The Ukrainian National Forestry University is a participant in the All-Ukrainian project "Ukraine. Scientists and educators: indomitable in the war."

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Since the introduction of martial law by the decree of the President of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the staff of the Ukrainian National Forestry University not only provides high-quality educational services but also participates in various ways in good deeds, defending the native land at the frontlines or providing other assistance, overcoming all difficulties on the way to victory. We express special gratitude to the scientific and pedagogical workers who defend the state on the frontlines for their strength of spirit and their indomitability, because they are those people who do not naturally hold a machine gun in their hands; their weapon is knowledge, but patriotism and the desire to live in a free country have changed their professional activities. The charitable contributions of employees are aimed at helping military personnel undergoing treatment and rehabilitation. We purchased critical medical equipment for the "Heart and Main Vessels Clinic" of the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Western Region and the ENT Department of the Lviv Regional Hospital for War Veterans and Repressed Named after Yu. Lypy", where the lives of wounded soldiers are saved. Many forest technicians, at the first opportunity, joined a large team of volunteers and dedicated themselves to good deeds, rescuing and helping others, and supporting those who are currently defending our freedom and territorial integrity or are among internally displaced persons.

The team of our university showed such an active position during the All-Ukrainian project "Ukraine. Scientists and educators: indomitable in the war" and received a diploma from the educational leadership of the state for significant contribution to educational, volunteer, and public activities, active resistance to aggression, and loyalty to the Ukrainian idea.

It is pleasant that there are many such caring and devoted people at the Ukrainian National Forestry University; each of them deserves special thanks and a low bow!

In unity, there is strength! Together to victory!

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