The Association of UNFU Alumni founding meeting

IMG 2952Screenshot 15On February 21, 2022, the founding meeting of the Public Organization "Alumni Association of the State Higher Educational Institution “Ukrainian National Forestry University” took place.

The meeting was aimed to establish a public organization and approve its Charter. The Doctor of Technical Sciences and Professor Orest Kiyko, the head of the Department of Furniture and Wood Products of the Institute of Woodworking Technologies and Design of the National Forestry University of Ukraine was elected the head of the organization (Chairman of the Board).

The Board of the Association also included: Vice-Rector for Educational Work and International Relations Mykola Borys, directors of the Educational and Research Institutes Stepan Myklush, Igor Rebeznyuk, Volodymyr Maevskyi, Pavlo Dynka and Deputy Director of the Institute of Forestry and Park Gardening Sergiy Havryliuk.IMG 2954

Note that the main purposes of the Association of UNFU Alumni are:

  • uniting the efforts of graduates of all generations and friends of UNFU for the development of Alma-mater, preservation and increase of its traditions and spiritual values;
  • promoting the implementation of educational, scientific, socio-economic and industrial development projects of UNFU;
  • promoting the exchange of professional experience and ensuring relations of the Association members with the staff of UNFU;
  • protection of legitimate social, economic, creative and other interests of its members and promotion of scientific and technical development of Ukraine.

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