UI GREENMETRIC 2021: UNFU is the best again!

Screenshot 2Traditionally, at the end of the calendar year, the UI Green Metric 2021 rating was published, in which the National Forestry University of Ukraine was recognized as the fourth most environmentally friendly university in Ukraine.

On December 14, 2021, the University of Indonesia (UI) published the results of the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings 2021. The ratings were announced by the online chairman of the UI GreenMetric, Prof.Dr. Riri Fitri Sari.

UI GreenMetric World University Rankings is the world's first university ranking that measures the contribution of each participating university to the development of an "environmentally friendly" university. Compared to the previous year, the number of UI GreenMetric participants has increased significantly and amounts to 956 free economic zones from 80 countries.

The ranking takes into account 6 categories of indicators of the university environment (facilities and infrastructure, energy and climate change, waste management, water, transport and education).

This year, 18 Ukrainian free economic zones took part in the ranking. UNFU, leading in four categories (education, transport, water and waste management), is once again recognized as the most environmentally friendly Ukrainian university. We occupy the 1st position among the free economic zones of Ukraine, 223rd position in the general rating of the Free Economic Zone of the world and 73rd - among the educational institutions of Europe.

The achievements of UNFU community have ensured a worthy position of the university in 5% of the best free educational institutions in the world in terms of environmental education.

In 2021, new indicators were added to the rating indicators that take into account the provision of the university during the coronavirus pandemic.

The project coordinators Juliana Pavlyuk and  Volodymyr Yarkun developed and analyzed a powerful array of information according to the rating criteria, formed an evidence base of UNFU sustainability indicators and entered information into the international electronic expert system UI Green Metric. Professional information support was provided by the Vice-Rector for Research Vasyl Lavnyi, the Vice-Rector for Educational Work and International Relations Mykola Borys, the Head of the Civil Defense Staff Stepan Solovey and the Chief Bookkeeper Anatoliy Burda.

Note that participation in the rankings allows to objectively assess the work of the university and determine its degree of success among other higher education institutions. The results of the UI Green Metric ranking are based on quantitative indicators that allow universities to be ranked so that they can be quickly compared on the basis of sustainability of their infrastructure, economic efficiency, environmental impact, comfort and healthy living, study and work both for students and staff. Participating universities have the opportunity to assess the level of their environmental and natural resource base, as well as the importance of the component of sustainable development in teaching and research.

Last modified on Thursday, 17 March 2022 12:14

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