Fundraising Gala  For the Students of the Ukrainian National Forestry University

clip image001 1Fundraising Gala

for the students of the

Ukrainian National Forestry University Lviv

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

- Nelson Mandela

The Ukrainian National Forestry University, an internationally recognized institute for forestry, environmental engineering, and bioeconomy, educates students who become experts in sustainable resource and energy management, making a significant contribution to the country's reconstruction. Particularly, the university's damaged heating system will have severe consequences for the students and faculty in the upcoming winter. The fundraising gala aims to finance the purchase and installation of much-needed radiators for the Ukrainian University.

Fundraising Gala

 For the Students of the

Ukrainian National Forestry University, Lviv

28th September 2023, 6:00 PM

Cologne Hotel Stadtpalais

Concerto Köln is one of the internationally leading ensembles for Early Music and historical performance practice, which, alongside artistic excellence, is also dedicated to social engagement. The shared commitment to promote peace and international understanding has previously led Concerto Köln to collaborate with the organization Humanitär ohne Grenzen e. V. based in Brühl. Despite the ongoing war and challenging times, we aim to ensure that our support reaches where it is needed most, in a sustainable manner.

Last modified on Wednesday, 06 September 2023 08:13

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