Ukrainian National Forestry University Administration Council.

28february2022On February 28, 2022, a University Administration Council took place.

Issues related to the functioning of the university under the conditions of martial law in the country were considered.

Based on the results of consideration of the agenda of the University Administration Council, the following decisions were made:

Holidays have been announced from February 28 to March 19, 2022 for students who study in all programs, all levels of education and forms of university education, as well as students of preparatory courses, making appropriate changes to the educational schedule and learning process. Directors of the educational and research institutes and heads of structural departments should inform the participants of the educational process remotely about safety instructions and recommendations posted on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine at the link.

A self-defense unit of the university has been formed to strengthen the protection of its facilities and property, as well as to prevent acts of sabotage. The university continues round-the-clock duty of management in accordance with the order of the rector of February 24, 2022 № 45.

Rector of the University, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Volodymyr Zagorskyi offered to help our heroic soldiers financially by transferring the funds raised by the university staff to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Forestry technicians express their sincere gratitude to all foreign colleagues and friends for the letters of support and solidarity sent to the university, in which our friends express their concern and condemn the act of aggression of the Russian Federation. We continue to receive the letters of support.

Last modified on Saturday, 12 March 2022 08:48

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