pres, 2010. -368 р.
- Soloviy, I., Melnykovych, M., Björnsen Gurung, A., (...), Meessen, H., Kaflyk, M. (2019) Innovation in the use of wood energy in the Ukrainian Carpathians: Opportunities and threats for rural communities. Forest Policy and Economics 104: 160-169
- Sarkki, S., Ficko, A., Miller, D., (...), Soloviy, I., Nijnik, M. (2019) Human values as catalysts and consequences of social innovations . Forest Policy and Economics 104 (2019): 33-44.
- Soloviy, I., (2019). Forest Policy in the Interdisciplinary Scientific Context: Trends and Development Proceedings of the Forestry Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2019, vol. 18: 176-184. (In Ukrainian).
- Zhyla, T., Soloviy, I., Zhyla, A., Volosyanchuk, R. (2018). Mountain communities' households’ dependency on provisioning forest ecosystem services: The case of Ukrainian Сarpathians. Bulletin of the Transylvania University of Brasov. Series II: Forestry. Wood Industry. Agricultural Food Engineering. 2018. – Vol. 11(2). – P. 63-80.
- Melnykovych, M., Nijnik, M., Soloviy, I., Nijnik, A., Sarkki,S., Bihun, (2018). Social-ecological innovation in remote mountain areas: adaptive responses of forest-dependent communities to the challenges of a changing world. Science of the Total Environment.
- Soloviy, I., Lesiuk, H., Kaflyk M. Forest sector of Ukraine in the framework of EU integration priorities: policies, strategies and management system. Studia i Materiały "Miscellanea Oeconomicae" Nr 4/ 2018, tom II, Gospodarowanie zasobami organizacji. Wdział Zarządzania i Administracji Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach: 79-94.
- Egan, A.R., Keeton, W.S., Danks, C.M., Soloviy, I., Zia, A. 2017. Forest carbon projects in the Ukrainian Carpathians: an assessment of potential community impacts and benefits Annals of Forest Research, 60(1).
- Soloviy, I., Nijnik, M. S. Deyneka, A. M. M. P. Melnykovych (2017). Reimagining forest policy, institutions and instruments through concepts of ecosystem services and social innovations: Ukraine in the focus. Науковий вісник НЛТУ України : збірник науково-технічних праць. – Львів : РВВ НЛТУ України. Вип. 27(8). – C. 82-87.
- Daniel T C., A Muhar, A Arnberger, OAznar, J W. Boyd,, K M.A. Chan, R Costanza, T Elmqvist, C G. Flint, P H. Gobster, A Grêt-Regamey, R Lave, S Muhar, M Penker, R G. Ribe, T Schauppenlehner, T Sikor, I Soloviy, M Spierenburg, K Taczanowska, J Tam, A von der Dunk. Cultural Ecosystem Services: Potential Contributions to the Ecosystems Services Science and Policy Agenda/Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS) – 2012 -109(23): 8812-8819.
- Nijnik, M., Zahvoyska, L., Nijnik, A., & Ode, A. (2009). Public evaluation of landscape content and change: Several examples from Europe. Land Use Policy, 26(1), 77-86.
- Zahvoyska, L., Maselko, T.Ye., & Yakuba, М. М. (2006). Economic analysis of Investment Projects: Textbook. Lviv: Afisha.
- Richnau, G., Angelstam, P., Valasiuk, S., Zahvoyska, L., Axelsson, R., Elbakidze, M., ... & Soloviy, I. (2013). Multifaceted value profiles of forest owner categories in South Sweden: The River Helge å catchment as a case study. Ambio, 42(2), 188-200.
- Zahvoyska, L., & Bas, T. (2013). Stakeholders’ perceptions of mountain forest ecosystem services: the Ukrainian Carpathians case study. In The Carpathians: Integrating Nature and Society Towards Sustainability (pp. 353-367). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Zahvoyska, L., Pelyukh, O., & Maksymiv, L. (2017). Methodological considerations and their application for evaluation of benefits from the conversion of even-age secondary Norway spruce stands into mixed uneven-aged woodlands with a focus on the Ukrainian Carpathians. Austrian Journal of Forest Science, 134, 251-281.
- Nijnik, A., Nijnik, M., Kopiy, S., Zahvoyska, L., Sarkki, S., Kopiy, L., & Miller, D. (2017). Identifying and understanding attitudinal diversity on multi-functional changes in woodlands of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Climate Research, 73(1-2), 45-56.
- Sarkki, S., Jokinen, M., Nijnik, M., Zahvoyska, L., Abraham, E. M., Alados, C. L., ... & Krajčí, J. (2017). Social equity in governance of ecosystem services: synthesis from European treeline areas. Climate Research, 73(1-2), 31-44.
- Pelyukh, O., Fabrika, M., Kucbel, S., Valent, P., & Zahvoyska, L. (2018). Modelling of secondary even-aged Norway spruce stands conversion using the tree growth simulator Sibyla: SE" Rakhiv forestry" case study. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Forestry, Wood Industry, Agricultural Food Engineering. Series II, 11(2), 29-46.
- Pelyukh, O., Paletto, A., & Zahvoyska, L. (2019). People’s attitudes towards deadwood in forest: evidence from the Ukrainian Carpathians. Journal of Forest Science, 65(5), 171-182.
