Paul Manandise, an extraordinary Frenchman with a Ukrainian soul and a true patriot of our country, visited UNFU.

IMG 0363Ukraine and its heroes are known in all civilized countries of the world; they support us and are proud of us; they come to us and are impressed by our beauty; but at the same time, they sympathize with us and are amazed at our endurance, unity, and patriotism. Unfortunately, we hear the expression "Heroes never die" every day, but its meaning is that they really live on in their noble and desperate deeds and the creativity that they left to us.

One of such modern heroes is our Yuriy Ruf, whose patriotism, love of freedom, and creativity led to the Ukrainian National Forestry University. A famous figure, a Frenchman with a Ukrainian soul, and a true patriot of our country, Paul Manandise, who has been actively supporting Ukraine and our army since 2015, informs the world about the war and the real needs of our country and the army.

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Volodymyr Zahorskyi, rector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University; Mykola Borys, vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work and international relations; and Ion Dubovych, head of the department of environmental economics and business, met with a special guest to talk about Yury Ruf and to contribute to the continuation of the work started by him. The meeting was very emotional and soulful; they talked about Yuriy Ruf's work, the literary and educational project "Spirit of the Nation", the national idea, and Ukraine in general.

With great interest, Paul Manandiz visited the Memorial of Memory in the Scientific and Technical Library of the National Technical University of Ukraine and got acquainted with the exhibition of Yuri Ruf's works because, during the last year, he has been voicing his poems.

"Ukraine is my paradise!" says Paul Manandise, and in one interview he noted: "Today, the European state Ukraine is on the frontline defending all of Europe, and Europe should thank Ukraine for the fact that its best sons and daughters give their lives for a peaceful Europe. (...) The Ukrainian mentality is very important. Europe is used to individualism. Using the example of Ukraine's volunteer movement and volunteers, Europeans can be reminded that we, the people, are very strong when we are together. And I believe that my mission is to tell the world the truth about Ukraine—about its history, its culture, and its war."

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