Department of Ecology



Leonid Kopiy, D. Sc, Prof.
Tel: +38(032) 238 81 94
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79057, Lviv, Gen.Chuprynky St. 134

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Head of the Department,
Leonid Kopiy, D. Sc, Prof.

The history of the Department of Ecology begins in 1989, when the Department of Ecology, Landscape Architecture and Gardening was established  on the basis of the Department of Forestry and Landscaping at the Ukrainian State Forestry University.

It became one of the first departments of such profile in Ukraine to begin training environmental specialists.   In 1992 the first student enrollment on specialty “Applied Ecology” was completed.

Due to the successful implementation of the international project “ENARECO” at the National Forestry University of Ukraine and pursuant to the Resolution (No. 565-IV from February 20, 2003) of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the establishment of the National Center for Ecologists-Economists Training the Institute of Ecological Economics was established in 2004. The newly created Department of Ecology after division of the Department of Ecology, Landscape Architecture and Landscape Architecture as an independent structure was included to the Institute, renamed in 2013 as the Institute of Ecological Economics and Management.

The Department trains environmental experts in line with global trends in education, the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005–2014), which emphasizes the urgent need for skilled professionals with knowledge of environmental issues and the balanced use of natural resources.

  1. Leonid Kopiy, D. Sc, Prof.
  2. Ihor Kulchytskyi-Zhyhailo, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
  3. Maria Kopiy, Ph.D, Assistant
  4. Mykhailo Paslavskyi, Leading Engineer.
  5. Mykola Chernyavskyi Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
  6. Nelya Lukyanchuk, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
  7. Oksana Duban, Senior Laboratory Assistant
  8. Oksana Oshurkevych-Pankivska, Ph.D., Lecturer
  9. Svitlana Melnichuk, Lecturer
  10. Ulyana Bashutska, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
  11. Victorija Oliferchuk, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
  12. Yuriy Pankivskyi, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.

Bachelor Programs:

Ecology (Bachelor of Ecology)

Graduates of the study program «Ecology» will attain to competence for the solution complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of ecology, environmental protection and sustainable  use of natural resources, which involves the application of basic theories and methods of environmental sciences

Mandatory courses:

History of Ukraine


Ukrainian Language for professional purposes

History of Ukrainian Culture

Foreign Language

Physical Education

Higher Mathematics


Chemistry with Basic Biochemistry


Informatics and Systemology

Geology with Basic Geomorphology

Meteorology and Climatology


Soil Science

Methods and Tools for Measuring Environmental Parameters

General Ecology

Environmental Monitoring

Environmental Impact Assessment

Landscape Ecology

Human Ecology

Technical Ecology

Basics of Labor Safety

Environmental Inspection

Protected Areas

Ecology of Urban Systems

Rating of Anthropogenic Impact on the Environment

Forest Ecology



Systems of Water Use

Geochemistry of Technogenesis

Biometry and Mathematical Statistics in Ecology


Foreign Language for professional purposes

Economic Theory



Foreign Language for professional purposes

Environmental Legislation and Environmental Law

Personality Culture

Foreign Language for professional purposes


Religious Studies


Analytical Chemistry

Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre


Organization of Management in Environmental Activities

Environmental Economics

Construction Ecology

Municipal Economy



Environmental technologies and Equipment


Environmental Safety


Plant Physiology

Recreational Resources

Bioregulation of Microbial Plant Systems

Ecology of Transport


Plant Protection

Bioregulation of ecosystems

Basics of Land Use Economics

Economy and Ecology of Tourism and Recreation

Ecological and Economic Accounting

Modelling and Prediction of Environment State

Geographic Information Systems

Aerospace Methods in Ecology

Sustainable Development

Master programs:

Ecology (Master of Ecology)

Graduates of the study program «Ecology» will attain to competence for the solution complex problems in the field of ecology, environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources at  professional activity or in the process of learning, which involves carrying out research and / or innovations characterized by complexity and uncertain conditions


Mandatory courses:

