"Special Week 2023" at the University of Applied Sciences in Bern (Switzerland)

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On May 8–14, 2023, the Ukrainian National Forestry University, together with the University of Applied Sciences in Bern (Switzerland) and the French School of Wood and Bioresources in Nantes, organized a "Special Week" on the basis of the School of Architecture, Wood, and Civil Engineering in Biel (Switzerland). 15 students from three universities took part in the "Special Week," five from each partner university. Anastasiya Udovytska, Olga Soroka, Anastasia Ivanska, Olga Tsunder, and Sofia Skrypets, under the guidance of Halyna Lesyuk, Head of the Mobility Sector of the International Relations Department, took part in the project. "Special Week" has been organized by partner universities since 2017 at the initiative of Prof. Orest Kiyko, Head of the Department of Furniture and Wood Products Technology, and Oliver Jaanke, manager of INNOVAWOOD, professor of the University of Applied Sciences in Bern.

"Special Week-2023" was devoted to the development of tools for the post-war transformation of three Ukrainian enterprises in the forest sector of Ukraine on the basis of the circular economy: the furniture enterprise "Mebli-style", LLC "Millwood" specializing in sawmill and planing production, and a company with the production of wooden houses "Servus". The event was financed by the University of Applied Sciences of Bern (Switzerland), SWISS KRONO, and Kronospan.

To prepare for the week, two online sessions (180 minutes each) were previously held: "Circular Economy", organized on April 19 by Cécile Cam, a teacher at the French School of Wood and Bioresources in Nantes, and Rachel Meili, a teacher at the University of Applied Sciences in Bern; and "Forestry and Woodworking Sector of Ukraine", organized by employees of UNFU on April 26.

"Special Week-2023" began with the presentations of three Ukrainian companies ("Mebli-style", Millwood," and "Servus") by Halyna Lesyuk and Orest Kiyko. The general manager of Mebli-style, Volodymyr Turchyn, and the general manager of Servus, Andriy Maly, joined the event online and answered questions about the work of their companies and problematic production issues. Afterwards, Cécile Cam, a teacher at the French School of Wood and Bioresources in Nantes, presented the CANVAS business model, on the basis of which students in international groups began to describe the current business model of the company through the prism of key elements (partners, resources, key activities, supply channels, consumers, value proposition, revenue structure, and cost structure). Monday ended with a visit to the local company Syphon AG, which prepares used household appliances and sanitary ware for secondary use (the reuse concept).

Tuesday was dedicated to working with international groups to develop circular economy solutions for Ukrainian enterprises. On Wednesday, the participants visited the parquet company BAUWERK (St. Margreten). After the tour of the production and the presentation of the company, two workshops, "The Future of the Forest Sector" and "Circularity in the Woodworking Sector of Ukraine," were held. Thursday was devoted to work in international groups and a workshop on management of international groups held by Antoine Lebou, manager of the international office of the French School of Wood and Bioresources in Nantes. After that, there was an excursion to the Omega watch museum.

Presentations by student groups were presented on Friday. The students identified the key solutions of the circular economy for "Furniture-style": opening second-life shops, using environmentally friendly raw materials for furniture production and packaging, and designing furniture in such a way that it can be easily transformed. For the Servus company, the students proposed the use of straw as an additional eco-material for the construction of houses, and for the Millwood LLC, which works mainly for export, to focus on local markets to reduce the negative impact of product transportation on the environment.

"I really liked this trip because I gained valuable experience and met new people. Since we have been speaking in English all week, my spoken English has improved a lot. I also learned a lot of new and useful information about the circular economy and the woodworking sector. The time spent with the team and company tours were the most memorable. I am very happy that I am studying at a university that provides such opportunities for students!" Anastasia Udovytska shares her impressions.

Olga Tsunder, who is a participant in the "Special Week" for the 3rd year in a row, notes that the work on the development of circular economy solutions for Ukrainian enterprises was very interesting:

"Our team worked with the data of the Servus company, which is engaged in the creation of houses from SIP panels as well as roof structures. First, we were given the task of researching the company's current business model. We successfully coped with this and found several problems on whose solutions we worked during the week. Our team developed a matrix of solutions for the company, which we divided according to the level of complexity (how much time and effort will be required to implement them) and the level of impact (to what extent this solution will positively affect the environment and the company's work). We also separately presented quick-win solutions that can be implemented in a short period of time. Regarding the financial component, we found state programs that provide loans and grants for the implementation of similar projects (the decision matrix is presented in the photo).

As for the organization of the week, overall impressions are positive. And although the road was quite difficult and the living conditions did not seem too favorable at first, we adapted quite quickly and found our advantages, for example, the fact that we had a great opportunity to get to know students from France better. I can even confidently say that we became friends. Unfortunately, the program of the week was even a little oversaturated. Of course, we gained a lot of new knowledge and skills, but there was no opportunity to spend at least a day walking and talking with each other; this was a little lacking.

At the beginning of the week, we were given the task of describing our expectations for this week in one or two words. I chose Friendship and Experience, and I think those words perfectly describe this year's "Special Week". In general, the impressions are positive, with many new emotions, skills, knowledge, and friends. I would gladly participate again and will definitely recommend this program to other students. Thank you for such a wonderful opportunity!".

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