The opening of the Educational and Professional Program "Environmental Law" at the Ukrainian National Forestry University requires improving the professional skills of the teaching staff.

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Lecturers of the Department of History of Ukraine, Economic Theory, and Law, the Department of Botany, Wood Science, and Non-Timber Forest Resources, and employees of the University's Legal Department took part in the Training "Peculiarities of Pretrial Investigation of Criminal Offenses Against the Environment", which was held in Kyiv from May 30 to June 1, 2023. The event was organized by the public union "World Nature Fund of The event was organized by the public union "World Nature Fund of Ukraine" (WWF-Ukraine) as part of the SWIPE ( project. The national report on crimes against wildlife in Ukraine for the period 2015–2020 can be found at the link: One of the organizers of the training was the legal adviser of UNFU, a lawyer and senior expert on socio-political issues at WWF-Ukraine, Sofia Shutyak.

During the training course, the practical aspects of conducting an investigation of criminal offenses affecting the environment and conducting investigative (search) actions taking into account national and international law were considered. The discussion was attended by representatives of customs, law enforcement agencies, the court, the prosecutor's office, the national police, the legal community, the Ministry of Environment, the World Wildlife Fund Ukraine, scientific organizations, and institutions that developed methodological and educational materials for the training.

All Training participants received Certificates of participation in the event.

It should be noted that this year the university licensed a new educational and professional program "Environmental Law", specialty 081 Law, which will allow the training of highly qualified legal specialists capable of solving complex specialized tasks and solving problems in the field of law in practice, protecting and representing the rights, freedoms, and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, in particular in the field of environmental protection.

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