Appeal of the rector to the university

zahorskyyDear university community!

The Russian Federation launched a war against Ukraine, carrying out a full-scale invasion of our territory. Infrastructure facilities as well as residential buildings throughout our country were attacked.

The President signed a decree dated 24.02.2022 № 64/2022 “On the imposition of martial law in Ukraine”.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are repelling the enemy. All Ukrainian people have mobilized and are desperately resisting the Russian aggressor.

The whole world supported Ukraine in its efforts to protect its independence and territorial integrity.

At this extremely important time, the university staff is faced with the task of acting in an organized and responsible manner, consolidating their efforts and maintaining order. I urge each of you to follow the official information channels and information on the university website.

Regarding the work of the university at this time:

1) The university has a round-the-clock headquarters for operational management of the university in martial law.

2) The structural subdivisions that ensure the viability of the university work as usual.

3) The educational process continues in accordance with the curriculum and schedule of classes in distance mode. The university administration will decide on the recommendation of the Ministry of Education and Science to stop the educational process in all educational institutions and announce a two-week vacation.

4) Entrance to the educational buildings of the university for employees - only on service certificates.

We believe in the victory of the Ukrainian army and the Ukrainian people in the confrontation with the Russian aggressor. We are on our land, defending our home. The truth is on our side, and therefore - VICTORY!

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

Glory to Ukraine!

Rector, Volodymyr Zagorskyi

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