“FOR THE PROTECTION OF IDENTITY. EASTER”  Exhibition of paintings by Ostap Patik

2In Lviv, on April 20, 2022, in the halls of “PM Gallery”, Lviv, a personal art exhibition of Ostap Patyk - Honored Artist of Ukraine, Associate Professor of Design Department, Ukrainian National Forestry University, was opened. Ostap Patyk is an artist, teacher, designer, well known in art circles not only in Lviv and Ukraine, but also abroad. At the exhibition the author presented more than twenty ornamental and decorative compositions, interpreted on the deep foundation of the spiritual heritage of national art culture with its inexhaustible treasury of ancient icon painting and folk art.

The main message of the art project is the title itself - "FOR THE PROTECTION OF IDENTITY. EASTER”. Given the catastrophe of the bloody war unleashed by Russia, the problem of understanding national and cultural identity and its preservation is very important, because the enemy is aimed at destroying everything Ukrainian - history, culture, traditions, values. The concept of "national identity" provides an answer to the deeply philosophical question "Who are We?" This war, pain, fear for children, for the scorched native land devastate the soul, but at the same time add new meanings and colors of existence. 

The feeling of rage sown by the Russian invasion of Ukraine evokes powerful energy that must be used for effective action. Mastering his hatred of the enemy, Ostap Patyk with inner composure and emotional restraint has been working at the easel since the second day of the war. “War is not an excuse to stop doing the usual, it is necessary to move forward,” says the author, “because art - is also a weapon and its main function is to reflect a meaningful existence.”

In the presented works the artist reflects on the problem of self-identification as an original cultural and civilizational community with a bright stylistic tendency to the heritage of ancient art culture, which is manifested through color and form-creative aspects of works of art.

In search of figurative language of symbols in the works "Palm Sunday" (2021-2022), "Good Friday" (2021-2022), "Battle for Bucha" (2022), "Surroundings" (2022), "Stone Tomb (Melitopol)” (2022) and others. the artist includes a range of various geometric, abstract figures in complex relationships with each other. The main thing in the creation of these works is the original processing of Easter ornaments in order to create a special decorative space of paintings, which is built according to their own laws and ideas. All means of picturesque expression are subordinated to this task - rational, verified organization of the picture plane, orderliness of lines and forms. It is worth noting the color palette of works, which is built as colorful equivalents of the sum of compilations of the Ukrainian national archetype.

The motifs of decorative compositions reveal the national identity and multi-worldview of the artist, allow him to convey the inner philosophical meaning through cosmogonic symbols, ornamental, Easter egg motifs. The high technique of the works testifies to the refined expression of the artist's refined worldview and deep thinking.

The grand opening of the art project was attended by: Nadezhda Teslyuk, owner of "PM Gallery"; Igor Gavryshkevych, Chairman of the Union of Artists of Ukraine; Andriy Bokotey, Head of the Western Regional Research and Art Center of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine; Volodymyr Prusak, Head of the Design Department, UNFU; Yuriy Viznyak, General Director of the Lviv Palace of Arts. Friends, colleagues, teachers of the Design Department of UNFU, Lviv National Academy of Arts, and the artistic elite of Lviv in general came to congratulate Ostap Patyk on the opening of his personal exhibition and were the first to evaluate his works.

The exhibition will last until May 11, 2022.

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