CONGRATULATIONS! The Transcarpathian Forestry College celebrates its 75th anniversary since its foundation.

IMG 0258Rector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor VOLODYMYR ZAGORSKY, and the entire scientific and pedagogical staff and students of the University congratulate their colleagues from the Transcarpathian Forestry Technical College on the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the educational institution!

On this occasion, on September 15, 2022, the rector of the University took part in a solemn meeting to express his gratitude and present awards to educators, teachers, and dedicated employees for the essential work of training highly qualified specialists in the forestry industry.

"Your college takes a worthy place among the professional educational institutions of our country, we are proud of the organization of professional training and the introduction of European approaches to education, which we can see in the students' achievements.

Please accept our sincere congratulations and wishes for creative inspiration and success! May your experience and professionalism, creative and intellectual potential continue to strengthen our state, and your graduates support the authority of the Transcarpathian Forestry Technical College with good deeds! I wish you inspiration, tireless desire to implement the bravest projects, and significant achievements in professional activity!

Preserve and multiply the traditions of your "Alma Mater"!" - the rector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University VOLODYMYR ZAGORSKY addressed the staff of the College.

More about the event:

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