Civil Defense

Pedagogy and Psychology

Standardization and Certifying in Ecology

Systematic analysis of environmental quality

Scientific Researches Methodology and Organization

Close to Nature Forestry

Bioenergy Resources and Renewable Energy Sources

Elective courses:

Ecosystem Geophysics

Intellectual Property

Sustainable Development Strategy

Ecological Management and Audit

Integrated Ecological-Economic Accounting

Environmental Accounting and Reporting

Reforestation and Afforestation

Natural Recourses Cadaster

Teaching Methods in Higher School

Business Foreign Language

Surface Phenomena and Dispersion Systems

Ecotoxicology and Ecotrophology

Soil Microbiology

Forestry Ecological Politics

Specialization “Ecology”:

Hydrological Protective Role of Forest

Strategic Environmental Assessment

Waste Management and Treatment

Integrated Solid Waste Management

Forest Melioration of Wasted Territories


Specialization “Nature Conservation”:

Theory and Practice of Nature Conservation

Management of protected areas

Protection and Conservation of Wildlife

Environmental Monitoring in the Objects of the Nature Reserve Fund

Protection and Conservation of Flora

Reservoirs and Drains in the Objects of the Nature Reserve Fund

  • Integrated Solid Waste Management

  • Forest Hydrology;
  • Watershed Management;
  • Landscape Management;
  • Phytomelioration of Devastated Landscapes;
  • Rational Forest Management;
  • Carbon Deposition;
  • Ecological principles of soil restoration using the principles of regenerative land use and restoration of triple symbiosis in soil: fungus-bacterium-plant;
  • Study of the principles of survival of mankind in the conditions of ecological crisis;
  • Urban ecology and phytomelioration;
  • Strategic Environmental Assessment;
  • Environmental Impact Assessment;
  • Environmental Monitoring.

Research projects:

HA 08.07-05-18 “Peculiarities of reproduction of indigenous oak-pine stands in areas affected by amber mining”

2019 Wilderness without Borders: Protecting ohne of Europe’s largest natural landscapes, Polesia ((The Endangered Landscapes Programme, ELP: UK, Deutschland, Belarus, Ukraine)

2019 – Participation in the program Erasmus + "Staff Mobility for Training" at the university for Sustainable Development in Eberswalde (Brandenburg, Germany)

2019 creation of the Сenter for the Сollective Use of Scientific Equipment "Laboratory of Biotechnology and Environmental Monitoring of Soil Ecosystems"

2017 – Short term lecturing at the University of Applied Forest Sciences Rottenburg (Baden-Württemberg, Germany)

2016-2017 Improving the regulatory framework for forest management practices in protected areas of Natural Reserve Fund of Ukraine and relative international experience (international Project, The World Bank, IUCN, WWF)

2014-2015 Preservation of Carpathian virgin forests (Germany, Ukraine)

2014-2015       Virgin forests in the UNESCO World Heritage (international Project).

2012-2013       Support Responsible Forest Management for a Sustanainable Development in the Danube – Carpathian Ecoregion (IKEA phase IV)

2012-1013       Old growth forest end virgin forest and their identification (Ukraine-Romania).

2011-2014       Continuous training foresters to better forest management (Ukraine- Slovac)

2011-2013       The classification of types of habitats in Ukraine (international Project)

2010-2012       International Project “Improving law enforcement and governance in the forest sector in member countries of the European Neighbourhood Policy and Russia” (ENPI-FLEG).

2010 -2011      Biomass in Ukraine (international Project EBRD).

HA 08.07-08-10 Estimation of hydrological functions of forest ecosystems in SE "Velikobychkivske LG" and ways to increase them by creating small hydrotechnical objects

HA 19 To develop differentiated measures for forestry management according to landscape-watershed and forest-typological principles taking into account the functional purpose of forests of the Ukrainian Carpathians

2008-2015       Recasting derivatives spruce forests in structured mixed forests in Carpathians (CBR) (Switzerland – Ukraine).

