Department of Silviculture

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Hryhoriy Krynytskyy, Prof., Dr. Sc.
Tel: +38 (032) 258 42 05
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79057, Ukraine, Lviv, Pryrodna str., 19, educ. building №6

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Head of department

Hryhoriy Krynytskyy, Prof., Dr. Sc. ( Biological Sciences)

The Department of Silviculture was founded in 1856 as a part of the Arable Farming  School in the settlement of Dubliany , near Lviv.

Further development of the Department is connected with the Regional School of Forestry which was founded in 1874. In the 1980’s, the school received the status of Higher Forest School and the Department of Silviculture was established at this school. In different years, the Department was headed by professors  J. Gebenstreit, V. Tenetsky, G. Strzelecki, J. Demyanovsky, S. Sokolovsky.

In 1919, the Arable Farming Academy (reorganized Arable Farming School) and the Higher Forestry School were attached to the Lviv Polytechnic and an Arable Farming-and-Forestry faculty was established on their basis. The Department of Silvuculture  became one of the departments at this faculty.

The Department of Silvuculture was located at 1 Olga Kobylyanska street, occupied four rooms there, had a large library (more than 1,400 pulications), and 6 hectares of forest area was  transferred into its ownership for practical training and research.

In 1920-1928,  Head of the Department was professor O. Bervid, a graduate of the Vienna Forestry Academy. He focused on practical training of students.

 In 1928, K. Sukhetsky was appointed the Head of the Department, he held the chair until 1939.

After the West Ukrainian lands entered the Ukrainian SSR, the Department of Silviculture functions as part of the Lviv Polytechnic from September 1939 to July 1941, and during the period of German occupation from 1942 to 1944.

After the restoration of the Soviet regime in Lviv and the Lviv Polytechnic Institute, the Department of Silviculture resumed its work. The Department was headed by Acad. P.Pogrebnyak (concurrently). In 1946, the LPTI Arable Farming-and-Forestry faculty was transformed into the Lviv Agricultural Institute (LAI), assoc. prof. (later professor) M. Gorshenin became the Head of the Department  of  Silviculture.

In 1946, the Forestry Institute  was organized in Lviv – the Lviv Forestry Institute. In 1949, the Faculty of Forestry with two departments was founded within the Institute: the Department of Botany and Soil Science, and the Department of Silviculture, Inventory and Geodesy (since 1950 -  the Department of Silviculture and Forest Protection) which was headed in different years by: assoc. prof. F.Volkov (1949-1950), assoc. prof. Halyna Tyshkevych (1950-1952), assoc. prof.  O. Kvitsinsky (1952-1954).

In 1954, the Faculty of Forestry of the Lviv Agricultural Institute  was transferred to the Lviv Forestry Institute; the Forestry faculties of the two educational institutions were combined into one, respectively, and two departments of silviculture were united. The head of the single department of silvuculture became prof. M. Gorshenin. From 1980 to 1983, the duties of the Head were performed by assoc. prof. L. Polovnikov, from 1983 to 1988, the Department was headed by assoc. prof. V. Kucheriavyy.

In 1988, the Department of Silviculture was merged with the Department of Inventory, Forest Management and Geodesy. It was headed by assoc. prof. M. Goroshko. In 1994, the Department of Silviculture was restored as a separate structural unit at the Faculty of Forestry.

Since 1994, the department was headed by prof. H.Krynytskyy, Doctor of Biological Sciences. In 2015-2016  the duties of the Head of the Department were performed by assoc. prof.  V.Pavliuk, and in 2017 the chair was held by prof. PhD. V. Lavnyy. Since 2018, the Department has been headed by prof. H. Krynytskyy.

At the Department began their research activity and grew as scientists and educators: academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine M. Golubets, the doctors of science, professors S.Shevchenko, Ye.Hensiruk, G. Tyshkevych, Ya.Saban, V.Myakushko, M.Kalinin, K.Tatarynov, A.Shvydenko,  Z.Gerushynsky, V.Bondarenko, R.Gut, the associate professors, PhD, V.Peshko, O. Buteyko,  R.Zarubenko, V.Myronovych,  L.Stasevych,  I.Terelia, and others.

  1. Hryhoriy Krynytskyy, Prof., Dr. Sc. (Doctor of Biological Sciences).
  2. Vasyl Lavnyy, Prof., Dr. Sc. ( Agricultural Sciences).
  3. Serhiy Kopiy, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  4. Vasyl Pavliuk, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  5. Vasyl Mazepa, Prof., Dr. Sc. ( Agricultural Sciences).
  6. Anatolii Novak, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  7. Liubov Kondratiuk, Assistant Lecturer
  8. 8.Oksana Mykhailiv, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  9. Yuriy Zvarych, Assistant
  10. Volodymyr Zaika, Prof., Dr. Sc. ( Agricultural Sciences).
  11. Ivan Delehan, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  12. Ivan V. Delehan, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  13. Volodymyr Kramarets, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  14. Iryna Вazyuk-Dubey, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  15. Vasyl Khodzinskyi, Assistant
  16. Iryna Matsiakh, Ph.D., Assistant Lecturer
  17. Pavlo Khoyetskyy, Prof., Dr. Sc. ( Agricultural Sciences).
  18. Elvira Rizun, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  19. Olha Palamarenko, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer.
  20. Nataliya Pavlyuk, Ph.D., Assistant Lecturer.

