Appeal to the scientific community and all the people of the Russian Federation!

nowarOn the morning of February 24, 2022, the armed troops of the Russian Federation invaded on the territory of sovereign Ukraine in all directions. Since that time, Ukrainians have been under constant fire from Russian aircraft and missiles in the basements of their homes and bomb shelters around the clock. Peaceful Ukrainian cities and towns are being shelled, hospitals, schools, orphanages, residential areas are treacherously destroyed, women and children are dying.

The Ukrainian people defend their land, freedom and democratic values. This is our state, for which our ancestors fought for centuries, giving their lives, because for us the greatest value is a free, united and independent Ukraine!

Your sons are also dying here, more than 5,000 killed and wounded, hundreds of Russian soldiers are in captivity. You must know the truth! The truth that your political leadership is an aggressor and is killing innocent Ukrainian people, is sending your soldiers to death. The world community has united against the aggression of the Russian Federation, imposing sanctions that isolate you from the entire civilized world.

We call on you to publicly demonstrate your position against war, the destruction of moral principles and norms of international law, flagrant crimes against humanity. Do not be afraid to tell the truth, whatever it may be, to your family, colleagues, friends.

Listen to reason and conscience, put aside fear, go out on the streets, to rallies, protest, do not be silent! Remember that your silence is measured by the death of our and your children!

Chairman of the Council of Rectors of the Lviv region,

Rector of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic", Professor Yuriy Bobalo

Last modified on Saturday, 12 March 2022 08:48

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