The professor of UNFU took part in the "IX Congress of the Union of Ukrainians of Romania."

On October 21–22, 2023, the "IXth Congress of the Union of Ukrainians of Romania" took place, where the head of the Department of Environmental Economics and Business, Professor Ion Dubovych represented the Ukrainian National Forestry University.

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The Congress brought together more than 400 representatives from Romania, Ukraine, Belgium, the Republic of Moldova, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and other countries, as it is important not only for Ukrainians in Romania but also for other countries.

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The "IX Congress of the Union of Ukrainians of Romania" became a communication platform for defining, first of all, strategic goals for the short, medium, and long term, as well as for discussing the activities of the Union of Ukrainians of Romania for the period from October 27, 2019 to today.

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In his speech, Professor Ion Dubovych sincerely thanked the head of the SUR, deputy Mykola Myroslav Petrecki, and all citizens of Romania who provided assistance to Ukraine during the Russian-Ukrainian war. He noted that the head of the SUR, MP Mykola Myroslav Petretskyi, is making every effort to support Ukraine on the way to European and Euro-Atlantic integration. Professor Ion Dubovych also drew attention to the fact that today Ukraine protects not only Ukrainians but also all other nations. That is why Romania should be interested in supporting Ukraine in all spheres: military and defense, economic, political, scientific, and educational.

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