The Department of Silviculture is the basic graduating department in the specialties Forestry and Hunting Management, trains specialists of educational and qualification levels of bachelor's and master's degrees. The structure of the department includes four sections: forestry, physiology and biochemistry of woody plants, forest protection, hunting. The Department has postgraduate studies, doctoral studies, the sector of applicants for scientific degrees. There are research laboratories of physiology and biochemistry of woody plants, molecular genetic markers, silviculture, entomology and phytopathology, hunting.

Academic Disciplines

Teaching Staff

Section of silviculture


Regional forestry

Forest policy


Forest ecology

Forest pyrology

Mountain forestry

Recreational forestry

 Prof. DBISc  H.Krynytskyy

Prof. DAgrSc  V. Mazepa

prof. DAgrSc V.Lavnyy Ph.D. V.Pavliuk Ph.D. S.Kopiy Ph.D. O.Mykhailiv

Assist. Ph.D. N.Pavlyuk

Assist.  Yu.Zvarych

Assist.  L.Kondratiuk

Section of physiology and biochemistry of woody plants


Plant physiology



Prof. Dr. Sc. V.Zaika Ph.D.  I.Delehan Ph.D. V.Pavliuk

Assist. L.Kondratiuk


Section of forest protection

Forest phytopathology

Forest entomology



Integrated methods of protection of ornamental plants

Protection of forest plantations Ph.D. V.Kramarets Ph.D.  I.Bazyuk-Dubey  Assist. Phd (biology)  I.Matsyakh

Assist.  V.Khodzinskyy


Section of hunting science


Anatomy and physiology of animals

Conservation  management

Principles of animal husbandry

Hunting tools and techniques

Hunting management

Fur farming and game-birdbreeding

Biology off orest birds and mammals

Standardization andc ertification of hunting products

Management of game animal population

Enclosure of wild even-toedungulates

Innovative technologies in hunting еconomy

Breeding and selection of game animals

Hunting resources of Ukraine and World

Hunting and environmental protection legislation

Hunting commodity science

Zoogeographic and hunting and economic zoning

Immobilization and transportation of animals

Reacclimatization and resettlement of game


Rational use and optimization of hunting grounds

Regional hunting economy of Ukraine

Hunting tourism


Prof., DAgrSc. Pavlo Khoyetskyy Ph.D.  I.V.Delehan PhD. Ye.Rizun

Assoc., Ph.D. I.I.Delegan

Senior Lecturer. Ph.D. O.Palamarenko

Assist.  V.Khodzinskyy.

Educational and scientific level of training of doctors of philosophy is provided by the following disciplines:

  • Protection of forest plantations
  • Close-to-nature forestry
  • Plant growth
  • Variety of forest ecosystem tetrapods

  • «New technologies of plant protection»– prepared in English by P.h.D.. Iryna Matsiah.
  • «Forst politik» – prepared in German by P.h.D., prof .Vasyl Lavnyy
  • «Waldbau» ("Silviculture") – – prepared in German by P.h.D., prof .Vasyl Lavnyy «Forest fires» – prepared in English by assistant lecturer Liubov Kondratyuk  
  • «Ochrona lasów przed pożarami» –  prepared in Polish by P.h.D., Serhiy Kopiy
  •  “Forest ecology”- prepared in English by P.h.D.,  Serhiy Kopiy

In terms of science, the Department supports the introduction in Ukraine of selection system, close-to-nature forestry and the development of a new multifunctional model of forest management by types of forests and forest management, taking into account landscape and basin (watershed) principles, which integrates social, environmental and economic management goals. The model provides for an increase in the forest cover of the territory, an increase in the biotic stability and productivity of the stands, leveling the age structure of the forests, a clarification of the age of main felling in accordance with the principles of managing by the target programs, the efficient use of stands excluded from the final cutting, an increase in the volume of timber harvesting while preserving the protective functions of forests, rational use of wood.

Taking into account the scientific achievements, the main lines and priorities of the research activities of the Department are defined:

  • methods and technologies for conversion of even-aged stands into mixed all-aged stands with a complex spatial structure based on natural regeneration in order to switch from a clear-cutting system of forest management to selection system, close to nature;
  • forest-physiological and genetic-breeding basis for the cultivation of highly productive, biotically resistant stands;
  • genetic potential of populations of major forest-forming species of Ukraine, its conservation and rational use;
  • pathological processes in Ukraine’s forests and development of regional forest-protection systems;
  • rational reproduction and use of resources of the hunting game fauna.

