Students of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, together with students from Germany and Moldova, studied the practice of ecosystem management in Romania.

2023 05 30 19.15.01

Starting in 2016, students of UNFU have the opportunity, together with students of Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (Germany), to participate in educational practice, which traditionally took place in the Ukrainian Carpathians. Students at Eberswalde University study the experience of ecosystem management in transformation countries, usually after the collapse of former communist regimes. However, after the start of a full-scale war in Ukraine, the visit to Romania was organized for the second time.

This year, UNFU students and teachers had a good opportunity to rejoin educational practice within the discipline "Ecosystem Management in Transforming Countries", which was introduced as an optional component of several educational programs at UNFU. The introduction of this discipline was financed by the German-Ukrainian project "Joint teaching and learning for empowerment and resilience of Ukrainian academia". German partners will be happy to support the decision of the guarantors of the educational programs of UNFU regarding the inclusion of this discipline in the curricula and the expansion of the circle of motivated students who can participate in the expansion of international cooperation at UNFU.

This year, in addition to Ukrainian students and students of the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, students and teachers of the State University of Moldova participated in the study of the specifics of ecosystem management in Romania. The event was partially financed by the project of the German academic exchange agency DAAD "Biosphere Forests and Rivers: Building Support Systems and Connections for Conflict Transformation" within the "Dialogue between East and West" program. The educational trip for the Ukrainian participants began with a visit to the Fagaras and Piatra Craiului mountain ranges together with representatives of the Carpatia Foundation. General Director Christoph Promberger delivered a lecture and told about the foundation's main areas of work, including environmental protection, restoration of natural resources, increase of biodiversity, cooperation with local communities, and development of ecological tourism. The report sparked a lively discussion. Students' questions were related to international cooperation, sources of funding, communication with representatives of local authorities, and prospects for involving local residents in the work of the foundation.

The first day of the trip ended with an introduction evening, where all participants briefly spoke about their educational program, scientific interests, hobbies, and motivation for participating in educational practice. The next day, hiking to the Poiana Tamas Wilderness Camp was organized; the length of the route was about 15 km. The group of participants was accompanied by experienced guides. The Director of the Department of Nature Conservation, Mihai Zotta, spoke about the specifics of forestry and hunting in the region, legal aspects, and coordination of national legislation with EU regulations in the field of forest use. The purpose of the trip to the mountains was to investigate the peculiarities of the growth of beech and fir stands of natural and artificial origin, to compare different approaches to forest management, and to assess the impact of climate change on natural ecosystems.

Another interesting location in the training practice program was a visit to the Măcin Mountains. The acquaintance began with a visit to the tourist information center, where the tour guide told the students in detail about the history of Măcin Mountains National Park and the cultural and historical features of the region. A 23-km-long hike made it possible to explore the diversity of the rich flora and fauna of the nature reserve, as well as rare species of plants and animals. There was an opportunity to visit the beech forests of the core zone of the park. In the evening, students shared their impressions, communicated, exchanged opinions, and presented the cultural traditions of their country.

The final stage of the excursion included a visit to the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. In the city of Tulcea, the students met with representatives of various stakeholder groups (the administration of the nature conservation area, researchers from scientific institutions, and representatives of the forestry company ROMSILVA). A lively discussion was followed by students about changes in natural ecosystems as a response to the consequences of climate change, the socio-economic development of the region, strategic directions for the development of nature conservation areas, transnational cooperation, and participation in EU grant programs. After that, the tour participants visited poplar plantations on the territory of the ROMSILVA company's operational forests.

In order to explore different aspects of the management of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, the tour participants were divided into three groups: a visit to the forest in Caraorman, an excursion to the city of Sulina, and kayaking through the channels of the Danube River. A team of participants from UNFU visited the tourist information center in the city of Sulina, where they got acquainted with the history of the development of the biosphere reserve, rare species of flora and fauna, restrictions on fishing, and the socio-economic situation in the region. For a better understanding of modern challenges, it was possible to communicate with local residents and interview employees of the tourist center. A joint discussion and exchange of views took place on the shores of the Black Sea.

We express our sincere thanks to Professor Pierre Ibisch, Professor Martin Welp, project manager Angela Dichte, and employees of the Center for Econics and Ecosystem Management and the Institute of Biosphere Reserve of the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development. We hope for further close cooperation and the implementation of joint projects.

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