Reconstruction and restoration of Ukraine: the role of scientists

 018 resize.1555972494.1816On April 12, 2022, the Ukrainian National Forestry University hosted a round table on issues related to the reconstruction and restoration of Ukraine's economy and environment. This issue is extremely relevant in view of the Government-approved "Program for the Reconstruction of Ukraine."

The round table was attended by vice-rectors, directors of educational and research institutes, heads of departments and scientists of the university. The initiative to establish a Scientific Platform for the reconstruction and restoration of Ukraine at our university was made by scientists of the university. The strategy of application of already developed scientific innovations in nature protection directions, as well as formation of the program of realization of scientific developments in difficult conditions in which our state found itself as a result of large-scale Russian military invasion of Ukraine are discussed.

The Scientific Platform is designed to unite for the restoration of Ukraine specialists from various fields on the basis of nature with the basics of environmental strategies and programs of practical implementation.

Main areas: reforestation, landscaping, restoration of nature reserves, soil rehabilitation, conservation of biodiversity in damaged areas, creation of a scientific lectures in the field of nature.

The scientists' proposal aroused interest and was approved.

Participants are invited to organize a round table on April 26, 2022 at 14.00 in the meeting room of the Academic Council, which will present and open the program of the Scientific Platform for Reconstruction and Reconstruction of Ukraine and will be attended by scientists, government officials, business partners, university partners and stakeholders. Please send your proposals for the formation of the round table program by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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