Yaroslav Sokolovskyy, ScD., Professor, Tel: +38 (032) 258 42 95 E-mail: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
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Head of the Department,
ScD., Professor
Yaroslav Sokolovskyy
The department was created in 1986 under the name "Computer Engineering and Process Modeling". In 2014, the department was named "Information Technology" and became part of the Institute of Woodworking and Computer Technologies and Design.
In 2004, the department began training bachelors in the field of "Computer Science". In 2008, the first graduates of the bachelors and at the same time the preparation of specialists and masters in specialty "Information technologies of design".
To date, the department prepares graduates in the field of knowledge 12 "Information Technology" in the specialty 122 "Computer Science", and in the specialty 126 "Information Systems and Technologies".
To date, the department trains specialists in the field of knowledge 12 "Information Technology" in the specialties:
- 122 “Computer Science”
- 126 “Information systems and technologies”.
The department is preparing masters, graduate students and doctoral students in the specialty 122 "Computer Science".
The staff of the department conducts basic and applied scientific researches on problems:
- Mathematical modeling and methods of numerical analysis of nonequilibrium physical processes in complex environments, in particular with fractal structure
- Mathematical and software systems of computer-aided design of thermal engineering objects
- Information technologies of intellectual data processing
Since the department's existence, five doctoral and 23 PhD theses have been defended by the staff.
Technical support for the educational and scientific process is periodically updated and updated with modern computer technology. There are nine computer classes for the learning process, of which six are training laboratories and the Autodesk Learning Center. All the computers of the department are connected to a local area network and to the Internet.
- Yaroslav Sokolovskyy, ScD., Professor
- Natalya Protsakh, ScD., Professor
- Yuriy Shabatura, ScD., Professor
- Mykhaylo Dendyuk, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
- Volodymyr Karashetskyy, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
- Ostap Dumanskyy, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
- Oleg Riznyk, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
- Andriy Holovatyy, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
- Ihor Kroshnyy, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
- Ihor Pirko, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
- Oleksandr Storozhuk, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
- Olha Mokrytska, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Department of IT
- Yuriy Protsyk, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Department of IT
- Volodymyr Shymanskyi, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Department of IT
- Tetyana Olyanyshen, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
- Svitlana Yatsyshyn, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
- Bohdan Bekas, Senior Lecturer
- Volodymyr Yarkun, Senior Lecturer
- Iryna Boretska, Senior Lecturer
- Maryana Levkovych, Ph.D., assistant
- Liybomyr Flud, Ph.D., assistant
- Ihor Kapran, assistant
- Andriy Nechepurenko, assistant
- Tetyana Samotiy, assistant
- Nazar Semenyshyn, assistant
- Sofiya Holovata, assistant
Bachelor Programs:
122 "Computer Sciences"
- Algebra and geometry
- Mathematical analysis
- Discrete Math
- Computer Graphics
- Physics
- Differential equations
- Probability theory, probabilistic processes and mathematical statistics
- Numerical Methods
- Electrical engineering and electronics
- Algorithmization and programming
- Algorithms and data structures
- Operating Systems
- Object-oriented programming
- Organization of databases and knowledge
- Computer networks
- System analysis
- Technology of programming and creation of software
- Web technologies and web design
- Distributed and parallel computing technology
- Artificial neural networks (architecture, application, training)
- Machine learning
- Intellectual data analysis
- Cross-platform programming
- Mobile Systems Programming
- Information processing by artificial intelligence methods
- Cloud technologies
- English (Professional) / English Professional Communication
- Mathematical methods of operations research
- Mathematical programming
- Philosophy / Economy and business
- Software (Java) Java / Object-oriented programming in Java
- Operational calculus / Digital processing of signals and images
- Computer Circuitry Computer Architecture / Computer systems hardware
- Systems modeling / Mathematical and computer
- Artificial intelligence systems / Design of intelligent systems modeling
- Python Data Analysis Programming / Application software (Python)
- Mathematical modeling (fuzzy logic) / Mathematical bases of knowledge representation
- Geometric modeling / Graphic and geometric modeling and interactive systems
- IT project management / Software project management
- Methods and tools for object-oriented analysis and design / Modern technologies of object-oriented analysis and design of information systems
