Creating forests together!

01LisIn the extremely difficult times that humanity is experiencing during a pandemic, live communication is gaining special importance. Therefore, the initiative from the NGO "Association of Woodworkers and Loggers of Lviv Region" received warm approval from students of Educational and Scientific Institute of Woodworking Technologies, Computer Science and Design of UNFU. On October 20, 2021, the company met on the territory of Rava-Ruska Forestry to do a good action – to start the life of the forest, thus supporting the all-Ukrainian environmental campaign "Creating forests together" under the auspices of the President of Ukraine. The Green Country program provides for the planting of 1 billion trees in 3 years and an increase in forest area by 1 million hectares in 10 years.

Several thousand oak saplings were planted. In 60 years, 1 hectare of such forest will emit 180-200 kg of oxygen (one tree usually produces 100-200 kg of oxygen per year – this is enough for human respiration throughout the year) and will absorb 120-280 kg of carbon dioxide from the air (also, only one tree is able to absorb as much carbon dioxide per year as the car produces during the run of 30-40 thousand km).

Students had the opportunity not only to start the process of turning fragile shoots into stout oaks and talk to teachers, but also to learn the most interesting news from potential employers, because the event was attended by woodworkers, foresters, representatives of the Lviv Regional State Administration, Ukrainian Energy LLC and LLC "TD Galkontrakt ". Preservation of the forest fund and reform of the forest industry requires a set of well-thought-out measures at all levels, so at the end of September the 3rd Timber Forum was held in Kyiv, as a result of which woodworkers and loggers sent a resolution to the Prime Minister of Ukraine. In it, entrepreneurs and industry scientists stressed that they are against lifting the moratorium on timber exports without a proper legal framework. The woodworking community believes that for the normal regulation of the market and the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the timber industry, the state must take into account the interests of direct market participants and develop optimal operating conditions.

This story encourages us to join in preserving the ecological balance of our country and the world in general. Anyone can join the action at the link

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