A trip that determines the future

1645172516757On February 15, 2022, in the framework of professional orientation the delegation of the Ukrainian National Forestry University represented by the head of the coordination center of career guidance, head of the Department of History of Ukraine, Economic Theory and Law Liubov Sheptytska, a group of teachers of design, and some students held four outreach meetings with high school students, teaching staff of three secondary schools and Gorodok Small Academy of Arts named after Petro Andrusiv. 

According to the plan, the first to be visited was the Velykolyubynsky Secondary Educational Institution of the Velykolyubynsky Village Council of the Lviv region. Subsequently, a meeting was held with students and Kateryna Blaschak, director of the secondary school in the village Rodatychi. The third institution that was visited for career guidance was the High school №2 in Gorodok.

A presentation about UNFU, existing directions and profiles of training, information about the university website, the rules of admission, etc. was presented to the attention of high school students and their teachers of all the above-mentioned schools.

The head of the Department of Design, Volodymyr Prusak additionally informed the students about the history of the department, its leading place in the design education system, about the creative and scientific activity of the department, the highly professional staff of the department and their role in training highly qualified design specialists.

Teachers of the Department of Design Zenovia Makar and Inna Prokopchuk in their speeches focused on the prospects of education in forestry, which successfully combines artistic and technical components, thorough theoretical and practical training, confidence in future employment, opportunities for self-development and personal growth. Emphasis was placed on the approaches to learning welcomed by the Department of Design - partnership, mutual respect and support of students in everything.

Vladyslava Lonchuk, a fifth-year student of the Department of Design, captivated students with a story about the existing student self-government, student leisure activities and opportunities to develop creative abilities and their participation in various cultural events. Later, students received answers to questions that interested them.

All students were given information booklets of UNFU in order to provide potential entrants with full information about admission, institutes and specialties, invited to visit on February 19, 2022 "Open Day" with sincere wishes of conscious choice of educational institution to obtain the desired profession.

Finally, the delegation visited the Gorodok Small Academy of Arts named after Petro Andrusiv that is one of the specialized art institutions in the network of art schools in Lviv region. The educational institution was founded in 2003, and since 2010 it has been named after a prominent Ukrainian artist, art critic Petro Andrusiv, known overseas and almost unknown in Ukraine. The artist’s creative output includes about 400 works: paintings, illustrations, church paintings. The teaching staff of the academy, led by the principal Olga Pivovar, kindly welcomed the delegation, conducted a tour and acquainted with the history of the school. Teachers of the Department of Design with special interest talked to the students, wished creative development to young talents and invited to visit UNFU.

Each meeting within the framework of career guidance aimed to convey to the students the objective information about the university, to promote specialties taking into account the value orientations and benefits of studying at UNFU.

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