The UNFU project won the Ukrainian National Research Foundation competition "Science for Security and Sustainable Development of Ukraine"

Screenshot 12On December 7, 2021, the Scientific Council of the Ukrainian National Research Foundation approved the ranking lists of participants in the competition "Science for Security and Sustainable Development of Ukraine". The projects will be implemented in 2022-2024.

The total funding of the competition in 2022 is up to UAH 150 million. The competition commission determined the passing score for the winning projects - 91.7. The winners of the competition were 57 projects.

The project of Ukrainian National Forestry University "Forestry and molecular genetic principles of increasing the biotic stability of pine stands in the context of adaptation to climate change and anthropogenic impact" (the head of research – Valentyna Kovaleva) received 94.3 points and sowed 25 place in the ranking list of 268 projects. Grant support of the state trust fund confirms the high level and relevance of research conducted at our university.

Congratulations to the winners!

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