The staff of the Botanical Garden of UNFU addressed the botanical community

1 stop2 Звернення 2The staff of the Botanical Garden of the Ukrainian National Forestry University  appealed to the botanical community abroad to support Ukrainians in their difficult struggle against the Russian invasion. The letter was sent to more than 90 botanical institutions in Europe, Asia and America.

Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, Switzerland, Monaco, United Kingdom, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Georgia, Bulgaria, Romania, Korea, Canada, United States – this is not yet a complete list of the countries with which the Botanical Garden has been actively cooperating in its best days and still maintains the connection. Our colleagues used to cooperate with Russian botanical gardens, but we have no common interests since the occupation of Crimea in 2014.

Thus, having such a wide range of contacts that have been developed over the years, we decided that it is our duty to inform our foreign colleagues about what is happening in Ukraine. In the letter, the staff of the Botanical Garden called on colleagues to publicly condemn Putin's Russian aggression against Ukraine and stressed that it is important for us to provide the support in any way - spiritual, informational, humanitarian, financial. Invoices were also sent for financial support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

We would like to exspress our gratitude to the Vice-Rector for Scientific Work Vasyl Lavny, as well as the Vice-Rector for Educational Work and International Relations Mykola Borys  for supporting, assisting and coordinating our actions.

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