2007–2010       Virgin forestry in Ukraine and USA.

2006-2010       Closing stationary demonstration test plots and monitoring the cutting overhaul stands in major forest types of the Ukrainian Carpathians under the Swiss-Ukrainian Forest Development Project in Transcarpathia FORZA.

2006-2008 Concept of integrated biomass in the Transcarpathian region (Ukraine- Slovac- Hungary).

2006-2008       The concept of comprehensive use of biomass in our region (Ukraine, Slovakia, Hungary)

2006 – 2008     Swiss-Ukrainian project "Recasting derivatives spruce forests in the mixed structured forests" with CBR, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL).

2005-2009       Ukrainian-Swiss Project „Virgin forest research as basis for the conservation and sustainable utilisation of forest ecosystems of Carpathians» to order the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) in the framework of the SCOPES.

1998-2004       Transformation processes in a river basin Dnister”  (Deutschland, Ucraine under an aegis UNESCO).

  1. Kopiy M., Gonchar V., Kopiy S., Klymenko O., Kopiy L., Krupskiy V. Phytomeliorative role of vegetation in restoration of devastated lands within the limits of sulfur quarries of the Western Forest-Steppe; Monography. - Rivne: NUWEE, 2019. – 290 p. (in Ukrainian)
  2. Melnichuk S.P. Building Physics and Climatology. Educational-methodical handbook for 2nd-year students of specialization “Landscape Architecture”. ‑ Lviv: UNFU, 2018. ‑ 169 p. (in Ukrainian)
  3. Melnichuk S.P. Meteorology and Climatology. Educational-methodical handbook for students of specialty “Landscape Gardening”. ‑ Lviv: UNFU, 2018. ‑ 148 p. (in Ukrainian)
  4. Kopy L.I., Melnichuk S.P. Landscape ecology. Educational-methodical handbook for self-instructional study of discipline by students of specialty "Ecology". ‑ Lviv: UNFU, 2013. ‑ 155 p. (in Ukrainian)
  5. Melnichuk S.P., Melnichuk Ya.V. Landscape Studies. Educational-methodical handbook for self-instructional study of discipline by students-masters of specialty “Architecture: Urban Planning”. ‑ Lviv: UNFU, 2013. ‑ 107 p. (in Ukrainian)
  6. Bashutska U. Succession of vegetation on coal-mine dumps in the Chervonograd industrial-mining region. ‑ Lviv: UNFU, 2006. – 180 p. (in Ukrainian)
  7. Harhalis B.I., Pankivskyi Yu.I. Systems of Water Use. Educational handbook. ‑ Lviv: UNFU, 2013. ‑ 217 p. (in Ukrainian)
  8. Oliferchuk V.P. Human Ecology. Educational handbook. ‑ Lviv: UNFU, 2012. –132 p. (in Ukrainian)
  9. Oliferchuk V.P. Bioindication. . Educational handbook. ‑ Lviv: UNFU, 2015. ‑ 79 p. (in Ukrainian)
  10. Prusak V.F., Lukyanchuk N.G. Ecological design. Educational for the preparation of masters in the specialty “022 Design” (second edition, supplemented). ‑ Lviv: UNFU Press., 2019. ‑ 225 p. (in Ukrainian)
  11. Apostolyuk V.A., Dzhygyrey V.S., Sokolovsky I.A., Somar H.V., Lukyanchuk N.G. Industrial ecology. Educational handbook.‑ K.: Znannya, 2012. ‑ 430 p. (in Ukrainian)
  12. Lukyanchuk N.G. Compendium of lectures of the academic discipline "Geophysics of ecosystems" for training students on specialty “101 Ecology” of Master's educational qualification level. ‑ Lviv: UNFU, 2015. ‑ 212 p. (in Ukrainian)
