Industry education: step-by-step approach and cooperation with business

Within the framework of the XXIV International Exhibition "Woodworking" and the IV All-Ukrainian Forest Industry Forum on the initiative of the rector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, member-cor. NAS of Ukraine, prof. Volodymyr Zahorskyi, on June 7, 2023, a working meeting "Industry education: step-by-step approach and cooperation with business" was held.


Representatives of almost twenty specialized pre-higher and professional education institutions met with university management and directors of UNFU educational and scientific institutes in order to consolidate their efforts and coordinate their activities to improve the degree system for training forest specialists.

The participants of the meeting discussed the prospects and priority directions of the development of branch education, regulatory and methodological support for the functioning of educational institutions, state education standards, and also raised the issue of the coherence of educational plans. Since the event took place during the XXIV International Woodworking Exhibition and the IV All-Ukrainian Forest Industry Forum, it was an opportunity to communicate with stakeholders and establish possible cooperation.

The working meeting "Industrial education: step-by-step approach and cooperation with business" took place efficiently and productively. We are grateful for the active participation in the event to the representatives of: Higher Vocational School No. 19 of Drohobych; Ivano-Frankivsk Higher Art Vocational College No. 3; Zhytomyr Technological Vocational College KNUBA; Transcarpathian forestry technical college of NLTU of Ukraine; Kolomyysky VPU No. 14; Kolomyia Polytechnic Vocational College; Kremenets Forestry Technical College; Lutsk VPU of Construction and Architecture; Lviv Higher Professional Polytechnic School; Lviv Higher Professional School of Design and Construction; Lviv Higher Professional Art School; Malyna Vocational College; Prykarpattia Vocational College of Forestry and Tourism; Storozhinetsk Forestry College; Stryi Higher Art Professional School; Technological College of NLTU of Ukraine; Artistic vocational and technical school named after Y. Stanka; Shatsky forestry college named after V. Sulka.

Professional and higher education are not competitors; they should harmoniously complement and strengthen each other. This applies not only to students but also to improving the professional training of teachers. The National Forestry University of Ukraine has every opportunity to become a resource center that could guarantee educational and scientific, personnel, material, technical, theoretical, and methodological support.

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