Professor Pavlo BEKHTA is on the prestigious list of the world's most-cited scientists

behta logobehtaDear educational community of the Ukrainian National Forestry University! We are pleased to inform you that at the end of the year, among the top 2% of the world's most cited scientists, 14 scientists from the Lviv region were included in the ranking of the most influential scientists, among which one of the first places belongs already for the second time in a row to a doctor of technical sciences, professor, Academician of the Forestry Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Technologies of Wood Composite Materials, Celulose, and Paper Pavlo Antonovych Bekhta.

This is a traditional annual rating conducted by the publishing company Elsevier with the support of ICSR Lab (Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators) based on profiles of scientists on Scopus. A total of 108 Ukrainians from almost 190,000 scientists from all over the world got into this list.

We are proud of the achievements of our colleague in the world scientific space and sincerely congratulate Professor Pavlo Bekhta on his high achievements!

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