  13. Kulchytskyi-Zhyhailo I.Ye. Forest hydrology. Tutorial – Lviv: UNFU, 2008. – 283 p. . (in Ukrainian)
  14. Kulchytskyi-Zhyhailo I.Ye., Bogolyubov V.M., Klymenko V.O. et al. Environmental monitoring. Textbook, ed. by V.M. Bogolyubov and T.A. Safranov. – Kherson: Hrin, 2013. – 530 р. (in Ukrainian)
  15. Basic provisions for the management of oaks forests. / Kalinichenko N.P., Kozhevnikov A.M., Murzov A.I., Jerusalemsky E.L., Fedets I.F., Chernyavskyi M.V. / M .: Gosleskhoz, 1987. – 44 p. (in Ukrainian)
  16. Bondarenko V.D., Delegan I.V., Tatarinov K.A., Cherniavskyi M.V., Tatuk S.D., Lysenko V.I., Rudyshyn M.P. Huntingscience. Tutorial. – Kyiv: RNMK VO, 1992. - 197 p. (in Ukrainian)
  17. Bondarenko V.D., Krynitsky G.T., Kramarets V.A., Muzyka M.Ya., Popadinets I.M., Oliyar G.I., Kapelyuk Y.I., Khoietsky P.B., Cherniavskyi M.V. Strategy and tactics of nature conservation activity of the forest reserve (on the example of the Medobory Nature Reserve). - Lviv: Spolom, 2006. - 408 p. (in Ukrainian)
  18. Klimuk Y.V, Miskevich V.D., Yakushenko D.M., Cherney I.I., Budzhak V.V., Niporko S.O., Shpilchak M.B., Cherniavskyi M.V., Tokariuk A.I., Olexiv T.M., Timchuk Ya., Solomakha V.A., Solomakha T.D., Major R.V. Gorgany Nature Reserve. Plant life. - Protected areas of Ukraine. Plant life. No. 6.- Kyiv: Phytosociocenter, 2006. - 400 p. (in Ukrainian)
  19. Close to nature forestry in Ukrainian Carpathians. M. Cherniavskyi, R. Schwitter, R. Kovalyshyn and others.; Ed. by M. Cherniavskyi. - L.: Pyramida, 2006. - 88 p. (in Ukrainian)
  20. Cherniavsʹkyi M.V., Shpilʹchak M.B. Nature Reserve «Gorhany». – Ivano-Frankivsʹk: Foliant, 2007. – 32 p. (in Ukrainian)
  21. Cherniavskyi M.V., Shpilchak M.B. Nature Reserve «Gorhany». – Ivano-Frankivsk: Foliant, 2009. – 64 p. (in Ukrainian)
  22. Delegan I.V., Cherniavskyi M.V., Fennych V.S. Prospects for hunting development in Transcarpathia (Practical recommendations for the development of hunting in the introduction of multifunctional and close to nature forestry). - Ivano-Frankivsk: Foliant, 2007. - 158 p. (in Ukrainian)
  23. Bedya O.I., Grishchenko V.S., Kazakov A.M., Rodina V.I., Cherniavskyi M.V., Chopak V.Yu. The concept of integrated use of biomass in Transcarpathia. - Uzhgorod, 2008.- 204 p. (in Ukrainian)
  24. Kiyko Orest, Yakuba Myroslava, Voytovych Ivan, Chaskovskyy Oleg, Maksymiv Volodymyr, Myklush Stepan, Schulte Andreas, Kies Uwe, Klein Dajana, Hilmar Foellmi, Loyko Lesia, Shchoka Iryna, Ustych Radmila, Derbal Yuriy, Chernyavskyy Mykola, Kulyk Nataliya, Voloshyna Nataliya. Cluster analysis of the forest and wood based industries of the Carpathian region of Ukraine and recommendations for cluster management. ‑ Lviv, 2008. ‑ 32 p. (in Ukrainian)
  25. Prots B., Kagalo O., Mocharska L., Danylyk I., Zyura N., Resler I., Cherniavskyi M. Bern Convention and the Settlement Concept of Biodiversity Conservation: The Future for Ukraine. - Lviv ZUCC, 2011. - 28 p. (in Ukrainian)
  26. Advisor to the Carpathian Forester./ ed. by M.V. Cherniavskyi. ‑ Ivano-Frankivsk: Foliant, 2008. ‑ 368 p. (in Ukrainian)