- Recommendation Systems / Models and methods of building recommendation systems
- Technologies of information security / Information Security
- History and Culture of Ukraine
- Foreign Language (English)
- Ukrainian Language
- Safety of Life Safety and Safety Basics
- Ukrainian Language for Professional Direction
- Ecology
126 "Information systems and technologies"
- Algebra and geometry
- Mathematical analysis
- Discrete Math
- Computer Graphics
- Physics
- Differential equations
- Probability theory, probabilistic processes and mathematical statistics
- Numerical Methods
- Electrical engineering and electronics
- Algorithmization and programming
- Algorithms and data structures
- Operating Systems
- Object-oriented programming
- Organization of databases and knowledge
- Computer networks
- System analysis
- Technology of programming and creation of software
- Computational Methods of Mechanics of Continuous Environments
- Cross-platform programming
- Web technologies and web design
- Distributed and parallel computing technology
- Geoinformation systems
- Intellectual data analysis
- Information processing by artificial intelligence methods
- Design CAE/CAD/CAM Systems
- Cloud technologies
- English (Professional) / English Professional Communication
- Digital Processing of Signals and Images in Monitoring Systems / Operational calculus
- Computer Circuitry Computer Architecture / Computer systems hardware
- Software (Java) Java / Object-oriented programming in Java
- CAD of Complex Objects and Systems / Technologies of Designing of Complex Objects and Systems
- Systems modeling / Mathematical and computer
- Artificial intelligence systems / Design of intelligent systems modeling
- Mathematical modeling (fuzzy logic) / Mathematical bases of knowledge representation
- Geometric modeling / Graphic and geometric modeling and interactive systems
- IT project management / Software project management
- Programming of Mobile Systems / Programming Technologies for Portable Devices
- Methods and tools for object-oriented analysis and design / Modern technologies of object-oriented analysis and design of information systems
- Automation of technological preparation of production / Computer-information Systems in Technological Processes
- Technologies of information security / Information Security
- History and Culture of Ukraine
- Foreign Language (English)
- Ukrainian Language
- Safety of Life Safety and Safety Basics
- Ukrainian Language for Professional Direction
- Ecology
Master programs:
122 "Computer Sciences"
- Modern Mathematical Methods in Information Technologies
- Labor Protection in Industry and Civil Protection
- Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher School
- Business Foreign Language
- Automated Systems for Modeling Objects and Processes
- Integrated Methods of Intellectual Data Processing
- Automation of Information Systems Design
- Methods and Technologies of Design
- Automated Systems of Scientific Researches / Fundamentals of Theory and Practice of Scientific Research
- Systems Theory in Design Tasks / Mathematical Theory of Systems
- The Theory of Control and Design of Optimal Systems / Modern Management Theory
- Design of Distributed Databases and Expert Systems / Organization of Access to Databases in Java and Expert Systems
- Intellectual CAD / Intelligent Information Technologies
PhD Programs:
122 "Computer Sciences"
- Modern methods of multicriteria and discrete optimization
- Commercialization of scientific research
- Science communication: methods of publication of the results of the study
- Analysis and synthesis of deterministic and stochastic systems
- Information technology management of technical and ecological-economic systems
- Intelligent calculation and data analysis
- Theory of hierarchical multilevel systems design
- Methodology of software development in design systems
- Research and project management methods and tools
- Modern approaches to the design of intelligent systems
- Intelligent CAD
- Course title “Computer modeling of ecological and economic systems”
- Module 1. Carbon sequestration and accounting
- Mathematical modeling and methods of numerical analysis of nonequilibrium physical processes in complex environments, in particular with fractal structure
- Mathematical and software systems of computer-aided design of thermal engineering objects
- Information technologies of intellectual data processing
- “Software-algorithmic tools and information technologies of automation research of energy efficient wood drying processes”, № state registration 0113U001268, 2013-2014;
- “Mathematical modeling of nonequilibrium deformation-relaxation and heat-mass transfer processes in fractal media”, State registration number 0115U002316, 2015–2017
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Sokolovskyy Ya., Pirko І., Kens І., Dendyuk М., Yatsyshyn S. Computer circuit design: a tutorial Lviv: "Magnoliya 2006", 2017 – 325 p. |
Shabatura Yu., Filimonova S., Lunkova H., Sokolovskyy Ya. Application software in military affairs Lviv: NАA , 2016 – 107 p. |
Sokolovskyy Ya., Shabatura Yu., Vyklyuk Y, Kroshnyy I., Dendyuk М., Storozhuk О. Systems simulation in GPSSWorld Lviv, Publishing house “The Scientific World – 2000”, 2014р. – 288 p. |