The ninth day of war in Ukraine

stand with ukraineDear partners of the Ukrainian National Forestry University.

The ninth day of the war. Ukraine is suffering from a Russian military invasion from the territory of Russia and Belarus. Kharkiv, Kherson, Chernihiv, Sumy,  Mariupol and Kyiv were irreparably bombed. Kindergartens, schools, Kharkiv university building, hospitals and residential buildings were destroyed and damaged. 

The Russian military forces have seized the Chernobyl and Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plants. 

More than 2,000 people died, and 1 million left the country.

Here in Lviv civil defense sirens are heard due to air threats. Periodically we are hiding in shelter. All education, research and administrative activities are postponed for two weeks.

Students make military camouflage nets. We fundraise money for the Ukrainian army, volunteer, and try to resist russian propaganda, which calls war a “conflict” or a “special operation”.  We believe that truth, democracy and Ukraine will win.

We ask the international academic community to support Ukraine. 

Appeal to your government to support Ukraine with military, economic and humanitarian assistance. 

Lobby the non-fly zone over Ukraine. 

Сancel and postpone any cooperation with Russian and Belarusian educational and scientific institutions. There is no place for war and propaganda in international education and research area.

If you can - donate. The National Bank of Ukraine has opened a special fundraising account to support the  Ukrainian Army. The account accepts multiple currencies. 

The number of the special account: UA843000010000000047330992708.

Support Ukraine and Democracy in the World!

Ukrainian National Forestry University' Community

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