"For the Freedom, Honor, and Glory of Ukraine!" Yuriy Ruf

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The staff of the Ukrainian National Forestry University with regret and sorrow commemorated the HERO of Ukraine - Yuriy Ruf (Yuriy Dadak) on his birthday... With a moment of silence, prayer, kind words, flowers, and candles, the rectorate, colleagues, friends, and relatives honored the patriot who gave the most valuable - his life, for his native land, for freedom and independence.

The Rector of the University, Volodymyr Zagorsky, in his speech, expressed sympathy and gratitude to the parents for their son - a Hero, patriot, public figure, poet, scientist, screenwriter and publisher, founder of the conceptual literary project "Spirit of the Nation", which became influential in the right-wing nationalist environment, Ukrainian ideologist of nationalism and the military rock scene, an artist who, unfortunately, died in the war, defending his native land, fighting for the right to be free for the present and future generations of Ukrainians.

"We bow our heads to those who held and hold the sky safe over our cities, allowing us to study and work at this time, to defend democracy and human rights, to simply live... The memory of our fallen compatriots will always be in our hearts. We remember the past, understand the present, and think about the future! Eternal glory to our Heroes!" - the Rector of the University addressed the audience.

On September 26, 2022, the scientific and technical library of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, within the framework of the national project "Place of Honor and Gratitude", initiated by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, presented in the reading hall of the socio-economic library an ART-exhibition in memory of Yuriy Dadak "RUF IS PRESENT", visitors of which, with the help of QR codes presented at the ART-exhibition, were able to reproduce the poetry of Yuriy Ruf in his performance.

The employees of the Scientific and Technical Library of the University prepared and during the day broadcasted the video "In memory of Yuriy Ruf (Yuriy Dadak). He devoted himself entirely to Ukraine. Yuriy Ruf is forever among us", compiled a bibliographic index "Scientific work of Dadak Yuriy Romanovych", and also exhibited in the library's reading rooms the book exhibitions "Scientific work of Dadak Yuriy Romanovych" and the artistic and literary exhibition "Yuriy Ruf. POETRY. PUBLICITY".

At the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, materials, supplemented with photo and video materials, were prepared and sent for the formation of the annals "Education in Fire" (previous name):

Article: The flower of the nation. "We are only firewood in the fire of a great Idea" / Yuriy Ruf (Dadak) (access mode as of 09/26/2022)

The head of the design department Volodymyr Prusak and the teacher of the department Mazur Oksana (author's portraits of Yuriy Ruf), the trade union committee of the University (financial support) also joined the organization of this event, for which we are sincerely grateful.

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