Associate Professor of the University Yuriy DADAK (Ukrainian poet Yuriy Ruf) died in the battle for Ukraine

dudak2dudak 1In the battle for Ukraine with the Russian occupiers on April 1, 2022 in Luhansk region the Associate Professor of sawmilling, carpentry and wood construction, PhD Yuriy DADAK was killed. He was a famous poet, public figure and founder of the literary and educational project (poetic pseudo – Yuriy Ruf).

On the first day of the large-scale war, Yuriy joined the 24th separate mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Yuriy DADAK was born on September 26, 1980 in Brzezany, Ternopil Region. He grew up in Lviv. He completed his general education in 1997 at Lviv Lyceum №93, and higher education at Ukrainian National Forestry University in 2002 with a degree in Woodworking Technology, obtaining the qualification of engineer-technologist. After graduating from the university, in 2008 he defended his dissertation thesis on "Improving the efficiency of dust collection in the processing of wood and wood materials" for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in specialty 05.23.06 Technology of woodworking, furniture and wood products. He graduated from the doctoral program, worked on completing his doctoral dissertation.

Since 2011 he has been an Associate Professor of the Department of Sawmilling Technologies, Joinery and Wooden Construction Products of Ukrainian National Forestry University. In his scientific work he focused on the development of scientifically sound standards for wood consumption in wooden houses, the scientific basis of capture and separation of waste in the processes of mechanical wood processing, effective processes of cleaning emissions of woodworking enterprises from wood dust.

From 2008 to 2014 he was a Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Technology for Academic Affairs (now – Educational and Scientific Institute of Woodworking and Computer Technology and Design). At a high scientific and methodological level he taught disciplines for students of the institute.

Yuriy Dadak carried out active educational and public activities. In 2010 he initiated the creation of the competition "Actual Patriotic Art" at the University (since 2015 - the Festival "Actual Patriotic Art"), which was actively attended first by students of design, and later by other students of the university. In 2015, Yuriy Dadak founded the NGO "Literary and Educational Project "Spirit of the Nation". He was a regular host of the Cold Yar Festival of the Unconquered Nation.

Yuriy began writing poetry at the age of 14. He chose the pseudonym "Yuriy Ruf" in 2011, when the collection "Crimson Lyrics" was being prepared for publication. He considered his poetry one of the types of poetic propaganda of patriotism, in which UKRAINE AND UKRAINIANS are glorified as a proud STATE AND NATION. He was one of the artists whose work promoted patriotic education, increased morale, motivated and sharpened the sense of national dignity.

During the poet's lifetime, a number of collections of his poems were published, including: "Crimson lyrics" (2012), "Time of the Revolution" (2014), "At the turn of the ages" (2015), "Vanilla or steel?!" (2022). Yuriy's poems were also included in the Ukrainian contemporary nationalist poetry collections “Voice of Blood” (2013) and “Echoes of Lead Thunder” (2015).

In particular, the collection "At the turn of the ages" (2015) is dedicated to Ukrainian heroes of the current Russian-Ukrainian war and contains poems that mention individuals, military units, Ukrainian soldiers, battles and other military events.

Yuriy Dadak's last post appeared on his Facebook page on March 19, a poem from the front line. He always glorified Ukrainian victories in his poetry, was a popularizer of everything Ukrainian and said: "Ukraine is above all."

The staff of Ukrainian National Forestry University expresses its deepest condolences his family.

Yuriy Dadak died as a HERO who defended his native Ukrainian land until his last breath.

The memory of this BRIGHT MAN, the faithful son of Ukraine will live in the hearts of everyone who knew him, as well as in his patriotic poems.




Last modified on Wednesday, 06 April 2022 09:49

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