The graduate student from UNFU became the laureate of the regional award for employees of scientific institutions of higher education in the Lviv region in 2023.

DSC06317On May 29, 2023, the award ceremony of the Lviv Regional Military Administration and the Lviv Regional Council for employees of scientific institutions and higher education institutions of the Lviv Region took place in the House of Scientists. The awards were presented by the head of the Lviv Regional Military Administration, Maksym Kozytskyi, his deputy, Ivan Sobko, and the director of the Department of Education and Science, Oleg Paska.

"A state has a chance to become a real state when science is alive in it. Even during this war, we clearly see that the war is won by people, but people who are armed with modern technologies and knowledge," the head of the region noted. Maksym Kozytskyi thanked the scientists for the fact that, despite having hundreds of opportunities, they stayed to work in Ukraine.

This year, 306 employees of scientific institutions and institutions of higher education submitted candidacies to participate in the competitive selection. According to the results of the competitive selection, 171 teachers and scientists received regional awards.

Among the laureates is Seneta Zoryana, a graduate student at our university.

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"I am sincerely thankful to my native Ukrainian National Forestry University, the teachers of the Department of Environmental Economics and Business, and my scientific supervisor Ion Dubovich for the opportunity to be one of the laureates of the regional award for employees of scientific institutions and higher education institutions of the Lviv region in 2023," said Zoryana when receiving the award.

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