       In order to conduct research according to the defined areas, the Department set up a number of research-and-production permanent areas in the state forestry enterprises of Lviv and Ternopol regional forestry and hunting departments.

To train highly qualified forestry specialists, organize large-scale scientific and production experiments and deepen scientific research, the Department of Silviculture closely cooperates with the institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, sectoral research institutes of the State Forestry Committee of Ukraine and state forestry enterprises. The scientists of the Department also maintain creative relations with scientists from Poland, Slovakia, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, England, France, Belarus, Moldova, Romania and several other countries.

In the future, it is planned to expand stationary forest-physiological and genetic-breeding studies of highly productive, biotically resistant forest phytocoenoses on the basis of close-to-nature forestry, intensification of work on theoretical analysis and generalization of the obtained research results concerning the formation and functioning of forest phytocoenoses, updating the material and technical base of research on woody plants.

  1. Biocoenotic principles and molecular-genetic mechanisms of cultivation of biologically stable highly productive forests (2015-2017).


State Registration No.: 0115U002314. Fundamental work. Research supervisor – H.T. Krynytskyy , prof.  DBISc

Research results. Data on the distribution of mottled butt rot and some bacteriosis in pine stands. Data on defensin gene polymorphism in the genomes of trees with different resistance to pathogens of forest infections. Conclusion about the prospects of using defensins as genetic markers for the assessment and selection of genotypes of Scots pine which are resistant to biotic stress. Biocoenotic concept of introduction of close-to-nature forestry on molecular genetic basis.

  1. Forestry-technological basis for the formation of mixed all-aged stands of the Carpathian region based on natural regeneration (2019-2010).

State registration No.: 0119U002106. Applied work. Research supervisor – H.T.Krynytskyy, prof. DBISc.

Research results. Analytical materials about the condition, growth and development of young generation of the forest, its species composition and uneven age in research-and-production permanent areas. List of science-based forestry and technological activities for the formation of mixed all-aged stands.

  1. International project (expertise) under the Regional programs “European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) East Countries Forest Law Enforcement and Governance II Program” and “ENPI East Countries FLEG II. Theme of work:

Assessment of Forest Pests and Diseases in Native Boxwood Forests of Georgia" (July 2015 - February 2016). Research supervisor:   I.P.Matsakh , Ph.D.( Biology)


Species composition of pathogens and insect phytophagus that influence the condition of natural populations of Kolkhid boxwood. Proposals have been submitted to counteract the invasive species Cydalimaperspectalis and Calonectriapseudonaviculata.

  1. Assessment of the condition and development of measures for the conservation and regeneration of the forest stands of the reserve in accordance with the requirements of the provisions on the Project for the arrangement of the territory of the PA Medobory and the protection of its natural complexes (2015-2016). Research supervisor: V.O. Kramarets, associate professor, PhD in Agr. Sci.


The condition of forests after thinning treatments is investigated. The factors affecting the functioning of forests under conditions of the conservation regime are characterized. Measures are proposed regarding the possible impact on secondary stands with the aim of forming oak forests indigenous to the region.

  1. Development of projects for creation of objects of the nature reserve fund: forest reserves of local importance Solotvina, Zarychia, Razgirche, Rudno (2019). Research supervisor : V.O. Kramarets, associate professor, PhD in Agr.Sci.

The feasibility of creating four local reserves in Lviv region is substantiated.

  1. Development of proposals for improving the functioning the hunting industry in Ukraine in accordance with the principles of sustainable management of natural resources (under the FLEG II International Program "Enforcement and Management in the Forest Sector of the Countries of the Eastern Region of the European Neighborhood and Partnership Institute - 2", joint project with the scientists of Azerbaijan , Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Russia). - 2015-2016 .

Research supervisor: P.B. Khoyetskyy, professor, DAgrSc.

Research results. The state of game management in the Carpathian region is analyzed. Recommendations have been prepared on optimizing the age and gender structure of populations of game ungulates (red deer, wild pig, European roe deer) and their rational use.

  1. International Research Project Increasing the Adaptive Capacity of Forests in Western Ukraine, Northwestern Russia and Southwestern Germany to Changes in Environmental Conditions and Public Needs (SURGE), funded by the Volkswagen Foundation (Germany) for the period May 1, 2016. - June 30, 2018. Research supervisor: V. Lavnyy , professor. DAgrSc.

Research results. In Germany (district of Freiburg), Russia (district of St. Petersburg) and Ukraine (district of Lviv), forest areas were studied, where felling of conversion of even-aged stands into mixed all-aged ones with a horizontally and vertically closed structure were conducted on the basis of natural renewal, the results of felling were analyzed with the aim of introducing selection system of close-to-nature forest management in forestry enterprises.

Last modified on Thursday, 16 January 2020 10:05

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