Easter greetings from the Rector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University

zahorsky cabinetDear forestry community!

I sincerely congratulate you on the sacred holiday of the Christ’s Resurrection!

Holy Easter is one of the greatest Christian holidays, which symbolizes the spiritual rebirth and victory of life over death, good over evil.

Today, the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including forestry technicians, heroically defend the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of our state in the fight against the Russian aggressor.

In this difficult time of trials that befell us, we must unite to help our Defenders and make our best contribution to the great victory of the Ukrainian people over the invader for the future of Ukraine and the world.

May the Christ’s Resurrection instill and strengthen in our hearts a firm Faith in Victory and the beautiful future of our Motherland!

I wish you and your families God’s blessing, good health, peace of mind and a delicious Easter bread under a peaceful sky.

Christ is Risen!

He is Risen Indeed!


Rector Volodymyr ZAGORSKY

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