Association of Alumni of UNFU

On December 22, 2021, the first working meeting of the initiative group for the establishment of the Alumni Association of the Ukrainian National Forestry University took place. The event was attended by representatives of the university administration, four educational and research institutes and other departments of the university. The participants of the meeting shared ideas and proposals on the activities of the future organization, as well as began the preparation of constituent documents.

The idea of ​​creating the Association has long matured in our university. Finally, we feel the arrival of a good moment to unite the society of colleagues, friends and students, those who consider it an honor to call UNFU their alma mater and are ready to work together to preserve 150 years of educational traditions and mutually beneficial cooperation.

We welcome the staff and graduates of the University to submit their ideas and suggestions on the activities of the Association of Alumni of the Ukrainian National Forestry University.

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