By joint efforts towards VICTORY!

21 04 0002At this crucial time for our state, time of the the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, every Ukrainian is obliged to do everything that would bring us closer to victory over the invader.

From the first days of the large-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, the staff of the Ukrainian National Forestry University has been actively involved in the process of assisting the Armed Forces of Ukraine. On March 15, 2022, 425,000 hryvnias were transferred to the account of the 21 04 0001Military Medical Clinical Center of the Western Region (Lviv) for financial support of wounded soldiers and victims of the air strike on the International Center for Peacekeeping and Security.

At the suggestion of the Academic Council of the University, the university staff transfers monthly one-day earnings to the account of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Employees of the University and the Technological College provided assistance to the soldiers of the 24th separate mechanized brigade named after King Danylo, who are defending our country from the Russian aggressor on the front line. Medicine and foodstuffs were collected and sent, and money transfers were made to bank accounts to purchase the necessary military ammunition.

Employees of the departments and college of the university, as well as the scientific library, constantly provide assistance to military units, which protect our country from the Russian occupiers.

Extremely important work is carried out by employees of our university in the framework of volunteer activities, which have established the provision of significant humanitarian and financial assistance from foreign partners in Romania, Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and others.

Our defenders thank the university staff for their assistance, support and assistance.

Our help is a contribution to the great Victory of the Ukrainian people!

Together to the victory!

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