  27. Transformation processes in the Western Ukraine. Concept for a sustainable land use. /ed. M.Roth. Weissensee: Oekologie, 2008. ‑ 370 p.
  28. Environmental, economic and social problems caused by inefficient and unsustainable forestry and illegal logging in Ukraine. / ed. by M.V. Cherniavskyi. ‑ Lviv: Green Cross Society, League Press. - 2011. - 396 p. (in Ukrainian)
  29. Problems of access of local population to forest resources and illegal logging in the forests of the Carpathians and Western Polesie. /Ed. M.V. Cherniavskyi, I.P. Solovij, Ya.V. Genyk. ‑ Lviv: Green Cross, League Press. - 2011. - 256 p. (in Ukrainian)
  30. Los Svitlana A., Dutka Mykhajl M., Polakova Ludmila V., Chernyavskyy Mykola V., Sapiton Oleksiy A. The state of forest genetic resources in Ukraine (the materials prepared at request of FAO for drawing up The Report on the State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources). ‑ Kharkiv, 2012. – 95 p. (in Ukrainian)
  31. A guide to identifying and managing particularly valuable forests for conservation and management in the trans-boundary region of Marmaroshchyna (Romania-Ukraine). Vlad R., Prots B., Bukur K., Bondaruk G., Kagalo O., Boroika I., Hiss T., Moisha K., Bashta A.-T., Yamelinets T., Bogdan K., Shparik Y. , Cherniavskyi M., Longin I., Beresh J., Beresh M., Rizun V., Kish R.] / - Baia Mare, Romania, 2014.- 65 p. (in Ukrainian)
  32. Forestry complex: ecological aspects. Ozarkiv I.M., Adamovsky M.G., Maksymiv V.M., Sokolovsky I.A., Kuninets E.P., Kopiy L.I., Cherniavskyi M.V., Tunytsia T.Y., Derekh O.I., Terela I.P. - Lviv: ZUKTS, 2014. - 264 p. (in Ukrainian)
  33. Close to nature and multifunctional forestry management in the Carpathian region of Ukraine and Slovakia: scientific edition / G.T. Krynitsky [et al.]; Edited by: G.T. Krynitsky, M.V. Cherniavskyi. - Uzhgorod: PP "Kolo", 2014. - 280 p. (in Ukrainian)
  34. Criteria and methodology for the identification of old growth forests and primeval forests / Y.Sparik, M.Cherniavskyi, O.Kagalo, G.Bondaruk, M.Ponepolyak, Y.Forgil, Y.Zelenchuk, R.Volosianchuk, B.Prots - Lviv: Liga Press, 2015. - 32 p. (in Ukrainian)
  35. Methodological recommendations on the regime of conservation of forest ecosystems in the territories of the nature reserve fund of Ukraine of different categories // Regional program "ENPI East FLEG II" (Enforcement and management in the forest sector of the countries of the eastern region of the European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument) ./ О. Kagalo, M. Cherniavskyi, L. Protsenko, O. Andreeva// - Lviv, 2016 - 133 p. (in Ukrainian)
  36. Criteria and methodology for the identification of primeval forests and old growth forests (quasi-primeval forests). Second edition, supplemented. Yu.Shparik, M.Cherniavskyi, O.Kagalo, G.Bondaruk, V.Savchin, M.Ponepolyak, Y.Forgil, Y.Zelenchuk, R.Volosyanchuk, B.Prots. - Lviv: Liga-Press, 2017 - 36 p. (in Ukrainian)
  37.   Lviv region: natural conditions and resources: monograph / ed. Dr. Geogr. of sciences, prof. M.M. Nazaruk. - Lviv: The Old Lev Publishing House, 2018. - 592 p. (in Ukrainian)

Last modified on Thursday, 16 January 2020 09:29

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