Flash mob "Thank the Heroes!"

image1rufC:\Users\shepa\Downloads\IMG_0408.JPGOn September 11, we commemorate 200 days since the start of Russia's full-scale war against the Ukrainian people, 200 days of courageous resistance, suffering, tears, and indomitable heroism of the Defenders of Ukraine.

The best sons and daughters of Ukraine stood up for the defense of their native land in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. With weapons in their hands, they are fighting for the independence and territorial integrity of our Ukraine.

Many soldiers gave their lives for Ukraine, for each of us. Among them is Yuriy Dadak (Yuriy Ruf), associate professor at the Ukrainian National Forestry University. Our colleague Yuriy is a legend of Ukrainian nationalism, a fighter for justice, a poet, a teacher, and a youth mentor.

We bow our heads to the bright memory of Yuriy, and to all the Heroes who died for the freedom of Ukraine. We express our sincere condolences to the parents and families of the Heroes. We bow to you and sincerely respect you for raising such strong-spirited sons-warriors and defenders of our State. May heaven bless and embrace you in your grief, and give you the strength to survive this unspeakable loss.

We express our eternal bow and sincere words of gratitude to all our Defenders.

Thank you, our soldiers, for protecting Ukraine!

Thank you for a quiet and peaceful night!

Thank you, our Angels!

May God protect you!


Last modified on Thursday, 29 September 2022 13:34

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