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 79057, Lviv, 19, Pryrodna St., Ukraine

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(032) 258-42-26

(032) 237-10-45

Director of Institute: Prof. Stepan Myklush, doctor
Deputy Director : 

Associate Professor Petro Khomiuk, Deputy of director of Institute of Forestry and Park Gardening
Associate Professor Serhii Havryliuk, Deputy of director of Institute of Forestry and Park Gardening

Bachelor Programs: 205 Forestry
206 Park Gardening
191 Architecture and City Planning

Master programs: 205 Forestry
206 Park Gardening
191 Architecture and City Planning

PhD Programs:
205 Forestry
206 Park Gardening

1. GIS: project design (Myklush Yuriy, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.)
2. Remote sensing (Havryliuk Serhii, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.)

Institute was established on the 1st of March 2014 on the basis of Faculty of Forestry. Latter it had been a part of the Lviv Forestry Engineering Institute since 1949. Prof. Stepan Myklush has been leading the faculty since 2003 and starting from the 1st of March 2014 has been the Director of the Institute.
Sufficient technical base of institute, computer rooms and libraries give an opportunity to conduct teaching of high quality specialists. Modern technical tools are widely used in educational process. There are 8 departmental scientific and research laboratories. Students are conducting educational practices and field work in Stradch Educational and Productional Forest Enterprise, Nature Reserve “Roztochchia”, Botanical Garden of Ukrainian National Forestry University, permanent forest and ecology establishments and other forestry- or park-related enterprises of Ukraine.
The scientific achievements of institute employees are widely introduced in practice. These researches are aiming at increasing productivity and biological stability of forests, improving forest inventory and rational use of forests.

Departments have subsidiaries on the base of Ukrainian Scientific and Research Institute of Silviculture in Mountainous Regions, Institute of Ecology of the Carpathian Mountains, Enterprises of Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Offices of Forestry and Hunting.

Educational and research processes are secured by experienced pedagogues, particularly by 17 professors (Doctors of Science) and 44 associate professors (PhDs). The pedagogues of the institute have prepared and published educational textbooks and accessories for the majority of educational courses.

The scientific achievements of institute employees are widely introduced in practice. These researches are aiming at increasing productivity and biological stability of forests, improving forest inventory and rational use of forests.

Professor Stepan Myklush leads the subcommission 205 Forestry of Scientific and Methodological Commission of Agrarian Science and Veterinary of High education sector of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Doctor of Science Yaroslav Henyk – Deputy of Head of subcommission 206 «Park Gardening». The members of these subcommissions elaborated the standards of high education for specialties 205 «Forestry» and 206 «Park Gardening» for bachelor’s, master’s and philosophy doctor degrees.

The scientists of institute cooperate with many Educational and Research Institutions from Austria, Germany, Poland, Belarus, Moldova, Romania, the USA, Hungary, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, etc. Our students have a chance to study master course «Euroforester» in Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Erasmus+ program is also available for our students to join the study process of such educational institutions, as Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, The University of Applied Forest Sciences Rottenburg, University of Valladolid, etc. Each year since 2007, 15-20 master students of the institute are
involved in two-week educational field trips to various forestry enterprises in Germany.




H2020. DIABOLO. Distributed, Integrated and Harmonised Forest Information for Bioeconomy Outlooks
Inventory of green areas of Dendropark "Podillya" in Khmelnytsky 10.2015-12.2015. (0116U004043)
Vytseha Ruslan:
Opracowanie ekologiczno-hodowlanych metod pielęgnacji i kształtowania upraw i młodników na terenach poklęskowych w Beskidach
Sposób zagospodarowania drzewostanu a zmienność genetyczna odnowień naturalnych buka
Ocena zagrożenia górskich drzewostanów nasiennych i drzew doborowych jodły i świerka przez zgniliznę odziomkową bezinwazyjną metodą tomografii komputerowej

Khomiuk P.G.:
1) «The scientific rationale of creation of the dendrological park of local importance "Near the Garay" in Zhovkva, Lviv region»
(73100000-3 Research and experimental development services). Agreement ГД No 08.10-13-18 for creating scientific and technical products.
2) «The scientific rationale for creating the park-monument of landscape art of national importance "Adamivka" in Truskavets, Lviv region» (73100000-3 Research and experimental development services). Agreement ГД No 08.09-06-19 for creating scientific and technical products.

Last modified on Friday, 06 December 2019 12:36

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