The teachers of the Department of Forestry Machines of the ESI of EMACIT of Ukrainian National Forestry University participated in the academic exchange program Erasmus+ (KA1) at the University of Ljubljana

The head of the Department of Forestry Machines, associate professor Oleg Styranivskyi and assistant of the Department of Forestry Machines Andriy Shchupak from October 10 to 14, 2022, participated in the academic exchange program Erasmus+ (KA1) at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia, Ljubljana). This exchange took place in accordance with the signed inter-university agreement between the Ukrainian National Forestry University and the University of Ljubljana. This is already the second internship of teachers in Ljubljana as part of the Erasmus+ program since 2018.

The teachers of the Department of Forestry Machines had the opportunity to get acquainted with the structure of the Faculty of Biotechnology, the programs of courses for the preparation of students of the first and second levels, to discuss the expansion of further cooperation, in particular, the internship programs of teachers and students with the deputy dean of the Faculty of Biotechnology, Professor Mateusz Mihelich, and the professor of the Department of Forest Technology and Economics Igor Potochnik. A working trip took place together with the forestry engineer of the State Forestry Service of Slovenia, Tina Mihelic, in the municipalities of Horiul and Žažar to get acquainted with the technologies and technical support of forestry enterprises.

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