Cooperation is sealed by a memorandum.

On June 21, 2023, the Rector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Volodymyr Zahorskyi, and the Chief of the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Western Region, Colonel of the Medical Service Volodymyr Kniginitskyi, signed a memorandum of cooperation aimed at solving urgent issues of innovative, institutional, and organizational development of security health and strengthening the capacity of the military medical institution of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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In accordance with the provisions of the Memorandum, it is envisaged to consolidate efforts aimed at joint activities in the preparation of concepts, programs, and plans for the development of health care and medicine, the organization of professional training of employees of the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Western Region through training, retraining, specialization, and advanced training in the field of public management and administration, as well as the implementation of joint projects, trainings, conferences, etc.

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Conceptual development, which was repeatedly discussed by the heads of institutions, and working meetings to determine the main areas of cooperation, which took place at the initiative of the head of the Center for Professional Development of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, associate professor Andriy Lipentsev, deputy head of the Center for the Medical Department of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, colonel of the medical service Olga Zachepa, and the head of the surgery clinic, Mykhailo Syroyd, were sealed by signing an official document.

During the meeting, those present shared strategic developments in the work and perspectives and discussed the first joint projects for the rehabilitation of patients with the involvement of the resource potential of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, so that the treatment of patients at the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Western Region was as comfortable and efficient as possible. The meeting ended with mutual hopes for fruitful cooperation and the successful implementation of everything planned. TOGETHER TO VICTORY!

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