Always ready to help!

Yesterday, June 13, the rector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, Volodymyr Zahorskyi, and the director of the Technical College of UNFU, Roman Dadak, gladly welcomed Viktor Lyseik, a 1986 graduate of the Mechanical Faculty of UNFU, to the walls of his native Alma Mater. He is the commander of the anti-tank guided missile battery of the 24th of the separate mechanized brigade named after King Danylo and a member of the ATO since 2015. However, at the moment, he is not commissioned due to his health.

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With words of gratitude, he came to meet the university administration and volunteers, Lyubov Sheptytska and Maryan Bodnar, our defenders, to whom the university community transferred UAH 70,000 in September 2022 for spine surgery.

Since the beginning of the aggression of the Russian Federation, the forest engineers have been acting unitedly and actively resisting the enemy—some fight at the frontlines, others become reliable rearguards and help. Together to victory!

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