The UNFU Academic Council

On April 1, 2022, a meeting of the Academic Council of the University took place.

The Rector of the University, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Volodymyr ZAGORSKY reported on the activities of the University during the martial law.

The rector of the university thanked the staff for the coordinated work and noted that the university administration has taken all possible measures to ensure the functioning of the university during the legal regime of martial law:

- holidays from February 28 to March 21, 2022 were announced for students, and appropriate changes were made to the schedule of the educational process;

- measures have been taken to ensure the protection of participants in the educational process of employees and property of the university;

- a shelter was prepared for the evacuation of participants in the educational process and university staff;

- established round-the-clock duty of management staff to maintain the functioning of the university in a special period;

- a self-defense unit of the university was formed to strengthen the protection of its objects and property, as well as to prevent acts of sabotage.

Rector of the University, Professor Zagorsky offered to help our heroic soldiers financially – to raise funds from the university staff and transfer them to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Employees of the University and the Technological College collected and sent medicines, food, made money transfers to bank accounts to purchase the necessary military ammunition. A number of staff members have provided assistance to military units in which their colleagues are defending our country from the Russian occupiers. Extremely important work is carried out by the staff of our university in the framework of volunteering activities, which have established the provision of significant humanitarian assistance to foreign partners: Romania; Germany; Switzerland; Poland.

The rector informed that the university had received more than 50 letters of support and solidarity from foreign colleagues and friends, in which they expressed concern and condemned the act of aggression of the Russian Federation.

From March 21 at the university in a tense rhythm the educational process in a remote mode proceeds.

The first vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work, Professor Mykola ADAMOVSKY reported on the organization and conduct of the educational process in the spring semester and the end of the 2021/2022 academic year.

The university gives the opportunity to provide educational services to higher educational students were forced to move from areas of active hostilities.

. An official page has been created on the website of the university, where applicants can apply for consultations and fill in the registration form for the opportunity to study at the university.

Executive Secretary of the Admission Committee, Associate Professor Mykhailo BURDYAK reported on the career guidance work of the university staff and internal academic mobility for higher education students from areas of active hostilities.

Vice-rector for scientific work, Professor Vasyl LAVNY reported on the work for 2021 of specialized scientific councils of the university:

The Academic Council of the University also approved a number of legal documents of the university, and recommended the publication of several manuscripts.

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