Mykola Huz, Professor, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences |
79057, Lviv, Pryrodna str., 19, buliding 6, rooms 31,31а, 39а, 46. |
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+380-(032)-258-42-67 |
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Head of the Department,
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences., Professor
Mykola Huz
The Department of Forest Planting operates at the University since 1951 under the name “Department of Forest Planting and Soil Science”. Over the next fifty years, the department had some reorganization changes. In its current form, the Department of Forest Planting and Forest Breeding has been operating since 1st of July 2000. The department consists of a section of forest planting (2 professors, 3 associate professors, 1 senior lecturer) and a section of forest breeding (2 associate professors). The department has a research laboratory for forest genetics and an educational research and production laboratory of modern technologies of forest cultural production.
The main research area of the department is the search of a solution of theoretical and applied problems of increasing the productivity of the economic and environmental value of artificial afforestation in the field of forest planting. During the formation of the department (1951-1963), the research work was carried out under the leadership of head of the department assoc. M.I.Kaluzhsky. On the issue of creating highly productive, valuable and fast-growing crops in Western Ukraine, prof. M.Kh. Osmola, assoc. T.M. Brodovich, assoc. E.I. Zhuravska, assistants M.I. Yuzkiv, V.P. Lavrov. The possibilities of mechanizing forestry works were studied by M.I. Kaluzhsky and E.V. Vitvitsky, the author of the original construction of a motor-drill for mountain conditions.
During 1963-1973 under the guidance of prof. G.O.Kharitonova considerable work was carried out to determine the optimal doses and efficiency of various types of herbicides and the technology of their use for caring for forest crops. Assoc. O.S. Melnik studied soil erosion and developed land reclamation measures in the northern part of the Volhynian-Podolian Upland. Since 1966, the Department has been practicing the wide attraction of students to scientific work by organizing research expeditions. Such work has gained particular intensity since 1970 on the initiative of then head of the department, assoc. M.I. Kalinin. With the participation of students, under the guidance of teachers and employees of the department, from one to three scientific expeditions were organized annually, consisting of 18-25 students. The scientists of the department during this period developed topics on the introduction of hazelnuts, walnuts, edible chestnuts in forest crops and planting.
Since 1980, begins the development of the technology of firmness of forests to winds in the Carpathians.
During 1973-1988, forest planting studies are carried out under the guidance of prof. M.I. Kalinin. This period, under his leadership, formed a new scientific direction - forest rooting, the subject of study of which is the patterns of development and formation of root systems of the main forest-forming species in clean and mixed stands in a wide age range with the aim of creating a scientifically based base for increasing forest productivity. In practical forestry, recommendations are applied on the creation of firmness of forests to winds in mountainous conditions, the cultivation of stands on the principles of forest change, etc. In 1992 was introduced a new discipline “Forest root knowledge” into the training program for forest planting students. Within the framework of the direction, three doctoral and ten candidate dissertations were prepared and defended, 7 monographs were published, 4 studies 4 textbooks and 5 study guides, 4 copyright certificates and a patent for an invention were obtained, more than 250 scientific articles were published.
Staff of the department teach students of forestry faculty, part-time students, students of faculty of pre-university and postgraduate training the following disciplines: forest genetics, forest planting, forest breeding, forest melioration, modern technologies of forest cultural production.
The educational process is fully provided with textbooks, teaching aids and lecture notes published by the scientific and pedagogical specialists of the department.
The most significant achievements of the department are:
- preparation and defense of the thesis for the degree of Doctor of Sciences (K.A. Tatarinov, S.V. Shevchenko, M.I. Kalinin, M.M. Guz, Yu.M. Debrinyuk) and 42 PhD theses;
- publication of 18 monographs and more than 1450 scientific articles;
- publication of 18 textbooks and teaching aids with the recomendation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
- protection of scientific developments of the department employees by 9 copyright certificates and invention patents;
- graduation of more than 2850 bachelors, engineers, specialists and masters of forestry.
From the beginning of the organization of the Department of Forest Planting, its heads were: Assoc. M.K.Bikov (1951-1952, Department of Forest Cultures and Soil Science), Assoc. M.I. Kaluzhsky (1945-1954, Department of forest planting and mechanization of forestry operations at LPI-LSP, since 1961 - Department of forest planting, forest protection and mechanization of forestry operations, 1952-1963 - LLTI), prof. S.V.Shevchenko (Ad hoc, 1963), Prof. G.O. Kharitonov (1963-1973 pp., Since 1972 - Department of Forest Cultures and Land Reclamation), prof. M. I. Kalinin (1973-1988 pp.), From 1988 to 1994 - Department of Genetics, Forest Cultures and Wood Science, from 1994 to 2000. Department of Forest Cultures and Wood Science (Prof. V.P. Ryabchuk). Since 2000 The Department of Forest Crops and Forest Breeding is headed by D.S.-G. sciences, prof. M.M. Huz.
