Department of Forest Inventory and Forest Management

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Horoshko M.P., Ph.D, Prof.
Tel:(032) 258-42-46
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79057, Ukraine, Lviv, Pryrodna str., 19, educ. building №6

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+38  (032) 258-42-46



Head of department
Horoshko M.P., Ph.D, Prof.


The department of forest inventory and forest management has been operating since 1945. Firstly, it had been called "Geodesy", secondly, since 1949 - "Forestry, taxation and timber science", and later - "Forest measurements". In 1988 it was merged with the department of forestry and got the name "Department of forestry, forest management and geodesy". Since 1994, after the isolation of the direction of forestry, it has received a current name.

The department has significant achievements in research work. Honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine, Professor Y.O. Saban initiated the scientific field of forestry measurements and organization of forestry systems. He developed rules of clear cuttings for  the Carpathians, regulatory materials on the structure, growth yield and productive structure of stands on a typological basis, he also studied the ecology of mountain ecosystems.

Professors M.P. Goroshko and S.I. Myklush. have followed accomplishments of professor Y. Saban and consequently more than 700 papers had been published on the problems of forestry organization and management. Based upon the results of the research, seventeen Ph.D. and two doctoral dissertations were defended, three monographs and four textbooks had been published. The obtained data have been included in two digests of regulatory reference materials.

  1. Horoshko Myroslav, Ph.D., Professor
  2. Myklush Stepan, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
  3. Hrynyk Heorhiy, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Assoc. Prof.
  4. Kahaniak Julian, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
  5. Ilkiv Ivan, Ph.D., assoc. Prof.
  6. Havryliuk Serhii , Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
  7. Khomiuk Petro, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
  8. Korol Mykola, D., Assoc. Prof.
  9. Kuryliak Viktor, D., Assoc. Prof.
  10. Myklush Yuriy, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
  11. Oleh Chaskovskyy, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
  12. Vytseha Ruslan, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
  13. Nagorniak Bogdan,  research assistant
  14. Portakh Stepan, research assistant

Bachelor Programs:

Specialty 191 Architecture and urban planning

Educational and professional program

Landscape architecture: Basis of Geodesy

Specialty 205 Forestry

Educational and professional programs

Forestry: Geodesy, Biostatistics, GIS in Forestry and Hunting, Forest Mensuration, Forest Inventory, Remote Sensing, Forest Paperwork, Forest Cadastre,

Hunting management: Geodesy, Biostatistics, GIS in Forestry and Hunting, Forest Mensuration and Hunting Inventory, Hunting Inventory, Remote Sensing in Hunting

Forestry engineering: Forest Mensuration and Inventory, Engineering Geodesy


Specialty 206 Park and gardening

Educational and professional program

Park and gardening: Geodesy, Biostatistics, GIS in Garden and Park Service, Landscape Mensuration, Landscape Mensuration and Garden and Park Inventory

Master programs:

Specialty 191 Architecture and urban planning

Educational and professional program

Landscape architecture: Park and Forest Inventory, GIS in Landscape Architecture

Specialty 205 Forestry

Educational and professional programs

Forestry: Forest Management, Information Technologies in Forest Management, World  Forest Resources, Special Kinds of Forest Management, Modeling of Forest Ecosystems, Permanent Forest Management, Environmental Monitoring

Hunting management: Environmental Monitoring

Specialty 206 Park and gardening

Educational and professional program

Park and gardening: Modeling of Park and Gardening Ecosystems

PhD Programs:

Specialty 205 Forestry

Educational and scientific program

Forestry: Mathematical Modeling and Experiment Planning, Analytical Methods for the Study of Forest Ecosystems, Information Technology in Forestry

  1. GIS: project design (Myklush Yuriy, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.)
  2. Remote sensing (Havryliuk Serhii, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.)

The department carries out scientific and pedagogical activities by professor M.P. Goroshko (morphological structure and biometric assessment of forests), S.I. Myklush (evaluation of stand productivity and aspects of multipurpose use of forest resources), Yu. Kaganyak (spatial-parametric structure of mixed plantations), H.H. Hrynyk (growth and productivity of mountain stands), associate professors O. Chaskovskyy (assessing forests by remote sensing), M.M. Korol (particularities of  forming mountain spruce stands), I.S. Ilkiv (study of morphological features and productivity of beech stands), S.A. Havryliuk (particularities of interpretation of images of forested areas), P. Khomiuk (estimation of the dynamics of forest stands in the places of ​​intensive forest management), V. Kurylak (structural potential of beech forests of the Carpathian region), R. Vytseha (forests inventory and forests monitoring) Y.S. Myklush (sustainable management and evaluation of silvicultural and recreational features of forests).

Academic staff of the department have prepared and published 18 textbooks and manuals in the following disciplines: «Biometry» (M. Goroshko, S.I. Myklush, P.G. Khomiuk), «Forest management», «Management of hunting areas», «Forest management», «Forest measurements», (M. Grom), «Forest measurements, (E. Tsuryk), «GIS in forestry» (S.I. Myklush, M. Goroshko, O.G. Chaskovskyy), «Remote sensing of the Earth in forestry» (S.I. Myklush, S.A. Havryliuk, O.G. Chaskovskyy), «Fundamentals of forest cadastre» (M.P. Goroshko, B.N. Dzyadevych, I.S. Ilkiv), «Park measurements» (Y. Kaganyak, A. Strochinsky, M.P. Goroshko) «Inventory of landscape objects (Y. Kaganyak, M.P. Goroshko, M. Korol, O. G. Chaskovskyy).


FP1206 - European mixed forests - Integrating Scientific Knowledge in Sustainable Forest Management. (EuMIXFOR)

CA15226 - Climate-Smart Forestry in Mountain Regions



H2020. DIABOLO. Distributed, Integrated and Harmonised Forest Information for Bioeconomy Outlooks

Inventory of green areas of Dendropark "Podillya" in Khmelnytsky 10.2015-12.2015. (0116U004043)

«The scientific rationale of creation of the dendrological park of local importance "Near the Garay" in Zhovkva, Lviv region»

(73100000-3 Research and experimental development services). Agreement SA № 08.10-13-18 for creating scientific and technical products.

«The scientific rationale for creating the park-monument of landscape art of national importance "Adamivka" in Truskavets, Lviv region»

(73100000-3 Research and experimental development services). Agreement SA № 08.09-06-19 for creating scientific and technical products.

Last modified on Thursday, 16 January 2020 10:06

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