- Pelyukh, O., Paletto, A., & Zahvoyska, L. (2019). Comparison between people's perceptions and preferences towards forest stand characteristics in Italy and Ukraine. Annals of Silvicultural Research, 43(1), 4-14.
- Sarkki, S., Parpan, T., Melnykovych, M., Zahvoyska, L., Derbal, J., Voloshyna, N., & Nijnik, M. (2019). Beyond participation! Social innovations facilitating movement from authoritative state to participatory forest governance in Ukraine. Landscape Ecology, 1-18.
- Soloviy I., Melnykovych M., Björnsen Gurung A., Hewitt R. J., Ustych R., Maksymiv L., Brang P., Meessen H., Kaflyk M. Innovation in the use of wood energy in the Ukrainian Carpathians: Opportunities and threats for rural communities (2019) Forest Policy and Economics 104: 160-169.
- Paletto A., Pelyukh O., Zahvoyska L., Maksymiv L. Stakeholders’ interests and roles in the context of secondary Norway Spruce forest conversion: Ukrainian Carpathians case study (2019) Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov 12(1): 59-72.
- Максимів Л.І., Луцишин Т.Р. Еколого-економічна оцінка ефективності використання енергетичної деревини в регіональній агломерації «Дрогобиччина» (2019). Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України: збірник наукових праць. – Вип. 18. – С.164-175.
- Максимів Л., Чернявський М. Роль природоохоронних установ у формуванні професійних компетенцій магістрів економістів-екологів (2019). Збірник статей науково-практичної конференції «Природоохоронна територія як базова навчальна платформа Нової української школи». – Том 1. – С. 43-48.
- Soloviy I., Björnsen Gurung A., Melnykovych M., Hewitt R. J, Maksymiv L., Bihun Yu. Stakeholders’ attitudes towards green energy innovations as a prerequisite to successful implementation: international experience and lessons learned in the Ukrainian Carpathians (2018) 5th Forum Carpaticum: 64-65.
- Pelyukh О., Zahvoyska L., Maksymiv L. Analysis of stakeholders’ interaction in the context of secondary Norway spruce stands conversion in the Ukrainian Carpathians (2018) Sustainable Forest management for the future – the role of managerial economics and accounting. Book of abstracts. Zagreb, Croatia: 22-24.
- Maksymiv L., Soloviy I., Fedorchuk T. Problems and perspectives of the environmental tourism development in the Ukrainian Carpathians:socio-ecological-economic context (2017) Sustainable tourism for development. Proceedings of International BUP conference. Zhovkva: 36-37.
- Zahvoyska L., Pelyukh O., Maksymiv L Methodological considerations and their application for evaluation of benefits from the conversion of even-age secondary Norway spruce stands into mixed uneven-aged woodlands with a focus on the Ukrainian Carpathians (2017) Austrian Journal of Forest Science: 251-281.
- Максимів Л., Климович В., Загвойська Л. Використання енергетичного потенціалу деревини: еколого-економічний вимір (2016). Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України: збірник наукових праць. – Випуск 14. - С. 244-251.
- Максимів Л., Курдина О. Шляхи імплементації цілей сталого розвитку в інтегровану звітність. Екологізація освіти як чинник сталого розвитку суспільства: Матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції. – Львів: РВВ НЛТУ України (2017). – С. 74-75.
- Dubovich, I., Adamovsky, A, Vasylyshyn, K., Soloviy, V. (2018). Contemporary models for greening of economics: concepts, unity, contradictions and directions for interaction. Proceedings of the forestry academy of sciences of Ukraine, vol. 17. P. 158-164. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15421/411831 [in Ukrainian].
- Dubovich, I., Shvayka, O., Vasylyshyn, K., Fomicheva, T. (2018). Peculiarities of Ukraine’s transboundary economic and legal cooperation with the European Union in the field of ecological tourism. Proceedings of the Forestry Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, vol. 16. P. 115-122. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15421/411813 [in Ukrainian].
- Dubovich, I. A., & Vasylyshyn, K. R. (2017). Current Economic and Legal Bases of Ukrainian Environmental Insurance Market Formation. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU. Economic Series, 27(2), P. 34–37. Available from: http://nv.old.nltu.edu.ua/index.php/journal/ article/view/357 [in Ukrainian].
- Vasylyshyn, K.R. (2016). Сonceptual Basis the Improvement of Environmental Insurance Market in the Conditions of Decentralization Management System in Ukraine. Global and national issues, 9 Mykolaiv, Ukraine. Available from: http://global-national.in.ua/issue-9-2016/17-vipusk-9-lyutij2016/1758-vasilishin-kh-r-kontseptualni-zasadi-vdoskonalennya-rinku-ekologichnogostrakhuvannya-v-umovakh-detsentralizatsiji-sistemi-upravlinnya-v-ukrajini [in Ukrainian].
- Vasylyshyn, K.R. (2015). The Economic Indicators of Functioning of Environmental Insurance Market in Ukraine. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 20.7 Lviv, Ukraine. P. 31–37. [in Ukrainian].▪
- Vasylyshyn, K.R. (2015). Features of Forming the Market of Environmental Insurance in Ukraine. Proc. of the International Scientific Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Researchers “Actual Problems of Ukraine’s Economic System Functioning”, Lviv, Ukraine. P. 34– 36 [in Ukrainian].