- Yuri Debrynyuk, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
- Mykola Lisoviy, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
- Oleg Danchuk, PhD, associate professor
- Andriy Ivanyuk, PhD, associate professor
- Taras Kharachko, PhD, associate professor
- Serhiy Zhmurko, PhD, associate professor
- Mykola M. Huz, PhD, senior lecturer
Bachelor Programs:
Specialty 205 Forestry
Educational and professional programs
Forestry: forest breeding with the basics of genetics, forest planting, forest reclamation, basics of agriculture, forest rooting
Hunting management: forest breeding with the basics of genetics, reforestation, the basics of agriculture
Forestry engineering: reforestation and afforestation, modern technologies of forestry production
Specialty 206 Park and gardening
Educational and professional program
Park and gardening: selection of ornamental plants with the basics of genetics, decorative nurseries and seed production, landscape crops and afforestation, the basics of agriculture
Master programs:
Specialty 205 Forestry
Educational and professional programs
Forestry: modern technologies of forestry production
PhD Programs:
Specialty 205 Forestry
Educational and scientific program
Forestry: genetic and breeding principles of forestry, innovative technologies of forest cultivation production, plantation forest growing, biotechnologies of forest plants
- Forest selection with the basics of genetics (Associate prof. Mykola Lisovyi).
Modern scientific researches of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the department is concentrated within the priority area of development of science and technology of Ukraine "Environmental Protection".
The research of scientific and pedagogical staff focused on solving the following problems:
- Selection basis of the reproduction of the genetic potential of Gymnospermae
and Angiospermae of wood introducers by in vitro reproduction.
- Development of technologies for accelerated growth of wood pulp in plantations based on the use of plant growth regulators.
- Researching of the productivity of coniferous and deciduous introducers in artificial forest plantations of the Western region of Ukraine.
- Research of main features of growth and development of promising new species of forest introducers.
- Research of main features of the growth and development of planting material of forest and ornamental species in open and closed ground conditions.
- Research of main morphological and stereometric features of the structure of the root systems of the main forest-forming species of woody vegetation.
0112U003031. Morphophysiological and genetic-population bases of the formation of a forest management system in Ukraine approximate to nature.
Project deals with the features of stem wood growth and accumulation by artificial plantings of the studied species — prototypes of plantation forest plantations. The forms of spruce, larch and Pseudotsuga behind the bark, branching, and the form of seed scales in relation to forestry-taxation indicators in pure and mixed stands were studied. The course of growth of conifers by medium models, the onset of the period of their quantitative ripeness, and the dynamics of the media are studied the dynamics of the average increment of wood during the age periods in the sugars and chest of the Western Forest-Steppe and adjacent territories.
The conceptual foundations of a cyclic method of growing plantation forest plantations on the basis of breed mines are developed. The principles of site selection, methods of processing and use of planting material are given. A technology has been developed for the creation, cultivation and operation of plantation stands. The volumes of wood pulp production in the age range are calculated, the age of the main forest plantations cutting is justified.
The expediency of transferring to a limited area of the forest fund (20%) to targeted wood cultivation for industrial needs has been proved. In this regard, in the territory of the Western Forest-Steppe in the appropriate types of forest conditions it is advisable to create annually forest plantations on 0.5% of the forested area (4.2 thousand ha).
0115U002318. Development of technology for accelerated growth of wood pulp in plantations based on the use of plant growth regulators.
The effect of a number of plant growth regulators (PGR) at various doses of their application on the accelerated production of high-quality gardening material has been clarified; the influence of certain elements of the technology of creating artificial stands on the reduction of the timing of the production of wood phytomass for industrial needs and as a regenerative energy source has been studied; the feasibility of partial replacement of fossil fuels with wood raw, which is restored at certain (relatively short) time intervals, is substantiated; it is indicated that the introduction of energy plantations from willow and poplar will allow rational use of waterlogged lands.
Was established resource potential of plantation forest stands with the participation of fast-growing species - Picea abies [L.] Karst., Larix decidua Mill., Larix kempferi Carr., Quercus borealis Michx., and clones of poplar (MAX-4, MAX-5, Oxford, AF2, AF8).
0117U002336. Development of a system of cyclic plantation forest growing for accelerated wood production based on forestry close to nature.
A conceptual approach to the cultivation of wood in plantations based on the principles of breed mowing, focused on intensive forest cultivation with the rational use of natural potential forces of nature, is proposed. He is ready to obtain significant volumes of wood in a relatively short time without the use of expensive methods of forest cultivation and partial cost recovery due to intermediate use.
The resource potential of plantation forest stands with the participation of rapidly growing species - Larix decidua Mill., Larix kempferi Carr., Larix eurolepis H., Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco, as well as species and clones of willow and poplar - Salix purpurea L., S. triandra L., S. viminalis L., Tordis (S. schwerinii × S. viminalis), Inger (S. triandra x S. viminalis), Populus deltoides x Populus piramydalis.
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Mykhaio Gordienko, Mykola Huz, Yuriy Debrynyuk, Victor Maurer. Forest crops Textbook. - Lviv: Kamula, 2005. - 608 p. (in Ukrainian). |
Yuriy Debrynyuk, Gregoriy Krynytsky, Yaroslav Tselen. Technology of growing plantation forest plantations in the Western region of Ukraine Monograph Lviv: Kamula, 2016.-160s. |
Yuri Debrynyuk, Serhiy Belelya. Cultivation of Larix L. species in artificial plantations of the Western Polissya of Ukraine Monograph. - Lviv: Galician Publishing Union, 2017. - 444p |
Fuchilo Yaroslav, Yuriy Debrynyuk, Fedor Brovko, et al. Plantation forestry for industrial and energy purposes: conceptual principles, technological features and prospects Monograph. - K.: Comprint CPU, 2018 - 321s. |