Department of Chemistry



Mykhailo Fedyna, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.

Tel: +38 (032) 258 42 84

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79057, Lviv, Gen.Chuprynky St. 105, rooms 901-915

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  +38 (032) 258 42 84



Head of the Department,
Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
Mykhailo Fedyna

The Department of Chemistry was established in 1949. The created department was headed by Assoc. Prof. Vinokurov D.M. Since 1963, the department was headed by Assoc. Prof. Khaikina M.B., since 1973 - by Assoc. Prof. Watamanyuk N.M., and since 1984 by 1996 - by Assoc. Prof. Gupalo O.P. In 1975, the research laboratory for the synthesis of organic substances began work, in which the development and improvement of methods for obtaining important organic compounds were carried out. In particular, here the synthesis of an important analytical reagent, bathophenanthroline, was improved, and also started its production, for the first time in the USSR.

Since 1980, the department became part of the Faculty of Technology. Assoc. Prof. Ezikova L.M., Melnik E.V., Fedorova L.K., Teodorovich R.E., ass. Zemlyansky I.I., Kultan B.I., Kurendash E.M., Romanyuk N.V., Semotyuk O.M. worked at the department in different years.

Since 1994, the staff of the department has been working on the creation of new materials and the study of their physical properties (Prof. Olijnyk V.V., Assoc. Prof. Sichevich O.M., Assoc. Prof. Fedyna M.F.). Assoc. Prof. Sichevich O.M. and Demchyna R.O. conduct research on the structures and properties of intermetallic compounds together with scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Germany. Since 2002, the Department worked on the grant - "Synthesis and Construction of New Materials for Ecological Catalysts and Sensors" (supervisor Prof. V. Olijnyk), which was financed from the State budget.

Since 1998, staff of the department have developed and adopted into the learning process new professionally oriented disciplines ("Organic chemistry and macromolecular compounds", "Wood chemistry", "Analytical chemistry and instrumental methods of analysis", "Physical chemistry", "General chemical technology", “Surface phenomena and dispersed systems”), which deepen the basic course of chemistry.

Since 2006, the Department is headed by Assoc. Prof. Tushnitsky O.P., and since 2015 – by Assoc. Prof. Fedyna M.F.

The staff of the department participated in the opening of new specialties "Chemical processing of wood and plant materials" and "Technologies for environmental protection."

The department has five training laboratories (general, analytical, physical and colloidal, organic chemistry and chemistry of wood and polymers), which are equipped with the necessary laboratory glassware, reagents and devices. In the Department also operates the laboratory of "wood chemistry", which is equipped to study bioprotection and fire protection of wood.

  1. Oksana Myakush, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  2. Roman Demchyna, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  3. Natalia Pandiak, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  4. Gregory Noshchenko, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  5. Natalya Salivon, Ph.D., Senior Lect.

Bachelor Programs:

· Ecology

Mandatory courses:

· Chemistry and Biochemistry Basics

Elective courses:

· Analytical Chemistry

Elective courses:

· Surface phenomena and dispersion systems

· Machinery and equipment for forestry

Mandatory courses:

· Chemistry

· Industrial engineering

Mandatory courses:

· Chemistry

· Machinery and equipment for forestry

Mandatory courses:

· Chemistry

· Engineering, machinery for woodworking industry

Mandatory courses:

· Chemistry

· Technology of wood composite and wood modification

Mandatory courses:

· General and Inorganic Chemistry

· Organic Chemistry and macromolecular compounds

Elective courses:

· Analytical Chemistry

· Colloid Chemistry

· General Chemical Technology

· Wood Chemistry

· Wood and Furniture Technology

         Mandatory courses:

· Chemistry (General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry)

Elective courses:

· Wood Chemistry

· Chemistry of macromolecular compounds

· Computerized design and production technologies

         Mandatory courses:

· Chemistry (General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry)

Elective courses:

· Chemistry of macromolecular compounds

· Innovative startups of woodworking and furniture industries

         Mandatory courses:

· Chemistry (General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry)

· Environmental protection technologies

         Mandatory courses:

· Chemistry (General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry)

Elective courses:

· General Chemical Technology

· Colloid-chemical methods of purification of gases and liquids

· Methods of qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis of the state of the environment

· Biogeochemistry fundamentals

· Forestry

Mandatory courses:

· Chemistry

· Hunting

Mandatory courses:

· Chemistry

· Park and Garden Management

Mandatory courses:

· Chemistry

Master programs:

· Technology of wood composite and wood modification

Mandatory courses:

· Physical Chemistry

· Instrumental methods of wood research

Elective courses:

· Nanotechnology

· Nanomaterials

· Woodworking technology

Elective courses:

· Wood Science

1. Preparation of new composit material basis on intermetalics and investigation of their crystal structure and properties (head of department, Assoc.Prof. Ph.D М.F. Fedyna, Assoc.Prof. Ph.D O.R. Myakush and R.О. Demchyna).

In order to discover new functional materials, such as thermoelectrics, the investigation of peculiarities of crystal structures of ternary gallides, aluminides, germanides, silicides, phoshides, arsenides and antimonides, the relationship of their crystal structures and composinion, and properties is perfomed in cooperation with MPI CPFS (Dresden) and  IFNUL (Lviv).

2. Syntheses and investigation of s- and p-complexes of copper or silver with organic ligandes (Assoc.Prof. Ph.D G.V. Noshchenko and senior lecturer Ph.D N.F. Salivon).

The investigation of the complexes of copper (I) halogenides with alkines, or with organic polysulfides is carried out to study the methods of obtaining and to reveal crystal structure peculiarities. These complexes are interesting as substances which can be used as effective catalysts of biochemical reactions as well as technologies process..

3. Electerochemical investigation of organic peroxides (Assoc.Prof. Ph.D N.L. Pandiak).

Peroxide initiators of polymerization processes are investigated voltammetrically. Alkine peroxides have the potential to be used in high-temperature polymer processing. These peroxides are effective structuring agents of polyolefins, curing agents of polyester resins.

4. Investigation of hydrogen absorption properties of intermetalics compounds (Assoc.Prof.  Ph.D. О.R. Myakush).

This research project is carried out in cooperation with scientists of IFNUL (Lviv) of Lviv and Physico-Mechanical Institute of NAS of Ukraine. The aim of this investigation is to clarify the phase equilibria in ternary systems of Zr and RE metals with the 3d-elements, crystal structures, magnetic and hydrogen sorptions properties of ternary compounds and solid solutions.

5. Methods of impregnation of wood and protection from aggressive media (Assoc.Prof. Ph.D R.О. Demchyna and G.V. Noshtchenko).

Syntheses of the new flame retardants and the investigation of the methods of their applying, the terms and regimes of impregnation of the wood, and the study of their biocidic properties is performed for the amidoboratophosphates of carbamide.

  1. A. Fedorchuk, M. Fedyna, I. Kityk, The nearest coordination environment of atoms in the structures of inorganic compounds: Monography. – Chernivtsi: Rodovid Publishing House, 2013. – 198 p. (in Ukrainian).

Last modified on Thursday, 26 December 2019 11:05

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